Crime Awareness FAQ
What's the most common crime that happens on campus?
The vast majority of crime on campus is property crime which is mainly theft of unattended property. The more common areas to have property stolen are in any publicly accessible areas on campus, this includes the libraries, Information Commons, Damen Student Center, and common areas in resisdence halls.
Does Campus Safety see a large number of residence hall rooms burglarized?
Generally speaking the Residence Halls on campus are very safe. All Residence Halls require someone use a Loyola ID authorized for that building to enter. All of our first year residence halls and many of our upperclasss halls have desk personnel who are stationed at the entrance to check in guests. All Resident Hall rooms have dead-bolts on the doors as well as a peephole to look out. Very few burglaries are reported from Residence Halls every year, however, when they do occur it is because the residents of the room did not lock their doors.
For maximum safety it is strongly recommended that residents lock their room at all times, even when they are inside of it.