

Faculty, Staff, and Students

You can find the bios, research interests, office numbers, and email addresses of our faculty and staff here

Advisory Groups

Computer Science Student Advisory Council

CS-STAC is a student-governed council within the Computer Science department. This council communicates directly between the leaders and faculty of the department and the computer science body to better the CS department. You can find more information here to learn more about CS-STAC, view the current members, and suggest feedback to improve the department.

Program Advisory Committee

Loyola University Chicago’s Computer Science Program Advisory Committee (PAC) consists of industry leaders and subject matter experts who help the department incorporate real-world concerns into its activities and create curricula that continue to meet the changing needs of the industry.

Alumni Group

The Loyola Computer Science alumni group on LinkedIn is an effective and fun way for Loyola CS alumni to stay connected with each other and the department. This is your group! Please help it succeed by participating actively and sharing it with your CS alumni contacts within LinkedIn and outside. 

Faculty, Staff, and Students

You can find the bios, research interests, office numbers, and email addresses of our faculty and staff here

Advisory Groups

Computer Science Student Advisory Council

CS-STAC is a student-governed council within the Computer Science department. This council communicates directly between the leaders and faculty of the department and the computer science body to better the CS department. You can find more information here to learn more about CS-STAC, view the current members, and suggest feedback to improve the department.

Program Advisory Committee

Loyola University Chicago’s Computer Science Program Advisory Committee (PAC) consists of industry leaders and subject matter experts who help the department incorporate real-world concerns into its activities and create curricula that continue to meet the changing needs of the industry.

Alumni Group

The Loyola Computer Science alumni group on LinkedIn is an effective and fun way for Loyola CS alumni to stay connected with each other and the department. This is your group! Please help it succeed by participating actively and sharing it with your CS alumni contacts within LinkedIn and outside.