
Match Statistics

The Stritch Class of 2024 matched in a diverse range of specialties: primary care (44%) and within primary care: 27% matched in Internal Medicine, 7% in Family Medicine, 7% in Pediatrics, 3% in Meds/Peds, and <1% in Preliminary Medicine. Additionally, the remainder of the class matched into 19 other specialties, with the largest number of M4s matching in Emergency Medicine (9%), Anesthesiology (7%), Psychiatry (6%), Obstetrics-Gynecology (5%), and Preliminary Surgery (5%).  

Learn where Stritch Class of 2024 Matched (Loyola ID required to access) 

The Stritch Class of 2024 matched in a diverse range of specialties: primary care (44%) and within primary care: 27% matched in Internal Medicine, 7% in Family Medicine, 7% in Pediatrics, 3% in Meds/Peds, and <1% in Preliminary Medicine. Additionally, the remainder of the class matched into 19 other specialties, with the largest number of M4s matching in Emergency Medicine (9%), Anesthesiology (7%), Psychiatry (6%), Obstetrics-Gynecology (5%), and Preliminary Surgery (5%).  

Learn where Stritch Class of 2024 Matched (Loyola ID required to access)