Simple Syllabus FAQ's
How do I upload my syllabus to Simple Syllabus?
Watch the video linked below for instructions.
How can I find the Simple Syllabus website?
I can’t access the Simple Syllabus website.
Try logging in with the link above. If not, email and we will check and see if you are in the system. We can add you or reset your password.
SS is telling me that I don’t have a login/account.
You may have the wrong email address in our system-it should be an LUC address-or there may be a spelling error. Email and we will check and see if you are in the system. We can add you or reset your password.
I would like to add X member of my staff to Simple Syllabus as an admin to add or edit syllabi.
Email with their name and email and we will add them to your respective department/school.
I would like to add X member of my staff to only view syllabi.
Have the user check to see if they are in Simple Syllabus already by trying to log in. If so, users with no assigned role should be able to automatically view syllabi. If not, email Simple Syllabus; we will add them as a user with no assigned role. Please know that users with view only permissions will not be able to download syllabi.
I received an automated email from Simple Syllabus saying I missed a deadline to upload my syllabus.
Once you log in, you will see the syllabi you need to upload in your “To-Do” list. Please follow the instructions in this video to upload.
I received an email saying I missed a deadline, but the course listed isn’t mine.
Email attn: Susan Ries, with the course’s name, number, and section. Note, Simple Syllabus takes 1 day to update.
I am teaching a course, but it isn’t showing up in Simple Syllabus for me to upload my syllabus.
Email with the course’s name, number, and section. If we can see your course, and you are listed in LOCUS as an instructor, we will add you to the course as an instructor in Simple Syllabus and you can proceed to update. If you are not listed as an instructor, work with the course scheduler in your department/school to make sure LOCUS has you listed as an instructor. There are some courses that do not need a syllabus to be uploaded.
My course is listed as “in progress” in Simple Syllabus but I’m done uploading.
Go to the Edit button on the left side of the document, then press Submit for it to show as completed. If you see confetti falling on screen after you hit submit, then you have successfully uploaded your syllabus.
Can I edit my syllabi once I upload them?
Yes, you can edit in Simple Syllabus, or you may edit in your native resource (Word, Google Doc, etc.) and then re-upload (using the same process as uploading). Simple Syllabus will stay open through finals. Please delete the prior version.
Is there a way to bulk upload/download syllabi?
Not currently.
Does Simple Syllabus have a record of past syllabi?
Fall 2024 was the first term we collected syllabi with this tool, meaning the system has no historical access to any school or department syllabi. Please contact your department administrators for access to older syllabi.
Can alumni access Simple Syllabus?
Not currently.
Why are we using Sakai and Simple Syllabus?
Our HLC accreditation requires institutions to have syllabi that are easily accessible for students. We must be able to demonstrate this on demand to comply with this assumed practice. Simple Syllabus allows us to do that. Plus, faculty may copy a link to the syllabus they post on Simple Syllabus and post that same link on their Sakai site. While Sakai is our content management system, not all faculty utilize this tool. Using Simple Syllabus will allow students more than one access point for a syllabus. It also allows us to remain in compliance with our accrediting body.
Why are courses in Simple Syllabus listed that our department is not offering this term?
If a school or department does not delete a course that has rolled over in LOCUS from the prior year, during the open phase of scheduling, or cancel a course that is no longer going to run during a particular term, then the course is live in Simple Syllabus. Course schedulers must work with registration and records on their schedule of classes so that the schedule is accurate and up to date. That is the only way that Simple Syllabus will be accurate and up to date.