

Hand pinning a location on a map for Match Day

M4's Meet their Match!

It’s the moment Stritch physicians-in-training approach with anticipation and excitement: at exactly 11:00 a.m. (Central time) on the third Friday in March, they – along with fourth year medical students (M4s) throughout the world -- learn their residency “match.”  At Stritch, surrounded by family, friends, and the Stritch community, these physicians-in-training open a personalized envelope to see where they will continue their medical training for the next three to seven years. 

This year’s main residency match is the largest in National Resident Matching Program® (NRMP) history with 42,952 applicants who certified a rank order list and 40,375 positions in the Match.  A private, non-profit organization, NRMP administers a mechanism to level the playing field for matching applicant preferences for U.S. residency positions with the preferences of residency program directors.  Learn where the Stritch Class of 2023 matched.

Share Your Match Moments

We invite everyone attending Match Day to share photos or a short video so that we can feature your achievement! Tag us on Twitter or Instagram @LoyolaStritch and use #Stritch23Match.

Check out some Match magnificent moments.

Faculty Awards

Each year, Stritch fourth year physicians-in-training select two outstanding educators. This year’s Outstanding Classroom Educator is Kevin Simpson, MD, professor, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine. For the second year in a row, Monica Edwards, MD, MPH, associate professor, Department of Medicine, is the recipient of the Outstanding Clinical Educator Award.

HSC Campus aerial photo
"As you celebrate today and this wonderful accomplishment, remember to thank your family, friends, and mentors who helped you get here and motivated you when times were difficult....When we recite the Hippocratic Oath in a few short months, it will remind us that there is an art to medicine as well as science." Sam J. Marzo, MD, (SSOM '91) Dean, Chief Diversity Officer, and Professor, Stritch School of Medicine
2023 LUC SSOM Match Day US Map Stats

It’s the moment Stritch physicians-in-training approach with anticipation and excitement: at exactly 11:00 a.m. (Central time) on the third Friday in March, they – along with fourth year medical students (M4s) throughout the world -- learn their residency “match.”  At Stritch, surrounded by family, friends, and the Stritch community, these physicians-in-training open a personalized envelope to see where they will continue their medical training for the next three to seven years. 

This year’s main residency match is the largest in National Resident Matching Program® (NRMP) history with 42,952 applicants who certified a rank order list and 40,375 positions in the Match.  A private, non-profit organization, NRMP administers a mechanism to level the playing field for matching applicant preferences for U.S. residency positions with the preferences of residency program directors.  Learn where the Stritch Class of 2023 matched.