
Implementing Note Taking Accommodations

Note Taking Accommodations

Audio Note Taking Software

Notetaking services are academic accommodations to provide access to course lectures for students whose documented disability affects their ability to take notes. The notes and lecture materials provided are not meant to be a substitute for class attendance. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (45 CFR 84.44) specifically identifies audio recording as an appropriate academic accommodation. 

Students use software called Glean. Students may use their phone, tablet, or laptop to record the lecture, and providing power points in advance is recommended to help the student best utilize the software.

Note Taking Accommodations

Audio Note Taking Software

Notetaking services are academic accommodations to provide access to course lectures for students whose documented disability affects their ability to take notes. The notes and lecture materials provided are not meant to be a substitute for class attendance. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (45 CFR 84.44) specifically identifies audio recording as an appropriate academic accommodation. 

Students use software called Glean. Students may use their phone, tablet, or laptop to record the lecture, and providing power points in advance is recommended to help the student best utilize the software.