Dr. Clara Burgo
Title/s: Undergraduate Program Director
Associate Professor
Specialty Area: Spanish Language & Linguistics
Office #: Crown Center 217B
Phone: 773.508.8296
- Ph.D. Hispanic Linguistics, University of Illinois at Chicago
- M.A. Hispanic Linguistics, University of Illinois at Chicago
- B.A. Filología inglesa, University of Deusto (Spain)
Research Interests
- Sociolinguistics
- Spanish for Heritage Speakers
- Spanish in the US
Courses Taught
- Composition and Conversation I and II/ Native Speakers
- Spanish Sociolinguistics
- Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics
- Spanish Teaching Methods (Graduate)
- Heritage Language Pedagogy (Graduate)
Selected Publications
- Burgo, C. (2018). Clases mixtas: L2 y lengua de herencia. Madrid: Arco Libros
Refereed Book Chapters
- Burgo, C. (2019). Mixed classrooms: How do Spanish heritage speakers (HS) feel about the mix?, in Thompson, G., & Alvord, S. (Eds.). Contact, Community, and Connections: Current Approaches to Spanish in Multilingual Populations(pp. 305-321). Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press.
- Burgo, C. (2016). Teaching Spanish in the digital age: A flipped classroom or just hybrid? In C. Wang & L. Winstead (Eds). Handbook of Research on Foreign Language Education in the Digital Age (pp. 83-103), Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Articles in Refereed Journals
- Burgo, C. (2023) Teaching during COVID-19: Social justice and Spanish heritage language learners AILA Review, 36(1), 1-13.
- Burgo, C. (2022). Best practices in teaching Spanish in higher education during COVID-19. Journal for Leadership, Equity, and Research, 8(1), 58-70.
- Burgo, C. (2020). The impact of study abroad on Spanish heritage language learners. Journal of Latinos and Education, 19(3), 304-312.
- Burgo, C. (2017). Comparing advanced L2 and heritage language learners’ Spanish grammars: Some pedagogical considerations, Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics, 30(1), 52-73.
- Burgo, C. (2017). Meeting student needs: Integrating Spanish heritage language learners into the second language classroom. Hispania, 100(5), 45-50.