Structure and Committees
The HGSA President serves as the primary representative for History graduate students and calls and runs the monthly meetings. Additionally, the President facilitates the organization of events of interest for the History graduate student community.
Vice President
The HGSA Vice President (VP) fulfills the President’s duties if the President is otherwise unable. The VP also serves as the graduate student liaison to the History Department faculty meetings and as History Department liaison to the meetings of the Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC).
The HGSA Treasurer is responsible for managing the budget allocated through Student Activity fees and handles all monies the HGSA may acquire.
The HGSA Secretary records meeting minutes and distributes them on the HGSA-maintained e-mail listserv. The Secretary also is in charge of leading the Mentorship Program.
Media Coordinator
The HGSA Media Coordinator is in charge of print and electronic media for the organization, including, but not limited to, advertising future HGSA events.
Conference Committee
The HGSA Conference committee is chaired by two graduate students who organize and administrate our annual conference which is run entirely by Loyola graduate students. The two co-chairs have chief responsibility for the conference's planning and execution, but all HGSA members are encouraged to participate as panel moderators, registration desk volunteers, and presenters. Graduate students from all over the country are invited to present. For more information, see the HGSA Conference page.
Dissertation Writing Group
The Dissertation Writing Group provides support for PhD students working on dissertations or dissertation proposals. The group chair organizes work sessions for group members who want to work on their dissertations in the company of their peers, as well as chapter review meetings, where group members provide each other with feedback about chapter drafts.
Public History Committee
The Public History Committee serves as a resource for all history graduate students interested in public history. The committee organizes field trips and other events pertaining to public history. It also provides resources for students interested in internships and professional development, as well as resources for navigating the job market.
The Public History Committee also maintains The Lakefront Historian, the Loyola history graduate student-run public history blog.
Graduate Student Mentor Program
The Graduate Student Mentor Program connects each incoming first-year history graduate student with a rising second-year history graduate student, who acts as the new student's guide and mentor. The Program gives new students practical, student-centered support for their first year of grad school and builds relationships across cohorts and among alumni. The Program is entirely student-run.
The HGSA President serves as the primary representative for History graduate students and calls and runs the monthly meetings. Additionally, the President facilitates the organization of events of interest for the History graduate student community.
Vice President
The HGSA Vice President (VP) fulfills the President’s duties if the President is otherwise unable. The VP also serves as the graduate student liaison to the History Department faculty meetings and as History Department liaison to the meetings of the Graduate Student Advisory Council (GSAC).
The HGSA Treasurer is responsible for managing the budget allocated through Student Activity fees and handles all monies the HGSA may acquire.
The HGSA Secretary records meeting minutes and distributes them on the HGSA-maintained e-mail listserv. The Secretary also is in charge of leading the Mentorship Program.
Media Coordinator
The HGSA Media Coordinator is in charge of print and electronic media for the organization, including, but not limited to, advertising future HGSA events.
Conference Committee
The HGSA Conference committee is chaired by two graduate students who organize and administrate our annual conference which is run entirely by Loyola graduate students. The two co-chairs have chief responsibility for the conference's planning and execution, but all HGSA members are encouraged to participate as panel moderators, registration desk volunteers, and presenters. Graduate students from all over the country are invited to present. For more information, see the HGSA Conference page.
Dissertation Writing Group
The Dissertation Writing Group provides support for PhD students working on dissertations or dissertation proposals. The group chair organizes work sessions for group members who want to work on their dissertations in the company of their peers, as well as chapter review meetings, where group members provide each other with feedback about chapter drafts.
Public History Committee
The Public History Committee serves as a resource for all history graduate students interested in public history. The committee organizes field trips and other events pertaining to public history. It also provides resources for students interested in internships and professional development, as well as resources for navigating the job market.
The Public History Committee also maintains The Lakefront Historian, the Loyola history graduate student-run public history blog.
Graduate Student Mentor Program
The Graduate Student Mentor Program connects each incoming first-year history graduate student with a rising second-year history graduate student, who acts as the new student's guide and mentor. The Program gives new students practical, student-centered support for their first year of grad school and builds relationships across cohorts and among alumni. The Program is entirely student-run.