Qualtrics is a web-based survey research software for which Loyola has a campus-wide subscription. Loyola is licensed for Core XM (legacy) and an additional module, the Offline Survey App.
All LUC faculty, staff, and currently enrolled students can access Qualtrics to conduct online surveys for university-related purposes. Qualtrics offers an advanced question and feature set that meets the needs of LUC researchers from a variety of disciplines.
Qualtrics is browser-based and can be used from any location with internet access. The Overview of Qualtrics at LUC provides a brief introduction to accessing Qualtrics.
How do I access Qualtrics?
Use your LUC uvid (username) and password to log in at luc.qualtrics.com. Your account will be created automatically. Do NOT create an account at the Qualtrics site (www.qualtrics.com).
Who can use the Loyola Qualtrics Subscription?
Qualtrics is freely available to all LUC faculty, staff, and enrolled students. It is not available to alumni, retirees, sponsored guests, or contractors.
For what can the Loyola Qualtrics Subscription be used?
Qualtrics use is restricted to university-related work. The LUC subscription allows for unlimited use of the software for legitimate Loyola-related research and educational activities. Qualtrics may not be used on behalf of outside organizations or for personal use not related to the university.
The LUC Qualtrics subscription is not approved for the collection and storage of Protected Health Information (PHI). If you intend to collect PHI via a survey you should apply to use the External REDCap database/survey application.
Where are my Qualtrics data stored?
Data collected through Qualtrics are stored on Qualtrics' servers unless/until downloaded by the researcher.
Do I need IRB approval for my survey?
Any survey conducted for research purposes must be approved by a Loyola Institutional Review Board (the Lakeside Institutional Review Board or the Health Sciences Campus Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects) prior to contact with subjects. Please refer to the Lakeside IRB page or the Health Sciences IRB page for information about how to apply for IRB approval for human-subjects research projects.
How do I get help/support using Qualtrics?
LUC has contracted with Qualtrics for direct user support. There are a number of Qualtrics support resources available.
- Use the Qualtrics support webpages. Qualtrics online documentation has extensive information about the features offered by Qualtrics, e.g., question types, skip logic, formatting, randomization, etc.
- Use the Qualtrics support site to get 24/7 assistance via chat, email, or phone from a Qualtrics support technician. Instructions for accessing support are as follows:
- If you are already logged in to Qualtrics, click on ? icon in the top right hand corner (this is the Help function).
- Choose the Contact Support button in the Help dialog box that opens.
- On the Qualtrics XM page that opens, click on the Sign in with SSO link that appears under the username and password boxes.
- On the page that opens, enter luc for the Organization ID and click on Continue. NOTE: If you went directly to the Qualtrics support site without logging in to Qualtrics, you will be asked for your LUC uvid and password at this point; if you are already logged in to luc.qualtrics.com you will go directly to the support page.
- A Qualtrics XM page with your uvid will open, e.g., jdoe#luc.edu. Under your uvid you will see box with the text Loyola University Chicago - University Wide.
- Click on that box and you will be taken to the Qualtrics Support Portal page.
- On that page, click on the Product and Technical Support box.
- The Product Support page will open.
- On that page, choose Survey Platform under the Product Area sub-heading.
- The methods of support available to you will highlight, e.g., Phone, Email, Chat (only available during normal business hours - 9 am to 5 pm MST).
- Choose the support method you desire and follow the instructions on the specific support method page that will open upon choosing your support method.
- If you have trouble with the above instructions, refer to the detailed online Qualtrics instructions (with screenshots) for contacting support. Note that the current online instructions from Qualtrics do not address points 5 and 6 above given Loyola's method of authentication. You need to follow the instructions above for those extra steps.
- Use the Qualtrics Basecamp training videos. We recommend starting with the Learn to Use Qualtrics for Research training video. Training videos are especially useful if you are completely unfamiliar with the Qualtrics. To access training videos from the Basecamp page follow the instructions below:
- Once you are on the Qualtrics Basecamp page, click the LOGIN button in the top right hand corner of the page.
- Click on the Sign in with SSO link.
- Enter luc for the Organization ID when prompted and click on Continue.
- If you are already logged in to luc.qualtrics.com the videos will play. However, if you are not logged in to luc.qualtrics.com you will be prompted to Please sign in with your organizational account, at which point you should enter your LUC username and password and click Sign In.
- Once you are logged in you will see icons for each training video. Not all videos pertain to Qualtrics XM (Survey Platform) which is the only product for which LUC is licensed.
- Use the Learn the XM Platform online documentation to get started with Qualtrics.
- Use the ITSServiceDesk system (ITSServiceDesk@luc.edu) to request administrative support from ITRS for Qualtrics. Administrative support includes assistance with account access problems, account permissions questions, creation of user groups, transferring ownership of surveys, and requests for quotes for add-on modules.
We provide assistance with general survey design (question wording, ordering, or other survey design issues).
Qualtrics is a web-based survey research software for which Loyola has a campus-wide subscription. Loyola is licensed for Core XM (legacy) and an additional module, the Offline Survey App.
All LUC faculty, staff, and currently enrolled students can access Qualtrics to conduct online surveys for university-related purposes. Qualtrics offers an advanced question and feature set that meets the needs of LUC researchers from a variety of disciplines.
Qualtrics is browser-based and can be used from any location with internet access. The Overview of Qualtrics at LUC provides a brief introduction to accessing Qualtrics.
How do I access Qualtrics?
Use your LUC uvid (username) and password to log in at luc.qualtrics.com. Your account will be created automatically. Do NOT create an account at the Qualtrics site (www.qualtrics.com).
Who can use the Loyola Qualtrics Subscription?
Qualtrics is freely available to all LUC faculty, staff, and enrolled students. It is not available to alumni, retirees, sponsored guests, or contractors.
For what can the Loyola Qualtrics Subscription be used?
Qualtrics use is restricted to university-related work. The LUC subscription allows for unlimited use of the software for legitimate Loyola-related research and educational activities. Qualtrics may not be used on behalf of outside organizations or for personal use not related to the university.
The LUC Qualtrics subscription is not approved for the collection and storage of Protected Health Information (PHI). If you intend to collect PHI via a survey you should apply to use the External REDCap database/survey application.
Where are my Qualtrics data stored?
Data collected through Qualtrics are stored on Qualtrics' servers unless/until downloaded by the researcher.
Do I need IRB approval for my survey?
Any survey conducted for research purposes must be approved by a Loyola Institutional Review Board (the Lakeside Institutional Review Board or the Health Sciences Campus Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects) prior to contact with subjects. Please refer to the Lakeside IRB page or the Health Sciences IRB page for information about how to apply for IRB approval for human-subjects research projects.
How do I get help/support using Qualtrics?
LUC has contracted with Qualtrics for direct user support. There are a number of Qualtrics support resources available.
- Use the Qualtrics support webpages. Qualtrics online documentation has extensive information about the features offered by Qualtrics, e.g., question types, skip logic, formatting, randomization, etc.
- Use the Qualtrics support site to get 24/7 assistance via chat, email, or phone from a Qualtrics support technician. Instructions for accessing support are as follows:
- If you are already logged in to Qualtrics, click on ? icon in the top right hand corner (this is the Help function).
- Choose the Contact Support button in the Help dialog box that opens.
- On the Qualtrics XM page that opens, click on the Sign in with SSO link that appears under the username and password boxes.
- On the page that opens, enter luc for the Organization ID and click on Continue. NOTE: If you went directly to the Qualtrics support site without logging in to Qualtrics, you will be asked for your LUC uvid and password at this point; if you are already logged in to luc.qualtrics.com you will go directly to the support page.
- A Qualtrics XM page with your uvid will open, e.g., jdoe#luc.edu. Under your uvid you will see box with the text Loyola University Chicago - University Wide.
- Click on that box and you will be taken to the Qualtrics Support Portal page.
- On that page, click on the Product and Technical Support box.
- The Product Support page will open.
- On that page, choose Survey Platform under the Product Area sub-heading.
- The methods of support available to you will highlight, e.g., Phone, Email, Chat (only available during normal business hours - 9 am to 5 pm MST).
- Choose the support method you desire and follow the instructions on the specific support method page that will open upon choosing your support method.
- If you have trouble with the above instructions, refer to the detailed online Qualtrics instructions (with screenshots) for contacting support. Note that the current online instructions from Qualtrics do not address points 5 and 6 above given Loyola's method of authentication. You need to follow the instructions above for those extra steps.
- Use the Qualtrics Basecamp training videos. We recommend starting with the Learn to Use Qualtrics for Research training video. Training videos are especially useful if you are completely unfamiliar with the Qualtrics. To access training videos from the Basecamp page follow the instructions below:
- Once you are on the Qualtrics Basecamp page, click the LOGIN button in the top right hand corner of the page.
- Click on the Sign in with SSO link.
- Enter luc for the Organization ID when prompted and click on Continue.
- If you are already logged in to luc.qualtrics.com the videos will play. However, if you are not logged in to luc.qualtrics.com you will be prompted to Please sign in with your organizational account, at which point you should enter your LUC username and password and click Sign In.
- Once you are logged in you will see icons for each training video. Not all videos pertain to Qualtrics XM (Survey Platform) which is the only product for which LUC is licensed.
- Use the Learn the XM Platform online documentation to get started with Qualtrics.
- Use the ITSServiceDesk system (ITSServiceDesk@luc.edu) to request administrative support from ITRS for Qualtrics. Administrative support includes assistance with account access problems, account permissions questions, creation of user groups, transferring ownership of surveys, and requests for quotes for add-on modules.
We provide assistance with general survey design (question wording, ordering, or other survey design issues).