
Rights and Responsibilities When Using Electronic University Resources

Information Technology Services (ITS) is the university organization that provides access to the university computing, networking, telephony, and information resources (hereafter referred to as the network) for Loyola students as well as for Loyola faculty and staff, and sponsored guests.

The University computer network consists of the university-wide backbone network, campus-wide backbone networks, local area networks (including public-access computing centers and labs), and many shared computer systems as well as personal desktop computers. Information Services works to insure that network rights are not violated and network responsibilities are followed.

Network resources also include:

  • Digital information such as files, records, and images, audio, video or textual material (including network account information, access and authorization codes) stored on or accessible through the network.
  • Computer and networking programs, programming languages, instructions or routines which are used to perform work on the network.

Individuals covered

This policy applies to all persons accessing and using the network through any facility of the University. These persons include students, faculty, staff, persons retained to perform University work, and any other person extended access and use privileges by the University given the availability of these resources and services, and in accordance with University contractual agreements and obligations.

Rights regarding access and use of network resources and services

Members of the University community and others extended access privileges by the University can expect certain rights as they use the network and its services.

  • Privacy: All members of the community have the right to privacy in their electronic mail when it is used for personal, scholarly and professional purposes—keeping in mind, that the primary use of university electronic mail system must be related to the University's instructional, research, health care and public service missions and to the person's educational, scholarly, research, service, operational or management activities within the University.

    However, it must be recognized that electronic communications are by no means secure, and that during the course of ordinary management of computing and networking services, network administrators may view a person's files including electronic mail. In addition, if an individual is suspected of violations of the responsibilities as stated in this document, that individual's right to privacy may be superseded by the University's requirement to maintain the network's integrity and the rights of others authorized to access the University network. Should the security of a computer or network system be threatened, a person's files may be examined under the direction of the Vice President/CIO, Information Technology Services.
  • Safety: While unwanted or unsolicited contact cannot be controlled on the network, persons accessing the network who receive threatening communications should bring them to the attention of Information Services and/or the appropriate authorities. All who access and use the network must be aware, however that there are services and material available through the network which might be considered offensive to groups of persons, and therefore those persons must take responsibility for their own navigation of the network.
  • Intellectual Freedom: The network is a free and open forum for the expression of ideas, including viewpoints that are strange, unorthodox, or unpopular. The network administrators place no official sanctions upon the expression of personal opinion on the network. However, such opinions may not be represented as the views of Loyola University Chicago.

Responsibilities regarding access and use of network resources and services

There are also responsibilities that must be met as part of the privilege of network access. All who access and use the University network are expected to live up to these responsibilities. If you knowingly violate a network responsibility, your network access may be suspended subject to University policies and procedures.

  • You are responsible for the use of your account. You may not give anyone else access to your account. You must not use a Loyola network account that was not assigned to you. You may not try in any way to obtain a password or access code for another person's network account. You may not attempt to disguise the identity of the account or machine you are using.
  • You are responsible for the security of your passwords and access codes. This includes changing them on a regular basis and making sure no one else knows it.
  • You cannot use any communications services, including electronic mail, or other resources, to intimidate, insult or harass others; to interfere unreasonably with an individual's work or educational performance, or to create an intimidating, hostile or offensive working/learning environment, especially within the context of university policies, i.e., Sexual Harassment: Faculty, Staff and Students (policy and procedure).
  • You must not use the University network resources to gain or attempt to gain unauthorized access to remote networks, including remote computer systems.
  • You must not deliberately perform an act which will disrupt the normal operation of computers, workstations, terminals, peripherals, or networks. This includes, but is not limited to, tampering with components of a local area network (LAN) or the high-speed backbone network, otherwise blocking communication lines, or interfering with the operational readiness of a network.
  • You must not run or install on any of the University computer systems, or give to another, a program which is intended to and likely to result in the eventual damage to a file or computer system and/or the reproduction of itself. This is directed towards, but not limited to, the classes of programs known as computer viruses, Trojan horses, and worms.
  • You must not attempt to circumvent access and use authentication, data protection schemes or exploit security loopholes without authorization.
  • You must respect authorial integrity, regarding intellectual integrity, including the use of personal, published or proprietary software, and refrain from plagiarism, invasion of privacy, and copyright violations. You must abide by the terms of all software licensing agreements and copyright laws. You must not make copies of or make available on the network copyrighted material, unless permitted by a license and authorized by system administrator.
  • You must not perform acts which are wasteful of computing resources or which unfairly monopolize resources to the exclusion of others. These acts include, but are not limited to, creating excessive or unnecessary network traffic, sending unauthorized mass mailings, initiating or facilitating electronic chain letters, creating unnecessary multiple jobs or processes, or producing unnecessary or excessive amount of output or printing. Printing excessive copies of any documents including resumes, thesis, and dissertations is also prohibited.
  • You cannot place on University computing and networking systems, any information which:
    • infringes upon the rights of another person.
    • gives unauthorized access to another network account or system.
  • You must not attempt to monitor another person's data communications, nor may you read, copy, change, or delete another persons’ files or software, without their explicit permission.
  • University computing, networking, telephony and information resources are provided to support the University's missions in instruction, research, health care and public service. These resources may not be used for commercial purposes without authorization from the Vice President for Information Services.
  • Any network traffic exiting the University is subject to the acceptable use policies of the network through which it flows, including the following:

Acceptable use policies for these networks are available on the Internet.

  • You cannot use University computing, networking, telephony and information services and resources to perpetuate an act that violates any state or federal laws or any regulation specified in the University policies, including but not limited to the Sexual Harassment: Faculty, Staff and Students (policy and procedures) as well as the University's standards of conduct, i.e., Student Handbook (students), Faculty Handbook (faculty), and Employee Handbook and Personnel Policies (staff).

EDUCOM Code regarding ethical and legal use of software

Loyola University Chicago abides by the EDUCOM Code (1987) regarding the ethical and legal use of software, i.e.,
EDUCOM Code on Software and Intellectual Rights. The EDUCOM code can be found on the Loyola University Chicago web site and elsewhere on the Internet. In addition, copies of the brochure entitled Using Software: A Guide to the Ethical and Legal Use of Software for Members of the Academic Community which explains the code are available at every campus computing center.

Non-compliance and sanctions

Information Services and other appropriate university authorities should be notified about violations of computer laws and network policies, as well as about potential loopholes in the security of its networks.

Disregarding this policy concerning the rights and responsibilities of those authorized to access and use the University computing, networking, telephony and information resources may result in the denial or removal of access privileges by system or network administrators, and may lead to disciplinary action under applicable University standards of conduct. Additionally, such disregard may be referred to other authorities for civil litigation and criminal prosecution under applicable state and federal statutes.

Appeal of an administrative decision

Individuals who disagree with an administrative decision may submit an appeal of the decision to the appropriate resource manager or systems administrator. From there, a student may submit an appeal to the Dean of Students, a faculty member through their department administration either to the Provost or to the Vice President for the Health Sciences, and a staff member through their management to the Vice President for Human Resources. Individuals must submit these appeals according to any rules and procedures issued by system administrators or component administrators.

Relationship of this policy with others

This policy supplements the Access and Acceptable Use of University Computing, Networking, Telephony, and Information Resources and the Access and Acceptable Use of Public Access Computing and Networking Facilities and Services which are available and can be found on the Loyola University Chicago web site.

The University reserves the right to change the information, requirements and procedures announced in this policy. This policy will continue to be in effect until a further revision is required and promulgated. Consult the campus computing center or the appropriate system administrator for information on other policies, procedures or directives that supplement this policy.

Suggestions and comments concerning this Rights and Responsibilities for the Access and Use of University Computing, Networking, Telephony and Information Resources Policy can be directed to the University Information Security Office at datasecurity@luc.edu.


  • December 11, 2004: Updated links
  • October 22, 2012: Changed outdated references, PCI Compliance Review
  • June 4, 2014: Annual review for PCI Compliance
  • May 12, 2015: Annual review for PCI Compliance, Correction of typographic errors
  • April 25, 2016: Corrected links, annual review for PCI Compliance
  • April 19, 2017: Annual review for PCI Compliance
  • September 6, 2018: Annual review for PCI Compliance
  • September 24, 2019: Annual review for PCI Compliance
  • January 24, 2025: Broken links fixed

Version: 4.0

Information Technology Services (ITS) is the university organization that provides access to the university computing, networking, telephony, and information resources (hereafter referred to as the network) for Loyola students as well as for Loyola faculty and staff, and sponsored guests.

The University computer network consists of the university-wide backbone network, campus-wide backbone networks, local area networks (including public-access computing centers and labs), and many shared computer systems as well as personal desktop computers. Information Services works to insure that network rights are not violated and network responsibilities are followed.

Network resources also include:

  • Digital information such as files, records, and images, audio, video or textual material (including network account information, access and authorization codes) stored on or accessible through the network.
  • Computer and networking programs, programming languages, instructions or routines which are used to perform work on the network.

Individuals covered

This policy applies to all persons accessing and using the network through any facility of the University. These persons include students, faculty, staff, persons retained to perform University work, and any other person extended access and use privileges by the University given the availability of these resources and services, and in accordance with University contractual agreements and obligations.

Rights regarding access and use of network resources and services

Members of the University community and others extended access privileges by the University can expect certain rights as they use the network and its services.

  • Privacy: All members of the community have the right to privacy in their electronic mail when it is used for personal, scholarly and professional purposes—keeping in mind, that the primary use of university electronic mail system must be related to the University's instructional, research, health care and public service missions and to the person's educational, scholarly, research, service, operational or management activities within the University.

    However, it must be recognized that electronic communications are by no means secure, and that during the course of ordinary management of computing and networking services, network administrators may view a person's files including electronic mail. In addition, if an individual is suspected of violations of the responsibilities as stated in this document, that individual's right to privacy may be superseded by the University's requirement to maintain the network's integrity and the rights of others authorized to access the University network. Should the security of a computer or network system be threatened, a person's files may be examined under the direction of the Vice President/CIO, Information Technology Services.
  • Safety: While unwanted or unsolicited contact cannot be controlled on the network, persons accessing the network who receive threatening communications should bring them to the attention of Information Services and/or the appropriate authorities. All who access and use the network must be aware, however that there are services and material available through the network which might be considered offensive to groups of persons, and therefore those persons must take responsibility for their own navigation of the network.
  • Intellectual Freedom: The network is a free and open forum for the expression of ideas, including viewpoints that are strange, unorthodox, or unpopular. The network administrators place no official sanctions upon the expression of personal opinion on the network. However, such opinions may not be represented as the views of Loyola University Chicago.

Responsibilities regarding access and use of network resources and services

There are also responsibilities that must be met as part of the privilege of network access. All who access and use the University network are expected to live up to these responsibilities. If you knowingly violate a network responsibility, your network access may be suspended subject to University policies and procedures.

  • You are responsible for the use of your account. You may not give anyone else access to your account. You must not use a Loyola network account that was not assigned to you. You may not try in any way to obtain a password or access code for another person's network account. You may not attempt to disguise the identity of the account or machine you are using.
  • You are responsible for the security of your passwords and access codes. This includes changing them on a regular basis and making sure no one else knows it.
  • You cannot use any communications services, including electronic mail, or other resources, to intimidate, insult or harass others; to interfere unreasonably with an individual's work or educational performance, or to create an intimidating, hostile or offensive working/learning environment, especially within the context of university policies, i.e., Sexual Harassment: Faculty, Staff and Students (policy and procedure).
  • You must not use the University network resources to gain or attempt to gain unauthorized access to remote networks, including remote computer systems.
  • You must not deliberately perform an act which will disrupt the normal operation of computers, workstations, terminals, peripherals, or networks. This includes, but is not limited to, tampering with components of a local area network (LAN) or the high-speed backbone network, otherwise blocking communication lines, or interfering with the operational readiness of a network.
  • You must not run or install on any of the University computer systems, or give to another, a program which is intended to and likely to result in the eventual damage to a file or computer system and/or the reproduction of itself. This is directed towards, but not limited to, the classes of programs known as computer viruses, Trojan horses, and worms.
  • You must not attempt to circumvent access and use authentication, data protection schemes or exploit security loopholes without authorization.
  • You must respect authorial integrity, regarding intellectual integrity, including the use of personal, published or proprietary software, and refrain from plagiarism, invasion of privacy, and copyright violations. You must abide by the terms of all software licensing agreements and copyright laws. You must not make copies of or make available on the network copyrighted material, unless permitted by a license and authorized by system administrator.
  • You must not perform acts which are wasteful of computing resources or which unfairly monopolize resources to the exclusion of others. These acts include, but are not limited to, creating excessive or unnecessary network traffic, sending unauthorized mass mailings, initiating or facilitating electronic chain letters, creating unnecessary multiple jobs or processes, or producing unnecessary or excessive amount of output or printing. Printing excessive copies of any documents including resumes, thesis, and dissertations is also prohibited.
  • You cannot place on University computing and networking systems, any information which:
    • infringes upon the rights of another person.
    • gives unauthorized access to another network account or system.
  • You must not attempt to monitor another person's data communications, nor may you read, copy, change, or delete another persons’ files or software, without their explicit permission.
  • University computing, networking, telephony and information resources are provided to support the University's missions in instruction, research, health care and public service. These resources may not be used for commercial purposes without authorization from the Vice President for Information Services.
  • Any network traffic exiting the University is subject to the acceptable use policies of the network through which it flows, including the following:

Acceptable use policies for these networks are available on the Internet.

  • You cannot use University computing, networking, telephony and information services and resources to perpetuate an act that violates any state or federal laws or any regulation specified in the University policies, including but not limited to the Sexual Harassment: Faculty, Staff and Students (policy and procedures) as well as the University's standards of conduct, i.e., Student Handbook (students), Faculty Handbook (faculty), and Employee Handbook and Personnel Policies (staff).

EDUCOM Code regarding ethical and legal use of software

Loyola University Chicago abides by the EDUCOM Code (1987) regarding the ethical and legal use of software, i.e.,
EDUCOM Code on Software and Intellectual Rights. The EDUCOM code can be found on the Loyola University Chicago web site and elsewhere on the Internet. In addition, copies of the brochure entitled Using Software: A Guide to the Ethical and Legal Use of Software for Members of the Academic Community which explains the code are available at every campus computing center.

Non-compliance and sanctions

Information Services and other appropriate university authorities should be notified about violations of computer laws and network policies, as well as about potential loopholes in the security of its networks.

Disregarding this policy concerning the rights and responsibilities of those authorized to access and use the University computing, networking, telephony and information resources may result in the denial or removal of access privileges by system or network administrators, and may lead to disciplinary action under applicable University standards of conduct. Additionally, such disregard may be referred to other authorities for civil litigation and criminal prosecution under applicable state and federal statutes.

Appeal of an administrative decision

Individuals who disagree with an administrative decision may submit an appeal of the decision to the appropriate resource manager or systems administrator. From there, a student may submit an appeal to the Dean of Students, a faculty member through their department administration either to the Provost or to the Vice President for the Health Sciences, and a staff member through their management to the Vice President for Human Resources. Individuals must submit these appeals according to any rules and procedures issued by system administrators or component administrators.

Relationship of this policy with others

This policy supplements the Access and Acceptable Use of University Computing, Networking, Telephony, and Information Resources and the Access and Acceptable Use of Public Access Computing and Networking Facilities and Services which are available and can be found on the Loyola University Chicago web site.

The University reserves the right to change the information, requirements and procedures announced in this policy. This policy will continue to be in effect until a further revision is required and promulgated. Consult the campus computing center or the appropriate system administrator for information on other policies, procedures or directives that supplement this policy.

Suggestions and comments concerning this Rights and Responsibilities for the Access and Use of University Computing, Networking, Telephony and Information Resources Policy can be directed to the University Information Security Office at datasecurity@luc.edu.


  • December 11, 2004: Updated links
  • October 22, 2012: Changed outdated references, PCI Compliance Review
  • June 4, 2014: Annual review for PCI Compliance
  • May 12, 2015: Annual review for PCI Compliance, Correction of typographic errors
  • April 25, 2016: Corrected links, annual review for PCI Compliance
  • April 19, 2017: Annual review for PCI Compliance
  • September 6, 2018: Annual review for PCI Compliance
  • September 24, 2019: Annual review for PCI Compliance
  • January 24, 2025: Broken links fixed

Version: 4.0