
Overdue & Unreturned Equipment

10.1 Overdue Equipment

Equipment that is returned after the scheduled due date and time will result in late fines pro-rated to the number of minutes each barcoded resource is past due. For example, if an Audio Recorder has a daily late value of $24/day (the equivalent of $1.00/hour) and is returned 30-minutes past the due date and time, it will result in a pro-rated fine of $0.50. A 15-minute grace period is provided for each checkout allocation, however after the initial 15-minute grace period has elapsed, all fines are determined based on the original, scheduled due date and time, not from the end of the grace period. Please note there are no maximum fine amounts as checkout allocations can include numerous combinations of equipment, each with their own individual fine rates and values.

10.2 Excessively Overdue Equipment

Equipment checkout allocations that exceed twice the length of the standard loan maximum will be considered "Excessively Overdue". Equipment will be considered excessively overdue after 5-days past the scheduled due date and time. After this time elapses and is reviewed by a Digital Media Services full-time staff member, a final 24-hour notice will be sent to the client’s Loyola email address requesting response and return of the equipment. If a return does not occur within the 24-hour final notice, the equipment will then be considered "Unreturned".

10.3 Unreturned Equipment

Excessively Overdue equipment that surpasses the final 24-hour notice will be considered "Unreturned". The overdue Checkout Allocation will be returned to prevent further impact to current clients. The resources will be checked out to a new "Placeholder" allocation in the event of a return or recovery of equipment occurs prior to the end of the academic semester/term.

10.3.1 Fines due to Unreturned Equipment

Clients will receive a Fine Invoice email identifying the final value for the full cost to replace all applicable equipment and accessories from a University-approved vendor, in addition to a 15% penalty fine or $25.00, whichever is greater. Purchase price of replacement equipment, including comparable products in instances where specific models are no longer manufactured or sold as new, will be determined at the discretion of the Digital Media Services Manager. Client recommendations or client purchases of replacement equipment will not be accepted.

Clients that accumulate late fine values equivalent to or above the cost of replacement due to Excessively Overdue or Unreturned Equipment as identified in a Fine Invoice does not entitle the borrower to 'own' University property in any capacity; these are to be considered penalty fines as it has impacted the Loyola community's reliable access and ability to utilize the overdue and/or unreturned items.

10.3.2 Access Restrictions due to Unreturned Equipment

A block may be placed on the client's account to prevent further access to the Equipment Loan Program due to Unreturned Equipment. In such instances, an email notification will identify the duration of the block. If unreturned equipment is located and returned no later than the end-of-semester, the block may be eligible for removal, however all fines will remain valid and ineligible for appeal.

In the event of multiple occurrences of unreturned equipment, a permanent ban from the Equipment Loan Program may be placed on the client's account preventing further impact to other users. A follow-up notification to the client's academic department, work unit, Campus Safety and/or the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution may also occur. This is to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and at the determination of the Digital Media Services Manager.

10.4 Stolen Equipment

While every step should be taken to safeguard equipment borrowed from the University, clients should never prioritize equipment value over their own personal safety. Do NOT fight a robber or attacker for University property. Equipment can be replaced; an individual cannot.

Clients should follow the steps detailed in Reporting Stolen Equipment During Your Loan within the Acceptable Communications During Your Loan section. Equipment that is reported as stolen during a loan will be considered "Lost" and follow associated procedures thereafter.

10.5 Lost Equipment

If equipment checked out to a client is lost or stolen during the course of the active loan, it is the client’s responsibility to report this to Digital Media Services following the steps outlined in the Acceptable Communications During Your Loan section.

10.5.1 Fines due to Lost or Stolen Equipment

Clients that follow proper steps for communication before equipment return time elapses will be responsible for the full cost to replace all applicable equipment and accessories from a University-approved vendor, in addition to a 15% penalty fine or $25.00, whichever is greater. Purchase price of replacement equipment, including comparable products in instances where specific models are no longer manufactured or sold as new, will be determined at the discretion of the Digital Media Services Manager. Client recommendations or client purchases of replacement equipment will not be accepted. Fines for Lost or Stolen Equipment will be ineligible for appeal.

Costs for replacement may be covered by individual client insurance policies as the equipment is the responsibility of that individual during the scheduled loan period overlapping loss or theft. A copy of the associated Loan Program Policies and allocation loan details may provided by Digital Media Services upon request in such circumstances.

10.5.2 Access Restrictions due to Lost or Stolen Equipment

Equipment that is not properly communicated as lost or stolen prior to the scheduled due date and time will follow standard escalation as it becomes Overdue, Excessively Overdue then Unreturned. Clients may have a block placed on their account revoking access to the Equipment Loan Program placed on their account due to Lost or Stolen Equipment, the duration of the block will be communicated via email.

Lost or Unreturned Equipment Accessories, such as batteries, cables, cases/containers, chargers, headphones, lens caps, marker kits and memory cards, may result in only a Fine Invoice with no associated semester block. This is to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and at the determination of the Digital Media Services Manager.

10.6 Recovered Equipment

In the event that Digital Media Services receives equipment left unattended and/or considered lost, returned by individuals not associated to the borrowing client (such as Facilities staff, Campus Safety, or other community members), the equipment will be considered "Recovered Equipment." If the recovered equipment is received at the originating campus of circulation and all barcoded resources associated with each kit are accounted for, staff will check in the full kit so immediate availability may resume. Equipment kits that are incomplete or received at another campus circulation location, will not be checked in. Partial kit returns will be set aside until a Digital Media Services full-time staff member can review the equipment further.

10.6.1 Fines due to Recovered Equipment

Equipment that is recovered during an active loan may result in a Fine Invoice equivalent to a late fine of one-full day (24 hours) for the equipment to the borrowing client regardless if received before or at the time the equipment was scheduled for return. Equipment that is recovered after the scheduled due date and time may result in a late fine equivalent to the total number of minutes the equipment is past due.

Additional fines may be incurred if other equipment, components or accessories escalate to be considered unreturned or lost. Note that recovered equipment received after the end-of-semester will still result in the fines and access restrictions associated to "Lost Equipment." Clients that accumulate fines due to Recovered Equipment does not entitle the borrower to 'own' University property in any capacity; these are to be considered penalty fines as it has impacted the Loyola community's reliable access and ability to utilize the equipment. Fines associated with recovered equipment will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and may be ineligible for appeal at the determination of the Digital Media Services Manager.

10.6.2 Access Restrictions due to Recovered Equipment

Clients may receive up to a one-month block revoking access to the Equipment Loan Program in the event of unattended equipment is returned. Further fines or restrictions may be incurred if equipment escalates to the status of unreturned or lost. Accessories, such as batteries, chargers, cables, cases/containers, marker kits, lens caps and memory cards, may result in only a Fine Invoice with no additional block. This is to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and at the determination of the Digital Media Services Manager.

Last Modified:   Thu, January 30, 2025 11:15 AM CST

10.1 Overdue Equipment

Equipment that is returned after the scheduled due date and time will result in late fines pro-rated to the number of minutes each barcoded resource is past due. For example, if an Audio Recorder has a daily late value of $24/day (the equivalent of $1.00/hour) and is returned 30-minutes past the due date and time, it will result in a pro-rated fine of $0.50. A 15-minute grace period is provided for each checkout allocation, however after the initial 15-minute grace period has elapsed, all fines are determined based on the original, scheduled due date and time, not from the end of the grace period. Please note there are no maximum fine amounts as checkout allocations can include numerous combinations of equipment, each with their own individual fine rates and values.

10.2 Excessively Overdue Equipment

Equipment checkout allocations that exceed twice the length of the standard loan maximum will be considered "Excessively Overdue". Equipment will be considered excessively overdue after 5-days past the scheduled due date and time. After this time elapses and is reviewed by a Digital Media Services full-time staff member, a final 24-hour notice will be sent to the client’s Loyola email address requesting response and return of the equipment. If a return does not occur within the 24-hour final notice, the equipment will then be considered "Unreturned".

10.3 Unreturned Equipment

Excessively Overdue equipment that surpasses the final 24-hour notice will be considered "Unreturned". The overdue Checkout Allocation will be returned to prevent further impact to current clients. The resources will be checked out to a new "Placeholder" allocation in the event of a return or recovery of equipment occurs prior to the end of the academic semester/term.

10.3.1 Fines due to Unreturned Equipment

Clients will receive a Fine Invoice email identifying the final value for the full cost to replace all applicable equipment and accessories from a University-approved vendor, in addition to a 15% penalty fine or $25.00, whichever is greater. Purchase price of replacement equipment, including comparable products in instances where specific models are no longer manufactured or sold as new, will be determined at the discretion of the Digital Media Services Manager. Client recommendations or client purchases of replacement equipment will not be accepted.

Clients that accumulate late fine values equivalent to or above the cost of replacement due to Excessively Overdue or Unreturned Equipment as identified in a Fine Invoice does not entitle the borrower to 'own' University property in any capacity; these are to be considered penalty fines as it has impacted the Loyola community's reliable access and ability to utilize the overdue and/or unreturned items.

10.3.2 Access Restrictions due to Unreturned Equipment

A block may be placed on the client's account to prevent further access to the Equipment Loan Program due to Unreturned Equipment. In such instances, an email notification will identify the duration of the block. If unreturned equipment is located and returned no later than the end-of-semester, the block may be eligible for removal, however all fines will remain valid and ineligible for appeal.

In the event of multiple occurrences of unreturned equipment, a permanent ban from the Equipment Loan Program may be placed on the client's account preventing further impact to other users. A follow-up notification to the client's academic department, work unit, Campus Safety and/or the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution may also occur. This is to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and at the determination of the Digital Media Services Manager.

10.4 Stolen Equipment

While every step should be taken to safeguard equipment borrowed from the University, clients should never prioritize equipment value over their own personal safety. Do NOT fight a robber or attacker for University property. Equipment can be replaced; an individual cannot.

Clients should follow the steps detailed in Reporting Stolen Equipment During Your Loan within the Acceptable Communications During Your Loan section. Equipment that is reported as stolen during a loan will be considered "Lost" and follow associated procedures thereafter.

10.5 Lost Equipment

If equipment checked out to a client is lost or stolen during the course of the active loan, it is the client’s responsibility to report this to Digital Media Services following the steps outlined in the Acceptable Communications During Your Loan section.

10.5.1 Fines due to Lost or Stolen Equipment

Clients that follow proper steps for communication before equipment return time elapses will be responsible for the full cost to replace all applicable equipment and accessories from a University-approved vendor, in addition to a 15% penalty fine or $25.00, whichever is greater. Purchase price of replacement equipment, including comparable products in instances where specific models are no longer manufactured or sold as new, will be determined at the discretion of the Digital Media Services Manager. Client recommendations or client purchases of replacement equipment will not be accepted. Fines for Lost or Stolen Equipment will be ineligible for appeal.

Costs for replacement may be covered by individual client insurance policies as the equipment is the responsibility of that individual during the scheduled loan period overlapping loss or theft. A copy of the associated Loan Program Policies and allocation loan details may provided by Digital Media Services upon request in such circumstances.

10.5.2 Access Restrictions due to Lost or Stolen Equipment

Equipment that is not properly communicated as lost or stolen prior to the scheduled due date and time will follow standard escalation as it becomes Overdue, Excessively Overdue then Unreturned. Clients may have a block placed on their account revoking access to the Equipment Loan Program placed on their account due to Lost or Stolen Equipment, the duration of the block will be communicated via email.

Lost or Unreturned Equipment Accessories, such as batteries, cables, cases/containers, chargers, headphones, lens caps, marker kits and memory cards, may result in only a Fine Invoice with no associated semester block. This is to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and at the determination of the Digital Media Services Manager.

10.6 Recovered Equipment

In the event that Digital Media Services receives equipment left unattended and/or considered lost, returned by individuals not associated to the borrowing client (such as Facilities staff, Campus Safety, or other community members), the equipment will be considered "Recovered Equipment." If the recovered equipment is received at the originating campus of circulation and all barcoded resources associated with each kit are accounted for, staff will check in the full kit so immediate availability may resume. Equipment kits that are incomplete or received at another campus circulation location, will not be checked in. Partial kit returns will be set aside until a Digital Media Services full-time staff member can review the equipment further.

10.6.1 Fines due to Recovered Equipment

Equipment that is recovered during an active loan may result in a Fine Invoice equivalent to a late fine of one-full day (24 hours) for the equipment to the borrowing client regardless if received before or at the time the equipment was scheduled for return. Equipment that is recovered after the scheduled due date and time may result in a late fine equivalent to the total number of minutes the equipment is past due.

Additional fines may be incurred if other equipment, components or accessories escalate to be considered unreturned or lost. Note that recovered equipment received after the end-of-semester will still result in the fines and access restrictions associated to "Lost Equipment." Clients that accumulate fines due to Recovered Equipment does not entitle the borrower to 'own' University property in any capacity; these are to be considered penalty fines as it has impacted the Loyola community's reliable access and ability to utilize the equipment. Fines associated with recovered equipment will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and may be ineligible for appeal at the determination of the Digital Media Services Manager.

10.6.2 Access Restrictions due to Recovered Equipment

Clients may receive up to a one-month block revoking access to the Equipment Loan Program in the event of unattended equipment is returned. Further fines or restrictions may be incurred if equipment escalates to the status of unreturned or lost. Accessories, such as batteries, chargers, cables, cases/containers, marker kits, lens caps and memory cards, may result in only a Fine Invoice with no additional block. This is to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and at the determination of the Digital Media Services Manager.