

Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing

"Nine faculty Program Directors in the School of Nursing advise students in the Master of Science in Nursing specialty tracks. The Program Directors review student applications, create Program Plans, and manage progression/retention issues. In addition to the nine Program Directors, the Director of Graduate Student Affairs and the Associate Dean of Master’s and DNP Programs work closely with both the students and Program Directors. Prior to DocFinity, hard copies of various student records were kept in multiple locations.

The School of Nursing also collects required documents submitted by newly admitted students that are reviewed by multiple individuals. These documents include clinical requirements (i.e. Personal health insurance, CPR card, HIPAA and OSHA documents, and Criminal background check and drug screening) and for those students transferring credits, the course syllabi and Transfer Credit Approval Form. With DocFinity, these documents are accessible to multiple people in various locations. Progression/Retention documents of current students now scanned to Docfinity include: Leave of Absence, Incomplete Grade, Withdrawal Grade, Grade lower than B-, Academic Probation, Change of Grade, Change of Registration, and Change of Specialty Track forms. Likewise, graduation and post-graduation documents (Comprehensive Exam Proposal Form, Comprehensive Exam Paper, National Certification Forms, and Education Verification and Credential Forms) are stored in and accessed through Docfinity.

To begin the process, our team created the Document Inventory Grid (DIG). The DIG allowed us to examine our specific records as well as the processes by which we (i.e. staff, faculty, administration and students) communicate with each other about them.

Docfinity provides a mechanism to enhance the management of student records. Specifically, benefits include an increase in record security and protection, as well as improved information sharing and collaboration. The elimination of hard copies and reduction in physical storage space requirements are consistent with our university and school’s support of green initiatives.”

—MariJo Letizia PhD, APN/ANP-BC, FAANP, Professor and Associate Dean of Masters and DNP Programs, and Beth Koenig, Director of Graduate Student Affairs

Enrollment Operations

"Enrollment Operations is a division of Enrollment Management, which is responsible for making the Financial Aid and Undergraduate Admission offices paperless. By implementing DocFinity for the Financial Aid and Undergraduate Admission Offices, we were able to increase our processing efficiency by 73% in the first year of use, resulting in an annual savings of over 800 hours. We are capable of processing incoming and enrolled student application and Financial aid documents within 24 hours of receipt throughout most of the year, which has a potential savings of up to 4 full business days compared to our prior system. We have seen a significantly more streamlined approach to application processing and document routing. In executing these streamlined processes, we have ultimately served the Undergraduate Admission applicant and the Financial Aid applicant at a much higher and efficient rate. Utilizing DocFinity's customizable workflow options, we have eliminated any security risks associated with inter-office mailing or emailing of documents to external audiences. Using a "scan first" approach, we have eliminated any potential delays associated with missing documents from students’ electronic files, further serving our applicants as best as we can. We have also been able to decrease our physical hardware from 5 scan stations to just 2 scan stations. Under the expert guidance and leadership of Loyola's ECM team, we have successfully undergone multiple implementations and upgrades of DocFinity. Each implementation or upgrade of DocFinity has allowed us to better serve all of our applicants, our partners in Enrollment Management, and our other constituents throughout the University."

—Tim Carroll, Associate Director of Undergraduate Admissions

Residence Life

“The Department of Residence Life initially began working with the DocFinity team awhile back in hopes of streamlining our extended stay process in the residence halls. At the end of spring semester, we have a number of groups (graduating students, in season athletes, etc.) who need to remain on campus after the official hall closing date. The sign-up process had previously been through Google Docs and we were finding that information was at times being inputted incorrectly. This required us to do a lot of auditing to ensure that only approved students were remaining on campus and that assignment information was correct. We worked with the DocFinity team to create a web-based form that pulled a lot of the required information directly from Locus, which required a lot less auditing. The students were also directly emailed a copy of their sign-up information to have for their records. We have since worked with the team to create similar forms of other departmental processes. The DocFinity forms have simplified the processes of our department and helped students with their sign-up needs. The DocFinity team is wonderful to work with. They have always been responsive to our needs and timelines as a department.”

—Melissa Bagdon, Student Program Coordinator

Last Modified:   Thu, January 30, 2025 9:19 AM CST

Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing

"Nine faculty Program Directors in the School of Nursing advise students in the Master of Science in Nursing specialty tracks. The Program Directors review student applications, create Program Plans, and manage progression/retention issues. In addition to the nine Program Directors, the Director of Graduate Student Affairs and the Associate Dean of Master’s and DNP Programs work closely with both the students and Program Directors. Prior to DocFinity, hard copies of various student records were kept in multiple locations.

The School of Nursing also collects required documents submitted by newly admitted students that are reviewed by multiple individuals. These documents include clinical requirements (i.e. Personal health insurance, CPR card, HIPAA and OSHA documents, and Criminal background check and drug screening) and for those students transferring credits, the course syllabi and Transfer Credit Approval Form. With DocFinity, these documents are accessible to multiple people in various locations. Progression/Retention documents of current students now scanned to Docfinity include: Leave of Absence, Incomplete Grade, Withdrawal Grade, Grade lower than B-, Academic Probation, Change of Grade, Change of Registration, and Change of Specialty Track forms. Likewise, graduation and post-graduation documents (Comprehensive Exam Proposal Form, Comprehensive Exam Paper, National Certification Forms, and Education Verification and Credential Forms) are stored in and accessed through Docfinity.

To begin the process, our team created the Document Inventory Grid (DIG). The DIG allowed us to examine our specific records as well as the processes by which we (i.e. staff, faculty, administration and students) communicate with each other about them.

Docfinity provides a mechanism to enhance the management of student records. Specifically, benefits include an increase in record security and protection, as well as improved information sharing and collaboration. The elimination of hard copies and reduction in physical storage space requirements are consistent with our university and school’s support of green initiatives.”

—MariJo Letizia PhD, APN/ANP-BC, FAANP, Professor and Associate Dean of Masters and DNP Programs, and Beth Koenig, Director of Graduate Student Affairs

Enrollment Operations

"Enrollment Operations is a division of Enrollment Management, which is responsible for making the Financial Aid and Undergraduate Admission offices paperless. By implementing DocFinity for the Financial Aid and Undergraduate Admission Offices, we were able to increase our processing efficiency by 73% in the first year of use, resulting in an annual savings of over 800 hours. We are capable of processing incoming and enrolled student application and Financial aid documents within 24 hours of receipt throughout most of the year, which has a potential savings of up to 4 full business days compared to our prior system. We have seen a significantly more streamlined approach to application processing and document routing. In executing these streamlined processes, we have ultimately served the Undergraduate Admission applicant and the Financial Aid applicant at a much higher and efficient rate. Utilizing DocFinity's customizable workflow options, we have eliminated any security risks associated with inter-office mailing or emailing of documents to external audiences. Using a "scan first" approach, we have eliminated any potential delays associated with missing documents from students’ electronic files, further serving our applicants as best as we can. We have also been able to decrease our physical hardware from 5 scan stations to just 2 scan stations. Under the expert guidance and leadership of Loyola's ECM team, we have successfully undergone multiple implementations and upgrades of DocFinity. Each implementation or upgrade of DocFinity has allowed us to better serve all of our applicants, our partners in Enrollment Management, and our other constituents throughout the University."

—Tim Carroll, Associate Director of Undergraduate Admissions

Residence Life

“The Department of Residence Life initially began working with the DocFinity team awhile back in hopes of streamlining our extended stay process in the residence halls. At the end of spring semester, we have a number of groups (graduating students, in season athletes, etc.) who need to remain on campus after the official hall closing date. The sign-up process had previously been through Google Docs and we were finding that information was at times being inputted incorrectly. This required us to do a lot of auditing to ensure that only approved students were remaining on campus and that assignment information was correct. We worked with the DocFinity team to create a web-based form that pulled a lot of the required information directly from Locus, which required a lot less auditing. The students were also directly emailed a copy of their sign-up information to have for their records. We have since worked with the team to create similar forms of other departmental processes. The DocFinity forms have simplified the processes of our department and helped students with their sign-up needs. The DocFinity team is wonderful to work with. They have always been responsive to our needs and timelines as a department.”

—Melissa Bagdon, Student Program Coordinator