Loyola University Chicago

University Staff Council

Jodi Goode

Jodi Goode


Name: Jodi Goode 

Title/s: Academic Advisor 

E-mail: jgoode@luc.edu 

Department/School/Division: School of Social Work 

Campus: WTC 

Years at Loyola: 4 

What is your favorite thing about working at Loyola? My students, colleagues, and embodying Cura Personalis 

What is your most memorable achievement as a Loyola employee? Advocating for a high achieving student who was going to withdraw due to inability to pay for school and collaborating with the Financial Aid Office to secure sufficient funding for the student 

What does Loyola's mission mean to you? Social justice and caring for the whole person are my passions and how I live my life. If I’m going to spend a lot of time working, I need to believe in and act on Loyola’s mission, and I trust Loyola will do the same. 

What motivates you to succeed each and every day? My students and colleagues! 

Tell us how you show your Rambler pride: I have a long sleeved Loyola shirt, but it’s quite faded, so I don’t know that I can wear it to work anymore… in need of a new one….hint, hint. ðŸ˜Š Seriously though, I love Loyola, brag to family and friends how much I enjoy my job, and hope to catch a basketball game, a play, and a dance performance this year! 

Tell us something most people at Loyola would be surprised to know about youI had to ponder this one because I’m kind of an open-book. Here goes: When I was a little kid, I had an imaginary friend named Murphy. I named him Murphy so I could partake in dinner table conversation because my dad had a colleague with the last name of Murphy, and he was always talking about Murphy this and Murphy that. This way, every time he mentioned Murphy, I could annoying ask, “my Murphy or your Murphy?” until he’d get so exasperated that he’d yell, “MY MURPHYYYY!” Over the years, I somehow forgot about Murphy until one day in adulthood, the question came up as to whether I had an imaginary friend as a kid. I said no, and my mom and sister who were present were like, “What??? What about Murphy???!!!” And it all came flooding back.