
MED 443

Medicine (MED)

Dept. Contact Maureen Flaherty
Location SSOM Rm. 300
Phone 708-216-5319
Email mflaherty@luc.edu


Department: Medicine
Course Number: MED-443
Course Title: Rheumatology Consults
No. of Students: 1
Supervisor: Rochella Ostrowski, MD
Duration: 2 or 4 weeks*
Periods Offered: Year round, except July 2025, Dec. 22-31, 2025, Jan. 1-11, 2026, and March 23-31, 2026.
Prerequisite: Completion of Medicine or Surgery Clerkship.
Special Note:

*Available to M3 students for four-week rotation only. Available to M4 students for two- or four-week rotation.

Elective is conducted at both Loyola and HVA. (Visiting students rotate at Loyola only.)

Email Dr. Ostrowski, rostrowski@lumc.edu, 1-2 weeks before the start of rotation for instructions on where to report on your first day of the rotation. 

Rheumatology Fellows Office located in Mulcahy Center, second floor, office 2525.


This is both an outpatient and inpatient-based elective. The student will actively participate in rheumatology clinics at both Hines VA and Loyola University hospitals. (Visiting students will only rotate at Loyola.) Inpatient consults in rheumatology/immunology will also be seen at Loyola. A weekly rheumatology conference provides additional educational opportunity.

SSOM students will attend clinic at Hines on Tuesdays. Please make sure your Hines access is in place and active well in advance of the start of your elective.

Method of Evaluation:

Participation in rounds and case presentations. Discussion of cases presented and evidence of reading in rheumatology and immunology. Participation in conferences.

This course is graded Honors/High Pass/Pass/Fail.

Grading Rubric/Expectations for Students:

Pass, students meet basic expectations such as seeing patients they are assigned to on the inpatient side, presenting their cases at rounds and writing notes appropriately, reading up on case topics they are involved in, and being professional (being on time, showing up every day).  They often propose an assessment and plan appropriately and independently.  Similar expectations for the clinics, and coming to lectures or conferences whenever applicable.  

High Pass, students meet but also go beyond basic expectations.  They present cases in a way that is thorough and relevant enough that the team rarely has to request or look up additional information.  Always prepared for rounds by pre-rounding.  They have the knowledge base and motivation to formulate an assessment and plan appropriately and independently.  Always show evidence of reading on topics around assigned patients.  Similar expectations for clinics and lectures/conferences when applicable. 

Honors, students meet but also go beyond High Pass expectations.  They work at the level of an intern, contacting consulting services with recommendations.  They have the knowledge base and motivation to always formulate assessments and plans appropriately/independently.  They not only know their own patients very well, but show evidence of reading around cases followed by other team members.  They read around those topics or are knowledgeable about outcomes/progress for those patients.  Similar expectations for clinics and lectures/conferences when applicable. 

Dept. Contact Maureen Flaherty
Location SSOM Rm. 300
Phone 708-216-5319
Email mflaherty@luc.edu


Department: Medicine
Course Number: MED-443
Course Title: Rheumatology Consults
No. of Students: 1
Supervisor: Rochella Ostrowski, MD
Duration: 2 or 4 weeks*
Periods Offered: Year round, except July 2025, Dec. 22-31, 2025, Jan. 1-11, 2026, and March 23-31, 2026.
Prerequisite: Completion of Medicine or Surgery Clerkship.
Special Note:

*Available to M3 students for four-week rotation only. Available to M4 students for two- or four-week rotation.

Elective is conducted at both Loyola and HVA. (Visiting students rotate at Loyola only.)

Email Dr. Ostrowski, rostrowski@lumc.edu, 1-2 weeks before the start of rotation for instructions on where to report on your first day of the rotation. 

Rheumatology Fellows Office located in Mulcahy Center, second floor, office 2525.


This is both an outpatient and inpatient-based elective. The student will actively participate in rheumatology clinics at both Hines VA and Loyola University hospitals. (Visiting students will only rotate at Loyola.) Inpatient consults in rheumatology/immunology will also be seen at Loyola. A weekly rheumatology conference provides additional educational opportunity.

SSOM students will attend clinic at Hines on Tuesdays. Please make sure your Hines access is in place and active well in advance of the start of your elective.

Method of Evaluation:

Participation in rounds and case presentations. Discussion of cases presented and evidence of reading in rheumatology and immunology. Participation in conferences.

This course is graded Honors/High Pass/Pass/Fail.

Grading Rubric/Expectations for Students:

Pass, students meet basic expectations such as seeing patients they are assigned to on the inpatient side, presenting their cases at rounds and writing notes appropriately, reading up on case topics they are involved in, and being professional (being on time, showing up every day).  They often propose an assessment and plan appropriately and independently.  Similar expectations for the clinics, and coming to lectures or conferences whenever applicable.  

High Pass, students meet but also go beyond basic expectations.  They present cases in a way that is thorough and relevant enough that the team rarely has to request or look up additional information.  Always prepared for rounds by pre-rounding.  They have the knowledge base and motivation to formulate an assessment and plan appropriately and independently.  Always show evidence of reading on topics around assigned patients.  Similar expectations for clinics and lectures/conferences when applicable. 

Honors, students meet but also go beyond High Pass expectations.  They work at the level of an intern, contacting consulting services with recommendations.  They have the knowledge base and motivation to always formulate assessments and plans appropriately/independently.  They not only know their own patients very well, but show evidence of reading around cases followed by other team members.  They read around those topics or are knowledgeable about outcomes/progress for those patients.  Similar expectations for clinics and lectures/conferences when applicable.