
Residential Programming and Support Model

Four students smiling during the 2019 move in day

The Department of Residence Life is excited to announce a new residential programming and support model for our residence halls for the 2022-2023 academic year. This model will align housing styles and programmatic support into cohorts by academic year. A cohort model will allow us to offer three distinct and unique experiences to students living on-campus. First year students will continue to live in traditional-style communities, second year students will now live in specially selected communities with area desks, and junior and senior students will live more independently in apartment-style communities. These changes are based on current student development trends both nationwide and in our own Loyola community.

Recent research completed by the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) and the Association of College and University Housing Officers – International (ACUHO-I) found that second year students living on campus felt more connected to their university than their off-campus counterparts. On-campus second year students persist to graduation at higher rates than off-campus students. Additionally, suite-style units were the most popular choice nationally for sophomore living.

Read more about our new model

Previous Model

Our previous model reserved specific buildings for first-year students, and second year, junior, and senior students live in all other halls. With this model there wasn't a distinct experience for our second year students vs. our junior and seniors.

First Year Housing

First year students will live in traditional and some suite-style buildings. First year students will continue to live in community with other first year students, and curricular opportunities like Learning Communities will be available to students who sign up for them. All first year halls will have a 24 hour security desk, are closest to the center of campus and academic services, and provide a low Resident Assistant to Student ratio to ensure student connection to their community.

First Year Halls:
• Campion
• de Nobili
• Francis (designated floors)
• Mertz
• San Francisco
• Simpson
• St. Joseph's

Second Year Housing

Second year students will have a wide variety of on-campus housing options to select from. The buildings selected to house second year students are both suite- and apartment-style, and all are closer to the center of campus and academic services.

The University Residency Requirement still includes both first and second year students. Higher Education research over the past 40 years demonstrates a more productive and more satisfying experience for students who reside in university residence halls than those who live off-campus, including academic success and persistence to graduation. We will be creating a more intentional experience for second year students moving forward, and the model (referred to as a Residential Curriculum) will be tailored to the specific needs of second year students.

Second Year Halls:
• Baumhart
• Bellarmine
• Fairfield
• Fordham
• Francis (selected suites)
• Georgetown Hall
• Marquette South
• Messina
• Regis
• Santa Clara
• St. Louis Hall


Junior Senior Housing

Juniors and seniors will be eligible to live in apartment-style communities. These apartment-style communities will provide each junior and senior student with greater independence while enjoying the amenities of on-campus living. As you begin considering your housing options for the upcoming year, we invite you to discuss on-campus options with your family and friends.
Starting with the 2022-2023 academic year, juniors and seniors will no longer be required to purchase meal plans when living in apartments with full kitchens. Dining Services will also offer new meal plans that will only be available to junior and senior students; these new plans will provide you with more options. The buildings chosen for juniors and seniors do not require formal check-ins for guests, and typically have one RA for 50-60 residents. We intend to provide each junior and senior student with greater independence while enjoying the amenities of on-campus living.

Services and amenities for junior and senior living will include:

Current On-Campus AmenitiesNew for 2022-2023
Convenient semester billing on student account No required meal plan for juniors and seniors with kitchens
Utilities included (electricity, water, gas) New array of voluntary apartment meal plan options
Access to Comcast XFinity and LUC WiFi Additional apartment furniture seating
Convenient location near center of campus  

Area desk for assistance (lock-outs, emergency response)

Facilities services available, with emergency response  

Junior/Senior Halls:
• Baumhart
• Canisius
• Fordham (designated floors)
• LeMoyne
• Marquette
• Seattle
• Spring Hill
• Xavier

The Department of Residence Life is excited to announce a new residential programming and support model for our residence halls for the 2022-2023 academic year. This model will align housing styles and programmatic support into cohorts by academic year. A cohort model will allow us to offer three distinct and unique experiences to students living on-campus. First year students will continue to live in traditional-style communities, second year students will now live in specially selected communities with area desks, and junior and senior students will live more independently in apartment-style communities. These changes are based on current student development trends both nationwide and in our own Loyola community.

Recent research completed by the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) and the Association of College and University Housing Officers – International (ACUHO-I) found that second year students living on campus felt more connected to their university than their off-campus counterparts. On-campus second year students persist to graduation at higher rates than off-campus students. Additionally, suite-style units were the most popular choice nationally for sophomore living.