Tracy DeHart
Professor, Social Psychology, Graduate Program Director - Social
Post-Doctorate Fellowship(s): University of Connecticut Medical Center (Alcohol Research Center)
Doctorate: Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo
Bachelors: University of Wisconsin—Madison
Research Interests
My research focuses on the origins of people's beliefs about the self and the effect of these beliefs on self-regulatory processes and close relationships. My research has looked at people's implicit (unconscious) and explicit (conscious) beliefs about the self and close others. More specifically, I have been examining early experiences that influence the level and stability of people's implicit and explicit self-esteem. In addition, I have been studying how, once formed, people's explicit and implicit self-evaluations influence how people regulate their feelings of dependency in their close relationships, thoughts and feelings about themselves, and health related behaviors (such as alcohol consumption). More recently, I have been examining how perceiving discrimination influences relationship functioning and health.
Courses Taught
PSYC 275 Social Psychology
PSYC 306 Research Methods
Graduate Theory in Social Psychology
Graduate Self and Self-esteem
Publications/Research Listings
Funding Institution: National Science Foundation
Name of Grant: Relations Between Perceived Discrimination and Romantic Relationship Functioning Among African American Couples
Dates: 6/01/2012- 5/30/2015
Role: PI