Rachel (Egly) Rogers
Title/s: Research Associate, Lab Manager
Office #: SES 219
CV Link: Rachel Egly Rogers CV 2024
Rachel (Egly) Rogers has been at the School of Environmental Science since 2018 as a research associate and lab manager for the Keller Lab. She completed her Masters in Eric Larson’s lab at University of Illinois with a thesis on species distribution modeling for an invasive crayfish species in the Great Lakes and native crayfish of conservation concern in the Western U.S. She became interested in freshwater ecology and invasive species during her undergraduate degree while working as an intern for the U.S. Geological Survey.
- BS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2016)
- MS, Natural Resources and Environmental Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2018)
Research Interests
I am interested in freshwater ecology and invasive species, and many of my projects focus on aquatic invertebrates including crayfish. As lab manager, I oversee the day-to-day efforts of the lab and mentor students while completing research. Projects I am currently working on include ongoing removal efforts for invasive red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in the North Branch of the Chicago River, the effect of water temperature and other variables in determining crayfish distribution, and testing of the effects of a lab-scale electric barrier on invasive invertebrates.
Courses Taught
- ENVS 101: The Scientific Basis of Environmental Issues
Selected Publications
Egly, R.M., Polak, R.D., Cook, Z.A., Moy, H.D., Staunton, J.T., Keller, R.P., 2021. Development and first tests of a lab-scale electric field for investigating potential effects of electric barriers on aquatic invasive invertebrates. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9(214)
Egly, R.M., O’Shaughnessey, E.M., Keller, R.P., 2021. Updated occurrence data and species distribution modeling of the invasive scud Apocorophium lacustre in the Mississippi River, Upper St. Lawrence River, and Great Lakes Basins. Freshwater Science 40(1) 162-174
Egly, R.M., Annis, G., Chadderton, W.L., Peters, J.A., Larson, E.R., 2019. Predicting the potential distribution of the nonnative Red Swamp Crayfish Procambarus clarkii in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research 45(1)
Egly, R.M., Larson, E.R., 2018. Distribution, habitat associations, and conservation status updates for the pilose crayfish Pacifastacus gambelii (Girard, 1852) and Snake River pilose crayfish Pacifastacus connectens (Faxon, 1914) of the western United States. PeerJ 6:e5668