
Course Planners

Course Planners

Best practices and guidelines to assist in the design and delivery of CE

Focus on the Educational Needs (the underlying cause of a practice gap)

Knowledge A new understanding of a topic or procedure Example: understand guidelines
Competence Determining how to put knowledge into action, forming a plan Example: care coordination and strategies for clinician shift changes
Implementing the new strategy of competence into practice.
Changing what you do as a result of the new knowledge.
Example: practice effectively implementing steps for a new clinical procedure. 

Also, patient outcomes and assessment 

Patient Outcomes: Areas of potential impact that result from the effect of changing the learner competence and performance. Can include safe care, patient health status, patient satisfaction, patient engagement.
Assessment: Methods or tools used to evaluate and measure learned change.

Whether you are just beginning to make decisions on your content or have already identified the content you want to include, we can help. This resource is meant to assist planners with the development of the educational content. 

CE Educator's Toolkit

Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education. 2022. CE Educator’s Toolkit: Evidence-based design and implementation strategies for effective continuing education. http://www.accme.org/ceeducatorstoolkit

Best practices and guidelines to assist in the design and delivery of CE

Focus on the Educational Needs (the underlying cause of a practice gap)

Knowledge A new understanding of a topic or procedure Example: understand guidelines
Competence Determining how to put knowledge into action, forming a plan Example: care coordination and strategies for clinician shift changes
Implementing the new strategy of competence into practice.
Changing what you do as a result of the new knowledge.
Example: practice effectively implementing steps for a new clinical procedure. 

Also, patient outcomes and assessment 

Patient Outcomes: Areas of potential impact that result from the effect of changing the learner competence and performance. Can include safe care, patient health status, patient satisfaction, patient engagement.
Assessment: Methods or tools used to evaluate and measure learned change.

Whether you are just beginning to make decisions on your content or have already identified the content you want to include, we can help. This resource is meant to assist planners with the development of the educational content. 

CE Educator's Toolkit

Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education. 2022. CE Educator’s Toolkit: Evidence-based design and implementation strategies for effective continuing education. http://www.accme.org/ceeducatorstoolkit