
Policy Changelog

1.3.1 Policy Modifications and Amendments Change Log

This section serves as a Change Log identifying past policy modifications and amendments for historical purposes. Policy updates and changes have been grouped by Academic Year ("AY") for ease of clarity. Note that updates to this page may occur periodically in order to correct broken links.

Updates for AY23-24

  • Fine Appeals 12.4.1 Request for Supporting Documentation revised (01/09/24)
    Fine appeals citing medical reasons or other issues resulting in the request for supporting documentation has been updated. In the event no documentation is provided by the requested deadline and the client has no prior fine appeals, the appeal will be eligible to grant as a One-Time Exception.

  • Blocks and Bans revised (09/20/23)
    Due to the limited instances we have had to implement Bans and Blocks, we have revised our policies so these instances are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, as found in Accessing The Program and Overdue & Unreturned Equipment sections.

  • Migration to WebCheckout Cloud (08/23/23)
    Effective August 22nd, we have upgraded and migrated our system used for circulating equipment, WebCheckout, to their latest cloud solution. This will enable easier login access with Microsoft single sign-on (meaning if you're logged into Outlook, you will already be logged into WebCheckout), as well as more flexibility for other departments to use this system as well. This upgrade includes a notable enhancement to the Patron Portal reservation experience to now be even more mobile-friendly.

Updates for AY22-23

  • Removal of retired equipment from Daily Fine Rates (09/29/22)
    This update removes the "Lightning to HDMI adapter" equipment from the page, as this equipment was retired in Summer 2022.

  • Correction to 10.1 Overdue Equipment (09/06/22)
    The "Audio Recorder" example provided had an error on the fine calculation, this has been corrected.

  • Addition: Self-Service Renewals (08/22/22)
    Effective Fall 2022, all users will have the ability to complete self-service renewals. We have updated several sections to account for this, visit to learn more!

    Updated section 6.0 name from Reservations to Reservations & Renewals to account for self-service renewal information and policies. Modified 6.1 from Walk-In Requests to Reservations Required, in support of reservation-only processes as established in Fall 2020. 6.2.3 Cancelations updated text to include rare instances where DMS may need to edit or cancel a client reservation due to equipment damages upon return. Added subsection 6.3.1 Self-Service Renewals. Modified subsection 6.4 from Extended Loan Requests to End of Semester Requests to more accurately account for requests during term changes, and move necessary renewal text to section 6.3.1.
  • Updates to 11.2.2 Fine Rates by Equipment Category (08/23/22)
    Removal of old and retired equipment from categories list, and additions of new equipment and values to be completed before 08/29/22.

  • Updates to 1.3.1 Policy Changelog (08/22/22)
    updated to group changes by academic year for ease of clarity.

  • Updates to 3.0 Acceptable Use (08/15/22)
    Minor adjustments to 3.1 Examples of Acceptable Use for clarity. Added TechConnect link to subsection 3.2.1 Supplementing Long-Term, Individual or Department Purchases.

  • Updates to 5.0 Loan Communications (08/15/22)
    Updated 5.1 Email to include HSC-EquipmentLoan@luc.edu email address.

  • Updates to 9.2.3 Return Attempted After Location Closure (08/19/22)
    Additional text added to identify Digital Media Services hours of operation communications and links.

Updates for AY21-22

  • Reducing Paper Contracts and Reservation-Only Loans (08/22/21)
    In efforts to enhance services and support sustainability initiatives to reduce printing, all loans will require self-service reservation requests to be completed by clients. This affords greater lead time to review and prepare equipment, for a shorter period of time to pickup equipment from our service locations, as well as serving as an electronic agreement by submitting a reservation agreeing to all Loan Program Policies.

  • Updates to 7.0 Check-Outs & Agreement (08/22/22)
    7.2 Loan Contract Terms and Agreement modified to Loan Policies Terms and Agreement, reflecting the move away from physical, printed contracts toward electronic agreements upon reservation creation and agreement by picking up and borrowing equipment. Subsequent sections also have been updated to change language from "contracted client" to "borrowing client" or "Loan Contract" to "Loan Agreement".

  • Updates to 10 Overdue & Unreturned Equipment (08/22/22)
    Changed language from "contracted return date and time" to "scheduled return date and time" throughout section.

Updates for AY20-21

  • Modification to Accessing The Program, subsection 2.1 Requirements for Access (01/11/21)
    Removed the requirement to have or present a Loyola ID, as issued by the lakeside Campus Card Offices. This enables Health Science Campus employees paid through the University Lawson system to access reservations and circulate equipment. In lieu of a Loyola ID, individuals must then present a government-issued identification document to verify identity in order to proceed with checkouts or returns.

  • Update to Acceptable Use, subsection 3.1 Examples of Acceptable Use (04/08/20)
    Removal of old example referencing "short-term loan", as that specific service has been removed and equipment integrated into our normal loan durations and processes.

Updates for AY19-20

  • Addition to During Your Loan, 8.2 Filming and Content Creation Requests (12/18/19)
    Adding a new section that reiterates loan communications immediately after a checkout is created/picked up, indicating the first 12-hours of a loan to report any damages or condition if not identified at the time of checkout will be documented accordingly. Any damages or issues reported after this window or at the time of return will be assumed the responsibility of the contracted individual.

  • Addition to During Your Loan, 8.2 Filming and Content Creation Requests (12/18/19)
    Added a link to the Digital Media Services - Media Production Studio request form and services as an option for internal requests for content creation, limited to faculty and staff, and dependent on the scope of the service requested.

  • Expanding Satisfactory Condition details and repercussions (12/18/19)
    Updates to Check-Ins & Return, Fines & Payments, and Accessing The Program subsections. These updates identify more granularity in the review process, some additional considerations we assess related to satisfactory condition including cleanliness (odor-free, moisture/residue-free, etc), and subsequent repercussions including fines and/or limiting access to the loan program.

  • Merging Short-Term Loan Resources into Long-Term Loan (08/26/19)
    Effective Fall 2019, equipment previously considered 'short-term loan' have been moved into the 'long-term loan' category and loan rooms, enabling further availability beyond 3-hour maximum loan. Cables and adapters will remain available for walk-up requests only, while other resource such as laptops and headphones will be available by reservation as well. IC Group Study Room Marker Kits will remain available to circulate from IC2. (References to Short-Term Loan have been removed from subsections 4.1 Loan Limits, 6.2 Self-Service Reservations and 11.2.2 Fine Rates by Equipment Category).

Updates for AY18-19

  • Modification to Overdue & Unreturned Equipment, subsection 10.3.2 Access Restrictions due to Unreturned Equipment (05/16/19)
    Access restrictions for unreturned equipment resulting in permanent bans modified to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

  • Modification to Circulation Limits, subsection 5.1 Email (04/05/19)
    Email list removes older addressed no longer in use (helpdesk, elp-notifications, noreply-equipmentloan).

  • Modification to Circulation Limits, subsection 4.3 Equipment Category Limits (04/05/19)
    Equipment Category Limit added for Bluetooth Speakers with a maximum limit of 2 per client.

  • Modification to Circulation Limits, subsection 4.1.2 Long-Term Loan (01/13/19)
    Circulation Limits for all equipment have been increased from a maximum of 5-Days per loan to 7-Days.

  • Modification to Equipment Loan Contract (10/03/18)
    References within the printed Equipment Loan Contract have been updated to replace specific "Digital Media Services" or "DMS Staff" words to the more generic "Checkout Center" or "Checkout Center Operator" terms. These textual changes will help to avoid confusion as other on-campus departments actively use the WebCheckout system for resource circulation.

  • Modification to Overdue & Unreturned Equipment, subsection 10.6.1 Fines due to Recovered Equipment (10/02/18)
    Updating Recovered Equipment policy that eligibility of fine appeal options are to be determined on a case-by-case basis, rather than such appeals being entirely ineligible.

  • Modification to Circulation Limits, subsection 4.1.2 Long-Term Loan Equipment (08/26/18)
    Extended circulation limits for Calculators, Webcams and Headsets from 5-Day to 7-Day.

Updates for AY17-18

  • Addition of links for Guidelines for Recording Students During Online Classes (02/02/18)
    Links to Office of Online Learning guidelines and policies added to subsections 1.2 Related ITS and University Policies and Copyright subsection 13.3.

  • Clarification added for Fine Payments and subsequent Fine Appeal Requests (12/18/17)
    Clarification identifying that submission of fine payments are final and non-refundable in 11.3 Fine Payments with additional example of 12.5 Commonly Declined Appeal Requests, 12.5.7 Appeal Submitted After Fine Invoice Paid.

  • Addition to the Reservations, subsection 6.3.3 University Holidays (11/30/17)
    Section added to clarify how full-day closures due to University Holidays impact Reservation and Checkouts.

  • Modification to Circulation Limits, subsection 4.2 Semester Usage Limits (09/29/17)
    Adjustment extending Maximum Usage Hours per Semester for Laptops from 25 days (600 hours) to 42 days (1,008 hours) to match update within Circulation System implemented at start of the semester. An additional update was made on 10/10/17 to help provide clarity on the number of total loans these limits permit.

  • Addition to Loan Communications, subsection 5.1 Email (09/29/17)
    Addition of "helpdesk" as a valid email for Digital Media Services communications as we have migrated to the same central ticketing system the ITS Helpdesk utilizes as of August 14th, 2017. A similar note is identified in the Fine Appeals subsection 12.3 Fine Appeal Form for clarity as well.

  • Addition to the Fine Appeals, subsection 12.5.7 Fine Remediation Training (8/01/17)
    Expanding opportunities related to appeals, we have a new Fine Remediation Training subsection for a one-time opportunity educating clients further about fines and the impact of late returns. Visit 12.5.7 Fine Remediation Training to learn more.

Updates for AY16-17

  • Modification to Fines & Payments, subsection 11.1.3 Fines for Unsatisfactory Condition and Damages (05/22/17)
    Subsection title updated from "Fines for Damages" to "Fines for Unsatisfactory Condition and Damages." Additional text added specifically in the event equipment is returned in Unsatisfactory Condition.

  • Addition to Overdue & Unreturned Equipment, subsection 10.6 Recovered Equipment (05/22/17)
    New subsection added to define and identify policies related to Recovered Equipment.

  • Modification to Introduction, subsection 1.3 Policy Modifications and Amendments (05/22/17)
    Subsection renamed from "Annual Modifications and Semester Updates" to "Policy Modifications and Amendments" for greater accuracy, moving historical annual and semester updates and changes to the 1.3.1 Policy Modifications Changelog sub-page.

  • Modification to Overdue & Unreturned Equipment, subsection 10.5.2 Access Restrictions due to Lost or Stolen Equipment (02/20/17)
    Addition of Headphones to the list of Lost or Unreturned Equipment Accessories that may result in only a Fine Invoice with no associated semester block.

  • Modification to Circulation Limits, subsection 4.3 Equipment Category Limits (10/28/16)
    Addition of Network Mini-Hubs Equipment Category with the maximum limit of 1 per client.

  • Modification to Circulation Limits, subsection 4.2 Semester Usage Limits (09/28/16)
    Adjustment extending Maximum Usage Hours per Semester for the Tablets and E-Readers equipment category from 25 days (600 hours) to 55 days (1,320 hours), per academic semester.

Updates for AY15-16

  • Loan Program Policies Revised (08/13/16)
    The Loan Program Policies have been overhauled and revised to meet growing demands and needs based on our clients and the expanded functions of our equipment circulation system. To review the previous Loan Program Policies from the inception of Digital Media Services in 2008 up through the Summer 2016, you may view the Loan Program Policies (01-2008 to 07-2016).pdf - DONT DELETE! .
Last Modified:   Tue, January 28, 2025 4:39 PM CST

1.3.1 Policy Modifications and Amendments Change Log

This section serves as a Change Log identifying past policy modifications and amendments for historical purposes. Policy updates and changes have been grouped by Academic Year ("AY") for ease of clarity. Note that updates to this page may occur periodically in order to correct broken links.