
Lidia Monjaras Gaytan

Assistant Professor, Social Psychology


Doctorate: DePaul University
Bachelors: San Diego State University

Research Interests

My research focuses on the mentoring and educational experiences of adolescents and emerging adults marginalized by society, primarily focusing on the experiences of students of color. In my research I use multiple methods to explore the antecedents (e.g., individual and contextual) and benefits of mentoring relationships. I am specifically interested in exploring how contextual factors such as interpersonal and institutional racial discrimination, campus climate, sense of belonging, and other institutional factors, influence the development of these relationships. I hope to use my research to support interventions and institutional changes that will benefit marginalized students.

Courses Taught

PSYC 275 Social Psychology
PSYC 486 Program Evaluation

Publications/Research Listings

Google Scholar


Monjaras-Gaytan, L. Y. & Sánchez, B. (2023). Historically underrepresented college students and natural mentoring relationships: A systematic review. Child and Youth Services Review. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.106965

Salusky, I., Monjaras-Gaytan, L. Y., Ulerio., G., Forbes, N., Perron, G., & Raposa, E. (2022). The formation and role of sense of belonging in the social integration of diverse first-generation college students. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice. 15210251221092709.

Sánchez, B., Garcia-Murillo, Y., Monjaras-Gaytan, L. Y., Thursby, K., Ulerio., G., de los Reyes, W., Salusky, I., & Rivera, C. (2022). Everyday acts of resistance: How Mexican immigrant youth with undocumented status navigate oppression in their education through the support of mentors. Journal of Research on Adolescence. 10.1111/jora.12755

Monjaras-Gaytan, L.Y., Sánchez, B., Salusky, I. & Schwartz, S.E.O. (2021). Underrepresented college students and institutional natural mentors. Journal of Community Psychology. 10.1002/jcop.22682

Monjaras-Gaytan, L. Y., Sánchez, B., Anderson, A., Garcia-Murillo, Y., de los Reyes, W., Catlett, B., & Liao, C.L. (2021). Act, talk, reflect, then act: The role of natural mentors in the critical consciousness of ethnically/racially diverse college students. American Journal of Community Psychology. 10.1002/ajcp.12517

Monjaras-Gaytan, L. Y., Sánchez, B., & Carter, J. S. (2020). Developing natural mentoring relationships among Latinx youth: The role of trust in adults and stressors. Applied Developmental Science. doi.org/10.1080/10888691.2020.1768095