
Adriaan Theodoor Peperzak, PhD

Arthur J. Schmitt Professor, Philosophy Department

Aanspraak en Bezinning

Aanspraak en Bezinning: April 2007

(ISBN: 978-90-8687-0080-0)


This is a collection of my essays in Dutch about epistemological, ethical, and metaphilosophical topics (such as truth, speaking, desire, friendship, relations between philosophy and theology).

Thinking. From Solitude to Dialogue and Contemplation

Fordham University Press: 2006

(ISBN: 0-8232-2618-2)


The subtitle indicates three stages on the way of a self-critical manner of thinking.

Philosophy between Faith and Philosophy

Notre Dame University Press: 2005

(ISBN: 0-268-03886-4)


The addresses to Catholic Intellectuals that are collected in this volume shows how the philosophy produced by Christians relates to their faith and theology. This relation is illustrated by analyses of wonderment, gratitude, hope, ontology and apophatic theology.

Elements of Ethics

Stanford University Press, Stanford: 2004

(ISBN: 0-8047-4770-9)


How should I live? If the answer lies in "Be yourself!" how then does this imply specific relations to nature, other persons, various communities, our own body and freedom, our responsibility and catharsis, and human history?

The Quest for Meaning. Friends of Wisdom from Plato to Levinas

Fordham University, New York: 2003

(ISBN: 0-8232-2278-0 & 082322772)


On learning how to philosophize under the guidance of some classics of thinking, for whom philosophy was never cut off from the basic questions of human existence.

Modern Freedom. Hegel's Legal, Moral, and Political Philosophy

Boston, Springer-Kluwer: 2001

(ISBN: 1-4020-0288-2)


A full Explanation of Hegel Philosophy of Law, Morals, the Family, Economics, the Nation State, International Law, and Political History. This is a complete Commentary and Interpretation of Hegel's "Elements of the Philosophy of Right", published in 1820, and the parallel parts of the first edition of his "Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences," published in 1817.

To read more about Professor Peperzak, visit this page.

Arthur J. Schmitt Professor, Philosophy Department