Opt-In Process
For eligible students who have not been billed automatically (can be confirmed in LOCUS), please complete the steps below:
- Complete and submit the opt-in form.
- An email will be sent confirming the student’s eligibility. If accepted, the email will direct the student to complete payment by credit card.
- After payment is received, the student’s card will be ordered/activated.
Please allow up to 48 business hours for card activation. If a card has not been ordered previously and a picture is on file, please expect a delivery time of 5-7 business days. If no picture is on file, please submit your picture to the Campus Card office and allow 5-7 business days for delivery after your photo has been accepted.
*The final date to opt-in will be Wednesday, February 19th, 2025. Eligibility will be verified again on February 20th, 2025. A refund will be given and the U-Pass will be deactivated if the eligibility criteria is not met at that time.