Name | Title | Office # | Phone/E-mail |
Frederick Lowe, D.M. | Senior Lecturer/Director of Music | MUND 1102 | 773.508.7972 flowe@luc.edu |
Alyssa Allgood, M.M. | Instructor of Jazz Voice | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 aallgood@luc.edu |
Michelle Areyzaga | Instructor of Voice | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 mareyzaga@luc.edu |
Kyle Asche, M.M. | Instructor of Guitar | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 kasche@luc.edu |
Alexander Beltran, M.M. | Instructor of Saxophone | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 abeltran3@luc.edu |
Cody Michael Bradley, M.M. | Accompanist | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 cbradley3@luc.edu |
Jennifer Budziak, D.M.A. | Director of University Singers; Program Adviser, Major in Music with a Concentration in Liturgical Music | MUND 177 | 773.508.7510 jbudziak@luc.edu |
William Cernota, M.S. | Instructor of Cello | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 wcernota@luc.edu |
John Corkill, M.M. | Instructor of Percussion, Director of Percussion Ensemble | MUND 177 | 773.508.7510 jcorkill1@luc.edu |
Lindsay Cummings, M.M. | Instructor of Voice | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 lcummings2@luc.edu |
Jon Deitemyer | Instructor of Drum Set | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 jdeitemyer@luc.edu |
Barbara Drapcho, M.M. | Instructor of Clarinet | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 bdrapcho@luc.edu |
Lara Driscoll, M.M. | Instructor of Piano | MUND 175 | 773.508.7510 ldriscoll1@luc.edu |
Victor Garcia | Instructor of Trumpet | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 vgarcia3@luc.edu |
Klaus Georg, D.M.A. | Lecturer in Music, Coordinator of Vocal Performance | MUND 1114 | 773.508.2824 kgeorg@luc.edu |
Natalie Grana, D.M.A. | Instructor of Horn | MUND 176 | 773.508.7510 ngrana@luc.edu |
Jeffery Hart | Operations and Concert Manager | MUND 168 | 773.508.7516 jhart5@luc.edu |
Kirsten Hedegaard, D.M.A. | Director of Choral and Vocal Activities, Assistant Professor | MUND 1113 | 773.508.8311 khedegaard@luc.edu |
Caitlin Hickey, M.M. | Instructor of Low Brass | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 chickey3@luc.edu |
Colin Holman, Ph.D. | Lecturer in Music, Director of Symphony Orchestra | MUND 1103 | 773.508.7512 cholman@luc.edu |
Christine Hwang, D.M. | Instructor of Piano | MUND 175 | 773.508.7510 chwang3@luc.edu |
Haysun Kang, D.M. | Associate Professor of Music | MUND 1112 | 773.508.8316 hkang2@luc.edu |
Sarah Kim, D.M.A. | Instructor of Viola and Violin | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 skim38@luc.edu |
Janelle Lake, M.M. | Instructor of Harp | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 jlake1@luc.edu |
Christopher Laughlin, M.M. | Instructor of Classical Guitar | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 claughlin1@luc.edu |
Chungho Lee, M.M. | Instructor/Accompanist | MUND 174 | (773) 508-7510 clee51@luc.edu |
Dongryul Lee, D.M.A. | Assistant Professor of Music, Coordinator of Theory and Composition | MUND 1104 | 773.508.7167 dlee28@luc.edu |
Janice MacDonald, M.F.A. | Instructor of Flute | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 jmacdonald7@luc.edu |
Christopher Madsen, D.M.A. | Lecturer, Coordinator of Jazz Studies, Director of Jazz Ensemble, Director of Ensembles | MUND 1103 | 773.508.7529 cmadsen1@luc.edu |
Peter Morey, M.M. | Instructor of Organ & Schola Cantorum; Campus Minister for Catholic Liturgical Music | Damen 217 | 773.508.3780 pmorey@luc.edu |
Keith Murphy, D.M.A. | Instructor of Theory, Musicianship Lab | MUND 176 | 773.508.7510 kmurphy12@luc.edu |
Sarah Ponder, M.M. | Instructor of Voice | MUND 176 | 773.508.8407 sponder@luc.edu |
Hanna Sterba | Instructor of Bassoon | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 jsterba@luc.edu |
Deborah Stevenson, M.M. | Instructor of Oboe | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 dstevenson@luc.edu |
Steve Suvada, M.M. | Instructor of Guitar | MUND 175 | 773.508.7510 ssuvada@luc.edu |
Matt Ulery, M.M. | Instructor of Bass and Composition | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 mulery@luc.edu |
Danny Weiss, M.M. | Instructor of Music | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 dweiss6@luc.edu |
David Wetzel, D.M.A. | Lecturer of Computer Science and Music | Doyle 311 | dwetzel@luc.edu |
Christopher Windle, D.M.A. | Instructor of Music | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 cwindle@luc.edu |
Name | Title | Office # | Phone/E-mail |
Frederick Lowe, D.M. | Senior Lecturer/Director of Music | MUND 1102 | 773.508.7972 flowe@luc.edu |
Alyssa Allgood, M.M. | Instructor of Jazz Voice | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 aallgood@luc.edu |
Michelle Areyzaga | Instructor of Voice | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 mareyzaga@luc.edu |
Kyle Asche, M.M. | Instructor of Guitar | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 kasche@luc.edu |
Alexander Beltran, M.M. | Instructor of Saxophone | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 abeltran3@luc.edu |
Cody Michael Bradley, M.M. | Accompanist | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 cbradley3@luc.edu |
Jennifer Budziak, D.M.A. | Director of University Singers; Program Adviser, Major in Music with a Concentration in Liturgical Music | MUND 177 | 773.508.7510 jbudziak@luc.edu |
William Cernota, M.S. | Instructor of Cello | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 wcernota@luc.edu |
John Corkill, M.M. | Instructor of Percussion, Director of Percussion Ensemble | MUND 177 | 773.508.7510 jcorkill1@luc.edu |
Lindsay Cummings, M.M. | Instructor of Voice | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 lcummings2@luc.edu |
Jon Deitemyer | Instructor of Drum Set | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 jdeitemyer@luc.edu |
Barbara Drapcho, M.M. | Instructor of Clarinet | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 bdrapcho@luc.edu |
Lara Driscoll, M.M. | Instructor of Piano | MUND 175 | 773.508.7510 ldriscoll1@luc.edu |
Victor Garcia | Instructor of Trumpet | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 vgarcia3@luc.edu |
Klaus Georg, D.M.A. | Lecturer in Music, Coordinator of Vocal Performance | MUND 1114 | 773.508.2824 kgeorg@luc.edu |
Natalie Grana, D.M.A. | Instructor of Horn | MUND 176 | 773.508.7510 ngrana@luc.edu |
Jeffery Hart | Operations and Concert Manager | MUND 168 | 773.508.7516 jhart5@luc.edu |
Kirsten Hedegaard, D.M.A. | Director of Choral and Vocal Activities, Assistant Professor | MUND 1113 | 773.508.8311 khedegaard@luc.edu |
Caitlin Hickey, M.M. | Instructor of Low Brass | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 chickey3@luc.edu |
Colin Holman, Ph.D. | Lecturer in Music, Director of Symphony Orchestra | MUND 1103 | 773.508.7512 cholman@luc.edu |
Christine Hwang, D.M. | Instructor of Piano | MUND 175 | 773.508.7510 chwang3@luc.edu |
Haysun Kang, D.M. | Associate Professor of Music | MUND 1112 | 773.508.8316 hkang2@luc.edu |
Sarah Kim, D.M.A. | Instructor of Viola and Violin | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 skim38@luc.edu |
Janelle Lake, M.M. | Instructor of Harp | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 jlake1@luc.edu |
Christopher Laughlin, M.M. | Instructor of Classical Guitar | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 claughlin1@luc.edu |
Chungho Lee, M.M. | Instructor/Accompanist | MUND 174 | (773) 508-7510 clee51@luc.edu |
Dongryul Lee, D.M.A. | Assistant Professor of Music, Coordinator of Theory and Composition | MUND 1104 | 773.508.7167 dlee28@luc.edu |
Janice MacDonald, M.F.A. | Instructor of Flute | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 jmacdonald7@luc.edu |
Christopher Madsen, D.M.A. | Lecturer, Coordinator of Jazz Studies, Director of Jazz Ensemble, Director of Ensembles | MUND 1103 | 773.508.7529 cmadsen1@luc.edu |
Peter Morey, M.M. | Instructor of Organ & Schola Cantorum; Campus Minister for Catholic Liturgical Music | Damen 217 | 773.508.3780 pmorey@luc.edu |
Keith Murphy, D.M.A. | Instructor of Theory, Musicianship Lab | MUND 176 | 773.508.7510 kmurphy12@luc.edu |
Sarah Ponder, M.M. | Instructor of Voice | MUND 176 | 773.508.8407 sponder@luc.edu |
Hanna Sterba | Instructor of Bassoon | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 jsterba@luc.edu |
Deborah Stevenson, M.M. | Instructor of Oboe | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 dstevenson@luc.edu |
Steve Suvada, M.M. | Instructor of Guitar | MUND 175 | 773.508.7510 ssuvada@luc.edu |
Matt Ulery, M.M. | Instructor of Bass and Composition | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 mulery@luc.edu |
Danny Weiss, M.M. | Instructor of Music | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 dweiss6@luc.edu |
David Wetzel, D.M.A. | Lecturer of Computer Science and Music | Doyle 311 | dwetzel@luc.edu |
Christopher Windle, D.M.A. | Instructor of Music | MUND 174 | 773.508.7510 cwindle@luc.edu |