
Christine Li-Grining

Professor, Developmental Psychology


Ph.D., Northwestern University
M.Ed., Loyola University Chicago
B.A., University of Chicago

Research Interests

Social Emotional Learning, Self-Regulation, School Readiness, and Academic Achievement
Early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, and emerging adulthood
Child Care, Early Childhood Education, and Intervention
Risk and Resilience in the Context of Poverty and Immigrant Families 
Education and Social Policy

Publications/Research Listings

Li-Grining, C. P., Radulescu, M., Ugalde, D., & Knight, J. (2023). Career development & learning at Jesuit colleges & universities during the COVID-19 pandemic & beyond. Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal, 12(2), 228-243. doi: 10.53309/2164-7666.1456

Rea-Sandin, G., Li-Grining, C. P., Causadias, J., Doane, L., Gonzales, N., & Lemery-Chalfant, K. (2023). Novel measures of family orientation and childhood self-regulation: A genetically-informed twin study. Journal of Family Psychology, 37(7), 955–965. doi: 10.1037/fam0001119

Li-Grining, C. P., Roy, A., Koh, J., Boyer, A., Radulescu, M. & Naqi, Z. (2023). Black and Latino adolescents’ self-regulation: Placing college preparedness in context. Journal of Adolescent Research, 38(3), 423-455. doi: 10.1177/07435584211064576

Li-Grining, C. P., Stockdale, L., Cunningham, A, Bradley, K., Papadakis, J. L., Flores-Lamb, V., Marcus, M., & Radulescu, M. (2023). Self-regulation and academic achievement from early to middle childhood in low-income neighborhoods. Early Education & Development, 34(6): 1289-1304. doi: 10.1080/10409289.2022.2106768


American Psychological Association (APA) Fellow, Division 7 (Developmental Psychology), 2025
Sujack Family Award for Excellence in Faculty Research, College of Arts and Sciences, Loyola University Chicago, 2022
Master Teacher, Finalist for Edwin T. & Vivijeanne F. Sujack Award for Teaching Excellence, College of Arts and Sciences, Loyola University Chicago, 2017
Loyola Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (LUROP) Distinguished Mentor Award, 2011