Study Abroad

Study Abroad

Expanding your borders. It's part of the reason you attend law school.

The School of Law's Study Abroad program means your education has no boundaries...literally. Imagine studying international law in Rome.

An Immersive Education

In our Study Abroad program, you'll:

  • Experience new and different cultures
  • Learn about legal systems outside the U.S.
  • Create global partnerships for your future

Our curriculum continually expands and deepens in response to developing areas of international professional interest. All of our areas of special expertise—health law, child and family law, advocacy, business and tax, antitrust, intellectual property—have strong international and comparative components.

International Program Options

Rome Program

Rome Program

This introduction to comparative and international law will give students a deeper understanding of their own legal culture.

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Expanding your borders. It's part of the reason you attend law school.

The School of Law's Study Abroad program means your education has no boundaries...literally. Imagine studying international law in Rome.

An Immersive Education

In our Study Abroad program, you'll:

  • Experience new and different cultures
  • Learn about legal systems outside the U.S.
  • Create global partnerships for your future

Our curriculum continually expands and deepens in response to developing areas of international professional interest. All of our areas of special expertise—health law, child and family law, advocacy, business and tax, antitrust, intellectual property—have strong international and comparative components.