
New York City: Philips Health

New York City: Philips Health

"As I reflect on the experiences shared and the knowledge gained, I am filled with a sense of appreciation for the opportunity and a renewed perspective on the complexities of navigating the global business landscape," wrote Brigitte Cueter (BBA ’24).

Brigitte Cueter '24
Major: Marketing, Healthcare Administration

Visiting Philips Personal Health was such an interesting and thought-provoking experience. We were immediately immersed into the world of health technology and listened to presentations of people working on the marketing, finance, transportation, analytics, and supply chain side of Philips. Known for their lightbulbs, I was surprised to hear that this side of Philips is completely transforming from an electronics company to health tech. I think about how much time and energy it takes to shift the industry the business it operates in, and I am truly amazed to see how far Philips has come to sell products related to oral health, mother and childcare, and grooming and beauty. 
The marketing portion of our site visit was especially encapsulating to me. As someone interested in health marketing, this presentation both challenged and educated me. We reviewed a case study and discussed brand growth strategies among a shrinking target population. It was interesting to hear the students fully engaging in the conversation and coming up with innovative ideas to improve marketing amidst unstable target markets. My own ideas were fueled by my peers' enthusiasm. I felt pride when the marketing strategy I introduced was used as an example for ongoing campaigns within Philips Personal Health's mother and childcare product line. 
Overall, I was truly enlightened by our experience with Philips Personal Health.  Each speaker did beautifully in keeping the students engaged and allowing us to lead the conversation. Delving into the intricacies of a global company's operations provided invaluable lessons on both the rewards and challenges. As I reflect on the experiences shared and the knowledge gained, I am filled with a sense of appreciation for the opportunity and a renewed perspective on the complexities of navigating the global business landscape.