Zoe Smith
Assistant Professor, Clinical Psychology
Twitter: @DrZoeRSmith, @ACCTIONLab
Instagram: @ACCTIONLab
TikTok: @ACCTION.Lab, @DrZoeRSmith
Grant Activity
Ongoing External Grants:
- Excluded, Not Forgotten: Mental Health Inequities Experienced by Black and/or Latiné Adolescents with Attention-deficit/hyperactivity Disorder.
July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2026
Source: Society for Research in Child Development Small Grants Program for Early Career Scholars
Proposed Funds: $7,500
Role: Principal Investigator - Effects of culturally responsive wellbeing assessments and referrals for Black and Latiné adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
December 2021 – December 2024Health Equity Scholars for Action
Source: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF-79247)
Total Funds: $249,973
Role: Principal Investigator - Sponsor. Health Policy Research Scholar Fellowship, Marcus Flax
August 2023 – May 2027
Source: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Funds: $124,000
Role: Faculty Mentor to Doctoral Student
Ongoing Internal Grants:
- Mental Health Inequities for Black and/or Latiné Youth in Chicago: Call to Reinvest in Public Mental Health Care and Increase #TreatmentNotTrauma.
August 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025
Source: Institute for Racial Justice
Funds: $2,500
Role: Principal Investigator
Grants Submitted or Under Review:
- LOI Submitted: Not Made for Us: A Mixed-Methods Understanding of Neurodiverse Black and/or Latiné Youth in the Education System
Proposed March 2025 – May 2028
Source: Spencer Foundation Racial Equity Special Research Grants
Proposed Funds: $75,000
Role: Principal Investigator
Completed Grants:
- Trauma experiences and associations with functional outcomes for Black and/or Latiné adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
July 2023 – June 2024
CHADD Young Scientist Research Award
Source: Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)
Funds: $1,000
Role: Principal Investigator - Sponsor. Racism, Historical Trauma, and ACEs: How the Mental Health Field is Failing Black Youth, Madeline Warrick
John Grant Award for Health Equity
January 2024—May 2024
Source: Loyola University Chicago Bioethics Minor Program and Philosophy Department
Funds: $3,000
Role: Mentor of Undergraduate Principal Investigator - Sponsor. The role that family acceptance and internalized homophobia that LGBTQ+ individuals experience has on an individual’s psychopathology, Laurel Miskovic
May 2023 – May 2024
Source: Loyola University Chicago Undergraduate Social Justice Research Fellowship
Funds: $2,500
Role: Mentor of Undergraduate Principal Investigator - Sponsor. Summer Undergraduate Psychology Experience in Research (SUPER) Fellowship, Laurel Miskovic
May 2023 – September 2023
Source: American Psychological Association
Funds: $6,500
Role: Faculty Mentor to Undergraduate Student - Sponsor. The relationship between pandemic stress, adverse childhood experiences, and mindfulness for Black and/or Latiné adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Naima McRoberts
May 2023 – August 2023
Source: Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness
Funds: $4,000
Role: Mentor of Undergraduate Principal Investigator - Sponsor. Community violence (CV) affects more than you think: CV moderating the relationship between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and parenting, Matti Jentz
May 2022 – April 2023
Source: Loyola University Chicago Undergraduate Social Justice Research Fellowship
Funds: $2,500
Role: Mentor of Undergraduate Principal Investigator - Examining intersectionality of identities through course activities and syllabi content.
June 2022 – September 2022
Source: Loyola Anti-Racist Pedagogy Micro-Grant
Funds: $750
Role: Principal Investigator - Head Start parental involvement in the IEP process: Understanding barriers and identifying future recommendations.
August 2014 – May 2015
Source: Kenyon College Thesis Grant
Funds: $1,500
Role: Principal Investigator - Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptom dimensions and adolescent driving behaviors.
June 2014 – August 2014
Source: National Science Foundation (SMA-1263142)
Funds: $5,500
Role: Undergraduate Research Fellow
Post-Doctoral Fellowship: Loyola University Chicago
Clinical Internship: University of Chicago Medicine, Pediatric/Child
Doctorate: Virginia Commonwealth University
Bachelors: Kenyon College
Research Interests
I am not accepting a student in the Clinical Psychology PhD program for Fall 2025 (this application cycle).
Through the ACCTION Lab at Loyola University Chicago I focus on community-based assessment and intervention development for Black and/or Latiné youth. We do focus on working with youth who are neurodiverse, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and cognitive disengagement syndrome (CDS, formerly known as sluggish cognitive tempo or SCT), but a lot of our work focuses on anti-racism, trauma, and internalizing diagnoses experienced by Black and/or Latiné youth with ADHD. Current students research interests include:
- Black youth and coping with trauma
- Trauma and developmental trauma disorder
- Activism
- Anti-racist practice
- Culturally responsive mental health services
We are a health equity lab that uses liberation focused methods to increase engagement and understanding of treatment needs for youth that have been systemically oppressed (e.g., creating culturally responsive interventions for Black and Latina/é/o by listening to needs of the community and allowing flexibility in the intervention development). We focus on working with Black and Brown youth and their families using a cultural responsiveness and healing-focused lens. This is particularly important for youth with ADHD, who often face discrimination, oppression, and racism related trauma in school, the medical system, and from peers. I also have expertise in longitudinal data analyses and psychometrics. Currently, we are working on Project CRAFT (Culturally Responsive Assessments for Teens), which is focused on creating healing and strengths based psychodiagnostic assessments for teens from systemically oppressed backgrounds (i.e., Black, Latina/e/o adolescents with ADHD). For more information, go to ACCTIONLAB.com!Project CRAFT (Culturally Responsive Assessments for Teens) is focused on creating healing and strengths based psychodiagnostic assessments for Black and Latina/e/o teens who are suspected of having ADHD.
Courses Taught
PSYC 331 Psychopathology
PSYC 446 Psychopathology
PSYC 452 Clinical Treatment of Children and Adolescents
PSYC 518 Trauma Therapy
PSYC 518 Health Psychology
Publications/Research Listings
Google Scholar | ResearchGate | ORCID* indicates mentored trainee/student co-author, † indicates shared first authorship
- Kritikos, T.K., Smith, Z.R., Stiles-Shields, C., *Clark, O., *Winning, A., Encalade, A., Hendrix, M., Helgeson, V., & Holmbeck, G.H. (Accepted). Inclusive Measure Development: Amplifying the Voices of Adolescents and Young Adults with Spina Bifida in a New Measure of Benefit-Finding and Growth. Journal of Pediatric Psychology.
- Nagy, G.A., Smith, Z.R., *Pardej, S.K., Zelkowitz, R., *Katz, B.W., Sloan, C., Carpenter, J., Young, B., Saulson, A., & Larson, C. (2024). Development, Implementation, and Sustainment of Multicultural Peer-Consultation Teams in Distinct Mental Health Settings: An Implementation-Focused Descriptive Study. Training and Education in Professional Psychology.Advanced online publication. https://psycnet.apa.org/doi/10.1037/tep0000480
- Davis, H. A., Smith, Z.R., & Smith, G.T. (2024). Longitudinal transactions between fasting and negative urgency predict binge eating. Appetite, 192, 107-113. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2023.107113
- *Clark, O.E., Smith, Z.R., *Hilderbrand, T., & Holmbeck, G.H. (2024). Growth of condition-related knowledge among youth with spina bifida: Associations with neurocognitive functioning and self-management skills. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 49, 449-458. https://doi.org/10.1093/jpepsy/jsad097
- Ridosh, M.M., Smith, Z.R., Adams, W., Brei, T.J., Fremion, E., Holmbeck, G.N., Roach, A.J., Sawin, K.J., & Sherburne, E. (2024). Adolescent/Young Adult Self-Management and Independence Self-Report Questionnaire (AMIS-II-SR): Preliminary psychometric findings. Child: Care, Health and Development. Advanced online publication. https://doi.10.1111/cch.13229
- Becker, S.P., *Martinez, A., *Wiggs, K., Langberg, J.M., & Smith, Z.R. (2023). Multi-method examination of cognitive disengagement syndrome and ADHD inattentive symptoms in relation to early adolescents’ academic functioning. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Advanced online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00787-023-02311-8
- *Green, C.D., *Thorton, K., Fredrick, J., *Wiggs, K., Smith, Z.R., Langberg, J.M., & Becker, S.P. (2023). Longitudinal evaluation of school climate in predicting mood and academic functioning in adolescence: The Role of academic motivation. School Mental Health. Advanced online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12310-023-09606-w
- *Darow, E.L., *Flax, M., *Clark, O.E., Holmbeck, G.N., & Smith, Z.R. (2023). Comparing cognitive disengagement syndrome growth in youth with and without spina bifida. Journal of Pediatric Psychology,48, 720-730. https://doi.org/10.1093/jpepsy/jsad038
- Smith, Z.R., *Flax, M., Becker, S.P., & Langberg, J.M. (2023). Academic motivation decreases across adolescence for youth with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Effects of motivation on academic success. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 64(9), 1303-1313. http://doi.org/10.1111/jcpp.13815
- Becker, S.P., Willcutt, E.G., Leopold, D.R., Fredrick, J.W., Smith, Z.R., Jacobson, L.A., Burns, G.L., Mayes, S.D., Waschbusch, D.A., Froehlich, T.E., McBurnett, K., Servera, M., & Barkley, R.A. (2023). Report of a work group on sluggish cognitive tempo: Key research directions and a consensus change in terminology to cognitive disengagement syndrome (CDS). Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 62, 629-645. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaac.2022.07.8212nd Most Read Article in 2023
- Quimby, D., Richards, M., Onyeka, C., Miller, K., Tyson-McCrea, K., Smith, Z.R., & Denton, D. (2023). The Effects of Cross-Age Peer Mentoring on Adolescent Mentors of Color Residing in Low Income, Urban Communities. Youth & Society, 66(5), 970-988. https://doi.org/10.1177/0044118X221115761
- Smith, Z.R.(2022). Call to action: Internship equity for clinical psychologists. the Behavior Therapist, 45(7), 259-263. https://services.abct.org/i4a/doclibrary/getfile.cfm?doc_id=172
- †Smith, Z.R.,& †Brooks, B.D. (2022). Participant Compensation in Health Equity Research: How equitable is it? Families, Systems, & Health, 40(3), 415–417. https://doi.org/10.1037/fsh0000729
- Kritikos, T., Winning, A., Smith, Z.R., & Holmbeck, G.N. (2022). Trajectories of Marital Satisfaction Among Parents of Youth with Spina Bifida. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 47(10), 1195-1206. https://doi.org/10.1093/jpepsy/jsac059
- Smith, Z.R., & Balsink Krieg, D. (2022). Barriers and Recommendations from Parents in Rural Areas: Experiences with Individualized Education Programs. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 41(3), 153-168. https://doi.org/10.1177/87568705221092764
- Smith, Z.R., *del Castillo, A., *Clark, O.E., & Holmbeck, G.N. (2022). Working memory and cognitive flexibility predict growth trajectories of sluggish cognitive tempo in youth with spina bifida. Child Neuropsychology, 28(8), 1052-1071. https://doi.org/10.1080/09297049.2022.2042503
- Stiles-Shields, C., Kritikos, T.K., *Starnes, M., Smith, Z.R., & Holmbeck, G.N. (2022). The transition from pediatric to adult healthcare in young adults with spina bifida: Demographic and physician-related correlates. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 43(3), e179-e187.https://doi.org 10.1097/DBP.0000000000001001
- Smith, Z.R., & Holmbeck, G.N. (2021). Cross-lagged analysis of medical responsibility and mastery of medical skills in youth with spina bifida. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 46,1119-1129. https://doi.org /1093/jpepsy/jsab055
- Safdar, M., Afzal, K.I., Smith, Z.R., Ali, F., Zarif, P., Farooq Baig, Z. (2021). Suicide by poisoning in Pakistan: Review of regional trends, toxicity, and management of commonly used agents in the past three decades. BJPsych Open, 7, e114-130. https://doi.org /1192/bjo.2021.923
- Smith, Z.R., & Holmbeck, G.N. (2021). Factor structure of medical autonomy scales in young people with spina bifida. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 46, 698-709.https://doi.org /1093/jpepsy/jsab013
- Stiles-Shields, C., Shirkey, K.C., *Winning, A.M., Smith, Z.R., *Wartman, E., & Holmbeck, G.N. (2021). Social Skills and Medical Responsibility Across Development in Youth with Spina Bifida. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 46, 341-350. https://doi.org /1093/jpepsy/jsaa113
- Zendarski, N.J., Breaux R.P., Eadeh, H.M., Smith,R., Molitor, S.J., Mulraney, M., Bourchtein, E., Green, C.D., & Sciberras, E. (2020). Peer victimization and poor academic outcomes in adolescents with ADHD: What individual factors predict risk? Journal of Attention Disorders, 25, 1455-1465. https://doi.org /10.1177/1087054720914387
- Smith, Z.R., Zald, D.H., & Lahey, B.B. (2020). Sluggish cognitive tempo and depressive symptoms in children and adolescents predict adulthood psychopathology. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 48, 1591-1601. https://doi.org /1007/s10802-020-00692-x
- Smith, Z.R., Langberg, J.M., *Green, C., *Cusick, C.N., & Becker, S.P. (2020). Academic motivation deficits in adolescents with ADHD and associations with academic functioning. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 48, 237-249. https://doi.org /1007/s10802-019-00601-x
- Smith, Z.R., & Langberg, J.M. (2020). Do sluggish cognitive tempo symptoms improve with school-based ADHD interventions? Outcomes and predictors of change. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 61, 575-583. https://doi.org /1111/JCPP.13149
- Becker, S.P., Burns, L., Smith, Z.R., & Langberg, J.M. (2020). Sluggish cognitive tempo in adolescents with and without ADHD: Differentiation from adolescent-reported ADHD inattention and unique associations with internalizing domains. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 48, 391-406. https://doi.org /1007/s10802-019-00603-9
- Corona, R., Dvorsky, M.R., Romo, S., Parks, A., Bourchtein, E., Smith, Z.R., Avila, M., & Langberg, J.M. (2020). Integrating tobacco prevention skills into an evidence-based intervention for adolescents with ADHD: Results from a pilot efficacy randomized controlled trial. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 48, 1439-1453. https://doi.org /1007/s10802-020-00689-6
- Smith, Z.R., Breaux, R. P., *Green, C., *Cusick, C.N., & Langberg, J. M. (2019). Evaluation of the interplay between homework motivation and sluggish cognitive tempo in youth with ADHD: Associations with homework performance. Journal of Attention Disorders, 23, 1262-1273. https://doi.org /1177/1087054718763722
- Smith, Z.R.,*Eadeh, H.M., Breaux, R.P., & Langberg, J.M. (2019). Sleepy, sluggish, worried, or down? The distinction between self-reported sluggish cognitive tempo, daytime sleepiness, and internalizing symptoms in youth with ADHD. Psychological Assessment, 31, 365-375. https://doi.org /1037/pas0000671
- Langberg, J.M., Breaux, R.P., Green, C.D., Smith, Z.R., Molitor, S.J., & Becker, S.P. (2019). Intraindividual variability of sleep in adolescents with and without attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 60, 1219-1229. https://doi.org /1111/jcpp.13082
- Bourchtein, E., Langberg, J.M., Cusick, C.N., Breaux, R.P., Smith, Z.R., & Becker, S.P. (2019). Technology use and sleep in adolescents with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 44(5), 517-526. https://doi.org /10.1093/jpepsy/jsy101
- Breaux, R.P., Langberg, J.M., Bourchtein, E., Eadeh, H.M., Molitor, S.J., & Smith, Z.R. (2019). Brief homework intervention for adolescents with ADHD: Trajectories and predictors of response. School Psychology Quarterly, 34, 201-211. doi: 10.1037/spq0000287
- Breaux, R.P., Langberg, J., Molitor, S., Dvorsky, M., Bourchtein, E., Smith, Z. R., & Green, C. (2019). Predictors and trajectories of response to the Homework, Organization, and Planning Skills (HOPS) intervention for adolescents with ADHD. Behavior Therapy, 50, 140-154. https://doi.org /1016/j.beth.2018.04.001
- Smith, Z.R., & Langberg, J.M. (2018). Review of the evidence for motivation deficits in youth with ADHD and their associations with functional outcomes. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 21,500-526. https://doi.org /1007/s10567-0n18-0268-3
- Smith, Z. R., Becker, S. P., Garner, A. A., Rudolph, C. W., Molitor, S. J. *Oddo, L. E., & Langberg, J. M. (2018). Evaluating the structure of sluggish cognitive tempo using confirmatory factor analytic and bi-factor modeling with parent and youth ratings. Assessment, 25, 99-111. https://doi.org /1177/1073191116653471
- Langberg, J.M., Smith, Z.R., Dvorsky, M.R., Molitor, S.J., Bourchtein, E., Eddy, L.D., Eadeh, H.M., & Oddo, L.E. (2018). Factor structure and predictive validity of a homework motivation measure for use with middle school students with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. School Psychology Quarterly, 33, 390-398. https://doi.org /1037/spq0000 219
- Langberg, J. M., Dvorsky, M. R., Molitor, S. J., Eddy, L. D., Smith, Z. R., Oddo, L. E., & Eadeh, H. M. (2018). Overcoming the research-to-practice gap: A Randomized trial with two brief homework and organization interventions for students with ADHD as implemented by school mental health providers. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 86,39-55. https://doi.org /1037/ccp0000265
- Breaux, R. P., Langberg, J. M., McLeod, B. D., Molitor, S.,Smith, Z.R., Bourchtein, E., & Green, C. (2018). The importance of therapeutic processes in school-based psychosocial treatments of homework problems in adolescents with ADHD. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 86, 427-438. https://doi.org /1037/ccp0000300
- Eddy, L.D., Dvorsky, M.R., Molitor, S.J., Bourchtein, E., Smith, Z.R., … & Langberg, J.M. (2018). Longitudinal evaluation of the cognitive-behavioral model of ADHD in a sample of college students with ADHD. Journal of Attention Disorders, 22, 323-333. https://doi.org /1177/1087054715616184
- *Eadeh, H.M., Langberg, J.M., Molitor, S.J., Behrhorst, K., Smith, Z.R., & Evans, S.W. (2018). Factor structure and convergent validity of the Stress Index for Parents of Adolescents (SIPA) in adolescents with ADHD. Assessment, 26(5), 825-838.https://doi.org /1177/1073191118754707
- Molitor, S. J., Eadeh, H.M., Bourchtein, E., Smith, Z. R.,Green, C. D., & Langberg, J.M. (2018). The Rey-Osterrieth complex figure task: A useful measure of organizational skills for adolescents with ADHD? Journal of Pediatric Neuropsychology, 5, 20-30. https://doi.org /1007/s40817-018-0055-6
- Smith, Z. R., & Langberg, J. M. (2017). Predicting academic impairment and internalizing psychopathology using a multidimensional framework of Sluggish Cognitive Tempo with parent- and adolescent-report. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 27, 1141-1150. https://doi.org /1007/s00787-017-1003-1
- Molitor, S.J., Langberg, J.M., Evans, S., Dvorsky, M.R., Bourchtein, E., Eddy, L. D., Smith, Z.R., & Oddo, L.E. (2017). Evaluating the factor validity of Children’s Organizational Skills Scale in youth with ADHD. School Mental Health, 9, 143-156. https://doi.org /1007/s12310-016-9205-0
- Langberg, J.M.,Dvorsky, M.R., Molitor, S.J., Bourchtein, E., Eddy, L.D., Smith, Z.R., Schultz, B.K., & Evans, S.W. (2016). Longitudinal evaluation of the importance of homework completion for the academic performance of middle school students with ADHD. Journal of School Psychology, 55, 27-38. https://doi.org /1016/j.jsp.2015.12.004
- Garner, A.A., Miller, M.M., Field, J., Noe, O., Smith, Z.R., & Beebe, D.W. (2015). Impact of experimental sleep-restriction on teen simulated driving performance. Sleep Medicine. 16,796-799. https://doi.org /1016/j.sleep.2015.03.003
- Smith, Z.R.(2024). Inclusion and Advocacy for Women with ADHD: Addressing Inequities and Challenging Diagnostic Bias on International Women’s Day. The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Blog Series. https://doi.org/10.13056/acamh.26609
- Smith, Z.R. (2024). Sustaining equity, retaining talent: Tacking systemic inequity for women in science and research. The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Blog Series. https://doi.org/10.13056/acamh.26363
- ACCTION Lab media reaches over 107,000 views per month with over 4,000 followers:
- Website | @DrZoeRSmith, @ACCTIONLab | Instagram |YouTube | TikTok | Facebook | Threads
- Nyquist, C. (2024, May). Adolescent health month: Spotlight on mental health disparities. Partners for Health Equity. https://www.partners4healthequity.org/resource-library/adolescent-health-month-spotlight-mental-health-disparities
- Partners for Health Equity. (2024, May). Culturally responsive assessments-unraveling structural racism to support Black and Latinx youth with ADHD Episode 2. Partners for Health Equity Podcast. https://www.spreaker.com/episode/culturally-responsive-assessments-unraveling-structural-racism-to-support-black-and-latinx-youth-with-adhd-episode-2--60136728
- Partners for Health Equity. (2024, May). Culturally responsive assessments-unraveling structural racism to support Black and Latinx youth with ADHD Episode 1. Partners for Health Equity Podcast. https://www.spreaker.com/episode/culturally-responsive-assessments-unraveling-structural-racism-to-support-black-and-latinx-youth-with-adhd-episode-1--60118353
- Society for Research in Child Development. (2024, May). Announcing the 2024 Recipients of the Small Grants for Early Career Scholars. SRCD News. https://www.srcd.org/news/announcing-2024-recipients-small-grants-early-career-scholars
- James, R. (2023, December). Innovations in ADHD Research.Children and Adults with ADHD Attention Journal. https://chadd.org/attention-article/innovations-in-adhd-research/
- Bailey, C. (2023, December). JCPPTop 10 Most Downloaded Journal Paper. The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health. https://doi.org/10.13056/acamh.25704
- van Alstyne, J. (2023, December). Best Personal Academic Website Contest. The Social Academic Blog. https://theacademicdesigner.com/2023/winners-of-the-2023-best-personal-academic-websites-contest/
- Carlowe, J. (2023, October). Academic Motivation in Youth with and without Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ACAMH Papers Podcast. https://doi.org/10.13056/acamh.24655
- Attention Blog. (2023, October). Young scientist research awards announced. Making a Difference. Children and Adults with ADHD. https://d393uh8gb46l22.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/ATTN_10_2023-Young-Scientist-Research-Awards-Announced.pdf
- Guentzel, L. (2023, September). Understanding cognitive disengagement syndrome with Dr. Zoe Smith. Refocused with Lindsay Guentzel. Understanding Cognitive Disengagement Syndrome with Dr. Zoe Smith - Refocused with Lindsay Guentzel | Podfollow
- Holden, G. (2023, September). Academic motivation decreases across adolescence for youth with and without attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Effects of motivation on academic success. Information for practice. https://ifp.nyu.edu/2023/journal-article-abstracts/jcpp-13815-2/
- Bailey, C. (2023, August). Academic motivation decreases across adolescence for youth with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Effects of motivation on academic success. The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Free View. https://www.acamh.org/freeview/academic-motivation-decreases-across-adolescence-for-youth-with-and-without-attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-effects-of-motivation-on-academic-success/
- Stavraki, I. (2023, May). How to boost motivation when you have ADHD. SimplyPsychology. https://www.simplypsychology.org/adhd-motivation.html
- Yason, M. (2023, May). ADHD and the Adderall shortage. Reset with Sasha-Ann Simons. WBEZ Stories: ADHD and the Adderall Shortage. NPR.
- Boglárka, K. (2023, May). Study support group for students with a diagnosis of ADHD/ADD. Mathias Corvinus Collegium.
- Smith, Z.S. (2023, February). Loyola Psychology Professor Awarded Grant for Mental Health Outreach – The Loyola Phoenix.
- College of Arts and Sciences. (2023, January). Spotlight On: Zoe Smith: Assistant Professor of Psychology, awarded $250,000 grant to improve mental health equity for Chicago teenagers.
- Dolan, E.W. (2021, April). Study finds sluggish cognitive tempo in early life predicts depression and inattention in adulthood (psypost.org)
- Carlowe, J.(2020, December). Sluggish cognitive tempo, ADHD, motivation, and anti-racism. In Conversation Podcast Series from the Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health. 'Sluggish cognitive tempo, ADHD and motivation' In Conversation with Dr. Zoe Smith - ACAMH https://doi.org /10.13056/acamh.14171
- Faculty Affiliate, Institute for Racial Justice, Loyola University Chicago, 2023-present
- Member, Ethics and DEI Training Guidelines, American Psychological Association, 2023-present
- Member, Oppression and Resilience Special Interest Group, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, 2022-present
- DEI Advocate, College of Arts and Sciences, Loyola University Chicago, 2022-present
- Faculty Representative, Graduate School Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, Loyola University Chicago, 2022-present
- Member, Psychology Workload Equity Committee, Loyola University Chicago, 2022-present
- Member, Psychology Injustice Action Committee, Loyola University Chicago, 2022-present
- Faculty Advisor, Diversifying Clinical Psychology, Loyola University Chicago, 2021-present
- Founding Member, Multicultural Peer Consultation Consortium, MCT-C, 2021-present
- Member, Social Justice Affinity Group, Society of Pediatric Psychology, 2021-present
- Member, Black Trainee and Psychologist Affinity Group, SPP, 2021-present
- Psychology Committee Member, Racial Justice Examen, Loyola University Chicago, 2020-2021
- Member, Committee on Diversity Affairs, Loyola University Chicago, 2020-present
- Member, Loyola Social Justice Pedagogy Group, Loyola University Chicago, 2020-2021
- Post-doctoral advisor, Diversifying Clinical Psychology, Loyola University Chicago, 2020-2021
- Student Representative, Clinical Diversity Committee, VCU, 2017-2020
- Member, Queer Graduates for Advocacy and Development Association, VCU, 2017-2020
- Co-founder, Latinx Graduate Student Association, VCU, 2016-2020
- Vice President, Latinx Graduate Student Association, VCU, 2016-2018
- Member, Black Graduate Student Association, VCU, 2015-2020