
Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF)

Student Animal Legal Defense Fund


The Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF) at Loyola University Chicago School of Law is a student chapter of the Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF). The ALDF’s mission is to protect the lives and advance the interests of animals through the legal system. ALDF accomplishes this mission by filing high-impact lawsuits to protect animals from harm, providing free legal assistance and training to prosecutors to assure that animal abusers are punished for their crimes, supporting tough animal protection legislation and fighting harmful animal protection legislation, and providing resources and opportunities to law students and professionals to advance the emerging field of animal law.

Founded in 1979 by attorneys active in shaping the emerging field of animal law, ALDF has blazed the trail for stronger enforcement of anti-cruelty laws and more humane treatment of animals in every corner of American life. Today, ALDF’s groundbreaking efforts to push the U.S. legal system to end the suffering of abused animals are supported by thousands of dedicated attorneys and more than 200,000 members and supporters. Information courtesy of the Animal Legal Defense Fund at aldf.org.

Faculty Advisor: Nadia Sawicki

Board of Executives
President: Rachel Genschoreck (rgenschoreck@luc.edu)
Vice President: Lucia G.
Secretary: Chantz Visse (cvisse@luc.edu)
Social Media Coordinator: Olivia Frawley (ofrawley@luc.edu)
Executive Board Member/Weekend JD Representative: Mel Bonnici (mbonnici@luc.edu)

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/saldf.loyola.chicago/
Sakai Page: https://sakai.luc.edu/portal/site/dbbeffbf-7921-4859-94d7-60beb78ff798

Student Animal Legal Defense Fund


The Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF) at Loyola University Chicago School of Law is a student chapter of the Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF). The ALDF’s mission is to protect the lives and advance the interests of animals through the legal system. ALDF accomplishes this mission by filing high-impact lawsuits to protect animals from harm, providing free legal assistance and training to prosecutors to assure that animal abusers are punished for their crimes, supporting tough animal protection legislation and fighting harmful animal protection legislation, and providing resources and opportunities to law students and professionals to advance the emerging field of animal law.

Founded in 1979 by attorneys active in shaping the emerging field of animal law, ALDF has blazed the trail for stronger enforcement of anti-cruelty laws and more humane treatment of animals in every corner of American life. Today, ALDF’s groundbreaking efforts to push the U.S. legal system to end the suffering of abused animals are supported by thousands of dedicated attorneys and more than 200,000 members and supporters. Information courtesy of the Animal Legal Defense Fund at aldf.org.

Faculty Advisor: Nadia Sawicki

Board of Executives
President: Rachel Genschoreck (rgenschoreck@luc.edu)
Vice President: Lucia G.
Secretary: Chantz Visse (cvisse@luc.edu)
Social Media Coordinator: Olivia Frawley (ofrawley@luc.edu)
Executive Board Member/Weekend JD Representative: Mel Bonnici (mbonnici@luc.edu)

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/saldf.loyola.chicago/
Sakai Page: https://sakai.luc.edu/portal/site/dbbeffbf-7921-4859-94d7-60beb78ff798