
FAQ - Navigate360 @ LUC

Is Navigate replacing LOCUS?

No. Academic Advising will occur through use of both LOCUS and Navigate. This chart will help you to understand when to use each system.




Enrolling in classes

--Including Term activation & Enrollment appointments



Entering/viewing Advising Notes

--Please see #6 below for more details.



Entering all “STRM” category notes

*These notes will be copied to/viewable in Navigate, but should be entered in LOCUS as they may trigger particular workflows.*



Viewing Academic Requirements Report



Developing Academic Plans

--This functionality will be piloted with a section of first year students in Fall 2020. Stay tuned for messages from Advising Leadership on how this functionality will be implemented to a wider set of users in the Spring!



Communicating with students (email & text)



Applying probation holds



Reviewing FERPA access



Issuing Grade Alerts



What’s changing?

The system where you do Advising Appointment Scheduling and the system where you enter Advising Notes.

How should I do appointment scheduling?

Instead of using Acuity (or another system) for scheduling student advising appointments, you can now use Navigate.

  • Please see Setting up Your Availability  and Sync Your Outlook Calendar  which will explain how to set up your availability for appointments and how to integrate Navigate with your Outlook calendar. 
    •  Setting up your availability and Outlook integration are things you should do immediately when Navigate goes live on August 3rd!
  • There are three other short training docs to help with this topic. Appointment Scheduling - Advisor Perspective explains advisor-initiated appointment scheduling. Appointment Center will be most helpful for administrative staff who need to schedule appointments for other people. Navigate & Zoom describes three different options for sharing Zoom links for appointments scheduled via Navigate.

How will students schedule appointments with me?

  • In mid-August, students will gain access to their own version of Navigate. They can log into the desktop version using a URL and ther will also be a mobile app version availalble for them to download. Students can schedule appointments with their assigned advisor in either version of Navigate Student.
  • If you are currently using Acuity links in your email signatures for student-initiated appointment scheduling - keep those links there until the Navigate Student platform is ready on August 17th.
  • Then, on August 17th, you can replace the Acuity link with the URL to Navigate Student.

What's changing about Advising Notes?

Instead of using LOCUS for entering Advising Notes, this information can now be entered into Navigate for undergraduate students.

  • All existing LOCUS notes that were copied to Navigate: AANOTE, AAPEAL, AAPROB, AA-SUM, IAIREV, SWDRW, AADPS, AAINTL, AAPRGC, HBNOTE, SPNOTE.
    • Going forward, these notes will be copied from LOCUS to Navigate on a weekly basis in case all of our Advising Note users do not immediately adopt Navigate.
    • As LOCUS is our source of truth for academic data, an interface is planned to copy all notes entered into Navigate back into LOCUS. Then, all advising notes will "live" in both systems. However, this feed will not be completed at the time of our go-live. Stay tuned for updates from Advising Leadership on when this feed will be completed.
  • STRM note entry should still be done in LOCUS as there may be workflow actions triggered from these particular note types. Analysis is in progress to see if/how we will replicate in Navigate in the future. The STRM notes will be copied to Navigate for viewing.
  • There are two kinds of robust Advising Notes in Navigate:
    • Appointment Summaries to be used when referring to a specific meeting/interaction with a student.
    • Notes - to be used to capture any non-meeting-related information about a student.
  • Please see Adding Notes to a Student for more information and helpful screen shots!

What's new about Navigate? Why should I be excited about this new system?

  • Student Profile
    • A user-friendly dashboard of student academic data previously only found across multiple LOCUS screens or BI reports.
  • Communication Tools
    • From Navigate, it's simple to email or text a student - or groups of students. Read Messaging a Student  to see how it's done.
  • Advanced Search
    • Navigate's Advanced Search functionality allows sophisticated searching options previously unavailable. You can search on dozens of academic, demographic, and enrollment variables. From your search results set, you can easily contact students, create student lists, export to Excel, etc. There is both an Overview and User Guide posted.
  • Appointment Campaigns
    • Campaigns are an exciting new outreach feature to encourage subsets of students to make advising appointments. Robust reporting on campaigns exists as well. Contact navigate@luc.edu with questions or for guidance on campaigns.

I heard that Navigate has Academic Planning and Registration capability. When are we accessing those features?

Soon! Navigate offers quite a variety of functionality and we are rolling it out in phases. Stay tuned for updates from Advising Leadership.

Ready to get started?

Log in with your UVID and password at: https://luc.campus.eab.com/admin

I need help! Who can help me with Navigate?

We have Navigate experts standing by to help you! Just shoot an email to navigate@luc.edu and we'll be in touch soon!