
Navigating New Beginnings

By: Bora Cecia and Andrea Vargas  


Imagine stepping onto a campus where the vibrant energy of Chicago meets the serene beauty of Lake Michigan's shores. This is where your journey at the School of Communication (SOC) at Loyola University Chicago begins. From the very first day, you're not just starting college; you're embarking on a transformative adventure that promises not only academic excellence but a journey of personal discovery and growth.  


Transitioning to university life is a monumental step, and Loyola understands this. First-year students, like Diora Kutrolli, often find the change both exhilarating and challenging. 


“It’s been a steep learning curve. Having classes spread out to two and three times a week has made studying and balancing other responsibilities much easier, which I didn’t even think of or expect!” said Kutrolli. 


One of the most special components about studying at Loyola is its incredible location in Chicago. This allows students to experience the lively city atmosphere while seeking opportunities to work with professionals in their fields. 


“Studying in Chicago lets it be my “playground,” so rather than feeling confined to just Loyola and its campus, you are also very integrated into Chicago,” 

Kutrolli said,  


Deciding on where to spend the next four years of your educational journey is no easy decision. 


“My advice to prospective students would be that there are much more resources and opportunities for them than they might currently expect, so I encourage them to thoroughly explore both Loyola and Chicago,”  Kutrolli said. 


As the second semester unfolds, graduate students reflect on how far they've come and set goals for the future.  


“We had the honor of hosting multiple guest speakers this semester, and it was really eye-opening to hear about their personal experiences. My knowledge of the communications industry has grown as a result of the professionals' insights, which also offered real-world perspectives that go beyond the classroom,” said Global Strategic Communication graduate student Meenal Dhiman.  


The first semester is a time for self-discovery and community building. It shapes students' perspectives, creates resilience, and sets the foundation for their educational journey. 


“Encouraging and inclusive classroom environments have resulted in thought-provoking and helpful conversations. This multicultural classroom not only improves my academic experience, but it also gives me a well-rounded perspective that will help me navigate the global communication landscape,”Dhiman said. 


Continuing graduate education while working a full-time job presents a special set of challenges. Many students wanting to pursue a graduate degree must balance other obligations in addition to academics.  


“I was very skeptical about returning to school since I graduated from undergrad in 2018 and lots of things have changed since then. I was nervous about getting back into the student mindset since I’ve been removed for so long, while also balancing life as a full-time employee and part-time student,” said Global Strategic Communication graduate student and Loyola staff member Lia Davis. 


Recognizing the diverse life stages and challenges its students face, SOC creates an adaptable and empathetic academic environment. This approach is particularly beneficial for individuals like Lia Davis, who juggle multiple roles outside their academic pursuits. The university's flexible structure and nurturing community ensure that returning students can seamlessly blend their educational ambitions with their professional and personal commitments. 


 “Once the semester started, it wasn’t as challenging as I thought it was going to be,” Davis said, I enjoyed my classes, my professors, and getting to know my classmates who had a similar background and were returning to school. I’m happy that I took this step and didn’t let fear win.”