
RAD 412

Radiology (RAD)

Dept. Contact:

Susan Ruffolo


LUH - Russo Entrance (Blg 103)/Room 0060






Department: Radiology 
Course Number: RAD-412
Course Title: Pediatric Radiology
No. of Students:
Site: LUMC
Supervisor: Jennifer Lim-Dunham, MD
Duration: 4 weeks 
Periods Offered: Only Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov
Prerequisite: Available to third and fourth year students
Special Note:  

During interview months, up to five days may be requested off as excused absences for residency interviews. No more than five missed days are allowed.


The elective focuses upon introducing the fourth year student to gain familiarity with the field of Pediatric Radiology. The student will learn the basic indications for pediatric imaging and learn how to interpret various pediatric imaging studies. This elective is intended for students planning to pursue pediatric residency.

Objectives of course:

1. To present a pediatric radiology case to the radiology residents and attending staff at the end of the rotation
2. To read relevant journal and texts
3. To gain knowledge about cross sectional anatomy
4. To observe pediatric fluoroscopic procedures performed in the department
5. To attend film reading session daily and participate in related discussions

Method of Evaluation:

Clinical evaluation will be done based on daily service participation and reading assignments and formal classroom presentation on a radiologic topic.  

Dept. Contact:

Susan Ruffolo


LUH - Russo Entrance (Blg 103)/Room 0060






Department: Radiology 
Course Number: RAD-412
Course Title: Pediatric Radiology
No. of Students:
Site: LUMC
Supervisor: Jennifer Lim-Dunham, MD
Duration: 4 weeks 
Periods Offered: Only Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov
Prerequisite: Available to third and fourth year students
Special Note:  

During interview months, up to five days may be requested off as excused absences for residency interviews. No more than five missed days are allowed.


The elective focuses upon introducing the fourth year student to gain familiarity with the field of Pediatric Radiology. The student will learn the basic indications for pediatric imaging and learn how to interpret various pediatric imaging studies. This elective is intended for students planning to pursue pediatric residency.

Objectives of course:

1. To present a pediatric radiology case to the radiology residents and attending staff at the end of the rotation
2. To read relevant journal and texts
3. To gain knowledge about cross sectional anatomy
4. To observe pediatric fluoroscopic procedures performed in the department
5. To attend film reading session daily and participate in related discussions

Method of Evaluation:

Clinical evaluation will be done based on daily service participation and reading assignments and formal classroom presentation on a radiologic topic.