
Christian Legal Society

2023-2024 Executive Board

President: Jamie Perry

Vice President:  David Mondero

Faculty Advisor: John M. Breen

The purposes of this chapter are the mutual support and encouragement, fellowship and personal growth of Loyola law students who identify themselves as followers of Jesus Christ, in order to more faithfully live out that commitment in their personal and academic lives, to prepare for future lives as Christian attorneys and to provide a witness and outreach for Jesus Christ in the Law School community.

During the 2023-2024 school year, our chapter will meet monthly on campus, and host a guest speaker once a month. During these meetings, members engage in fellowship, prayer, and Bible study. Attorneys from the Chicago Chapter of the National Christian Legal Society will join us for valuable spiritual mentorship, career advice, and opportunities to develop legal skills. Loyola CLS Alum in the community are eager to build connections with believers on our campus and provide guidance and leadership.

More information will be posted in the coming weeks. In the meantime, feel free to reach out to discuss what it looks like to live out your faith during your time in law school at Loyola!

National Website: https://www.christianlegalsociety.org

Center for Law and Religious Freedom: https://clsreligiousfreedom.org

Interested? Check out our TWEN page at “Christian Legal Society” and sign up for the email list.

2023-2024 Executive Board

President: Jamie Perry

Vice President:  David Mondero

Faculty Advisor: John M. Breen

The purposes of this chapter are the mutual support and encouragement, fellowship and personal growth of Loyola law students who identify themselves as followers of Jesus Christ, in order to more faithfully live out that commitment in their personal and academic lives, to prepare for future lives as Christian attorneys and to provide a witness and outreach for Jesus Christ in the Law School community.

During the 2023-2024 school year, our chapter will meet monthly on campus, and host a guest speaker once a month. During these meetings, members engage in fellowship, prayer, and Bible study. Attorneys from the Chicago Chapter of the National Christian Legal Society will join us for valuable spiritual mentorship, career advice, and opportunities to develop legal skills. Loyola CLS Alum in the community are eager to build connections with believers on our campus and provide guidance and leadership.

More information will be posted in the coming weeks. In the meantime, feel free to reach out to discuss what it looks like to live out your faith during your time in law school at Loyola!

National Website: https://www.christianlegalsociety.org

Center for Law and Religious Freedom: https://clsreligiousfreedom.org

Interested? Check out our TWEN page at “Christian Legal Society” and sign up for the email list.