
Paid Parental Leave

Paid Parental Leave Policy - Effective January 1, 2023
It is the policy of Loyola University Chicago to provide paid parental leave to regular full-time faculty, and full-time and part-time staff employees who are scheduled to work at least 20 hours per week following the birth, adoption or placement of a foster child/children. This policy will run concurrently with Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave, as applicable, and will be in effect for births, adoptions or placements of foster children occurring on or after January 1, 2023.

The purpose of paid parental leave is to enable regular full-time faculty, and full-time and part-time staff employees to care for and bond with a newborn or a newly adopted or newly placed child. Family-friendly policies are essential to cultivating a community where employees can thrive professionally without sacrificing essential family obligations.

This policy applies to University employees who are regular status, full-time faculty, or full- or part-time staff scheduled to work at least 20 hours per week. Parental leave does not apply to SSOM faculty who are dually employed by Trinity. 

***Unionized part-time faculty are eligible for up to three (3) weeks of paid parental leave and should refer to provision "20.8 Parental Leave" in the CBA for information regarding parental leave, including the process to request parental leave from their departmental chairperson at least thirty (30) days prior.   


Eligible employees must meet the following criteria:

  • Have been employed as a benefit-eligible, full-time university faculty or staff member, classified as .80 FTE or higher for at least 12 months at the time of the birth or placement of the child(ren), or
  • Have been employed as a benefit-eligible, part-time university staff member, classified as .53/.50 FTE or higher for at least 12 months at the time of the birth or placement of the child(ren).
  • Parental leave does not apply to SSOM faculty who are dually employed by Trinity.

In addition, employees must meet the criteria of a parent and caregiver:

  • Parent - An eligible parent is defined as a birth parent, non-birth parent, or a new adoptive or foster parent. An employee who adopts a spouse’s child(ren) is not eligible for this benefit.
  • Primary Caregiver- A primary caregiver is defined as the parent who has primary responsibility during work hours for the care of a child who has been added to the family through birth, adoption, or foster placement of a child five or younger. Either parent can be the primary caregiver, regardless of gender. The primary caregiver will have to certify with the University’s leave of absence administrator that no other parent is available during work hours to care for the child in order to qualify.
  • Secondary Caregiver – The parent, other than the primary caregiver, who also has responsibility for the care of a child following the birth, adoption, or foster placement of a child under the age of 17. Either parent can be the secondary caregiver, regardless of gender. The secondary caregiver will have to certify with the University’s leave of absence administrator that no other parent is available during work hours to care for the child(ren) in order to qualify. 

Amount, Time Frame and Duration of Paid Parental Leave:

Eligible employees will receive paid parental based on the below schedule. Each week of paid parental leave is compensated at 100 percent of the employee’s regular, straight-time weekly pay. While on parental leave paid time off does not accrue. Paid parental leave will be paid on regularly scheduled pay dates, and the allowance will be based on employee status as follows:  

Employee Status

Amount of Paid Parental Leave (Primary Caregiver)

Amount of Paid Parental Leave (Secondary Caregiver)

FTE (1.0) staff, or regular faculty

Staff - 12 weeks (60 days)

Faculty - one semester

3 weeks (15 days)

Staff - 0.80 up to 0.99 FTE 

48 days (360 hours if 1,950 annually; 384 hours if 2,080 annually)

12 days (90 hours if 1,950 annually; 96 hours if 2,080 annually)

Staff - 0.64 based on 1,950 annual hours (0.60 if based on 2,080 annual hours) up to 0.79 FTE

36 days (270 hours if 1950 annually; 288 hours if 2,080 annually)

9 days (67.5 hours if 1,950 annually; 72 hours if 2,080 annually)

Staff - 0.53 up to 0.63 FTE based on 1,950 annual hours (0.50 up to 0.59 FTE if based on 2,080 annual hours)

31 days (232.5 hours if 1950 annually; 248 hours if 2080 annually)

7.5 days (56.25 hours if 1,950 hours annually; 60 hours if 2,080 hours annually)

The fact that a multiple birth, adoption, or foster placement occurs (e.g., the birth of twins or adoption of siblings) does not increase the amount of paid parental leave granted for that event. In addition, in no case will an employee receive more than one paid parental leave in a rolling 12-month period, regardless of whether more than one birth, adoption or foster care placement event occurs within that 12-month timeframe. 

If both parents are Loyola employees, both parents may take paid leave and only one parent can certify as the primary caregiver per event.

Approved paid parental leave may be taken at any time during the one-year period immediately following the birth, adoption, or foster placement of a child(ren). Paid parental leave may not be used or extended beyond this one-year timeframe. Employees must take paid parental leave in one continuous period of leave and must use all paid parental leave during the one-year timeframe. Any unused paid parental leave will be forfeited at the end of the one-year timeframe.

Upon termination of the individual’s employment at LUC, they will not be paid for any unused paid parental leave for which they were eligible. 

Scheduling of Paid Parental Leave and Coordination with Family Medical Leave Act & Short-Term Disability

Paid parental leave taken under this policy will run concurrently with leave under FMLA and Short-Term Disability. Any leave taken under this policy that falls under the definition of circumstances qualifying for leave due to the birth or placement of a child(ren) due to adoption or foster care, the leave will be counted toward the 12 weeks of available FMLA leave per a 12-month period. All other requirements and provisions under FMLA will apply. In no case will the total amount of leave—whether paid or unpaid—granted to the employee under FMLA exceed 12 weeks during the 12-month FMLA period. Additionally, in all cases, employees cannot take more than 12 weeks (staff) / one semester (faculty) of combined short-term disability, paid parental leave or faculty maternity leave benefits in a 12-month period for a birth, adoption, or foster placement of a child(ren).   

  • LUC will maintain all benefits for employees during the paid parental leave period just as if they were taking any other University paid leave such as paid vacation leave or paid sick leave.
  • If a University holiday occurs while the employee is on paid parental leave, such day will be charged as parental leave; however, such holiday pay will not extend the total paid parental leave entitlement.
  • An employee who takes paid parental leave that does not qualify for FMLA leave will be afforded the same level of job protection for the period of time that the employee is on paid parental leave as if the employee was on FMLA-qualifying leave.

Notification of Absence.



  • Staff Employee: Thirty (30) days in advance of the leave the employee must 1) notify their supervisor of the leave and 2) complete the required leave request process with the leave administrator. This includes providing all documentation as required to substantiate the request for leave 30 days prior to the proposed date of the leave (or as soon as possible when the leave was not foreseeable). Note: The required leave request with the leave administrator cannot be opened or filed more than 30 days in advance of the leave.
  • Department: Every supervisor is responsible for scheduling and documenting paid parental leave used by staff employees by authorizing the Payroll Department’s payment of paid parental leave in accordance with this policy.
  • Human Resources: An employee may keep their benefit elections while on a paid leave of absence. Sick and vacation time will not accrue while receiving Short-Term Disability and paid parental leave benefits. During a paid leave of absence, the University’s contribution to the Defined Contribution Retirement Plan (DCRP) will continue to be made for an employee on the basis of the compensation being paid by the University. In addition, any pay increases due an employee during an approved leave of absence will be delayed until the employee returns to work.


  • Faculty:A faculty member who wishes to take a paid leave of absence is required to consult with their chairperson and/or dean no later than three (3) months prior to the beginning of the planned leave to discuss the needs of both the faculty member and the department/school.
  • Provost:Faculty maternity and paid parental leaves will be confirmed by the Provost, who also retains authority to grant exceptions or variations. 

Posted: 12/20/18 | Revised: 1/7/20, 12/27/22, 01/02/24, 2/22/24

Paid Parental Leave Policy - Effective January 1, 2023
It is the policy of Loyola University Chicago to provide paid parental leave to regular full-time faculty, and full-time and part-time staff employees who are scheduled to work at least 20 hours per week following the birth, adoption or placement of a foster child/children. This policy will run concurrently with Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave, as applicable, and will be in effect for births, adoptions or placements of foster children occurring on or after January 1, 2023.

The purpose of paid parental leave is to enable regular full-time faculty, and full-time and part-time staff employees to care for and bond with a newborn or a newly adopted or newly placed child. Family-friendly policies are essential to cultivating a community where employees can thrive professionally without sacrificing essential family obligations.

This policy applies to University employees who are regular status, full-time faculty, or full- or part-time staff scheduled to work at least 20 hours per week. Parental leave does not apply to SSOM faculty who are dually employed by Trinity. 

***Unionized part-time faculty are eligible for up to three (3) weeks of paid parental leave and should refer to provision "20.8 Parental Leave" in the CBA for information regarding parental leave, including the process to request parental leave from their departmental chairperson at least thirty (30) days prior.   


Eligible employees must meet the following criteria:

  • Have been employed as a benefit-eligible, full-time university faculty or staff member, classified as .80 FTE or higher for at least 12 months at the time of the birth or placement of the child(ren), or
  • Have been employed as a benefit-eligible, part-time university staff member, classified as .53/.50 FTE or higher for at least 12 months at the time of the birth or placement of the child(ren).
  • Parental leave does not apply to SSOM faculty who are dually employed by Trinity.

In addition, employees must meet the criteria of a parent and caregiver:

  • Parent - An eligible parent is defined as a birth parent, non-birth parent, or a new adoptive or foster parent. An employee who adopts a spouse’s child(ren) is not eligible for this benefit.
  • Primary Caregiver- A primary caregiver is defined as the parent who has primary responsibility during work hours for the care of a child who has been added to the family through birth, adoption, or foster placement of a child five or younger. Either parent can be the primary caregiver, regardless of gender. The primary caregiver will have to certify with the University’s leave of absence administrator that no other parent is available during work hours to care for the child in order to qualify.
  • Secondary Caregiver – The parent, other than the primary caregiver, who also has responsibility for the care of a child following the birth, adoption, or foster placement of a child under the age of 17. Either parent can be the secondary caregiver, regardless of gender. The secondary caregiver will have to certify with the University’s leave of absence administrator that no other parent is available during work hours to care for the child(ren) in order to qualify. 

Amount, Time Frame and Duration of Paid Parental Leave:

Eligible employees will receive paid parental based on the below schedule. Each week of paid parental leave is compensated at 100 percent of the employee’s regular, straight-time weekly pay. While on parental leave paid time off does not accrue. Paid parental leave will be paid on regularly scheduled pay dates, and the allowance will be based on employee status as follows:  

Employee Status

Amount of Paid Parental Leave (Primary Caregiver)

Amount of Paid Parental Leave (Secondary Caregiver)

FTE (1.0) staff, or regular faculty

Staff - 12 weeks (60 days)

Faculty - one semester

3 weeks (15 days)

Staff - 0.80 up to 0.99 FTE 

48 days (360 hours if 1,950 annually; 384 hours if 2,080 annually)

12 days (90 hours if 1,950 annually; 96 hours if 2,080 annually)

Staff - 0.64 based on 1,950 annual hours (0.60 if based on 2,080 annual hours) up to 0.79 FTE

36 days (270 hours if 1950 annually; 288 hours if 2,080 annually)

9 days (67.5 hours if 1,950 annually; 72 hours if 2,080 annually)

Staff - 0.53 up to 0.63 FTE based on 1,950 annual hours (0.50 up to 0.59 FTE if based on 2,080 annual hours)

31 days (232.5 hours if 1950 annually; 248 hours if 2080 annually)

7.5 days (56.25 hours if 1,950 hours annually; 60 hours if 2,080 hours annually)

The fact that a multiple birth, adoption, or foster placement occurs (e.g., the birth of twins or adoption of siblings) does not increase the amount of paid parental leave granted for that event. In addition, in no case will an employee receive more than one paid parental leave in a rolling 12-month period, regardless of whether more than one birth, adoption or foster care placement event occurs within that 12-month timeframe. 

If both parents are Loyola employees, both parents may take paid leave and only one parent can certify as the primary caregiver per event.

Approved paid parental leave may be taken at any time during the one-year period immediately following the birth, adoption, or foster placement of a child(ren). Paid parental leave may not be used or extended beyond this one-year timeframe. Employees must take paid parental leave in one continuous period of leave and must use all paid parental leave during the one-year timeframe. Any unused paid parental leave will be forfeited at the end of the one-year timeframe.

Upon termination of the individual’s employment at LUC, they will not be paid for any unused paid parental leave for which they were eligible. 

Scheduling of Paid Parental Leave and Coordination with Family Medical Leave Act & Short-Term Disability

Paid parental leave taken under this policy will run concurrently with leave under FMLA and Short-Term Disability. Any leave taken under this policy that falls under the definition of circumstances qualifying for leave due to the birth or placement of a child(ren) due to adoption or foster care, the leave will be counted toward the 12 weeks of available FMLA leave per a 12-month period. All other requirements and provisions under FMLA will apply. In no case will the total amount of leave—whether paid or unpaid—granted to the employee under FMLA exceed 12 weeks during the 12-month FMLA period. Additionally, in all cases, employees cannot take more than 12 weeks (staff) / one semester (faculty) of combined short-term disability, paid parental leave or faculty maternity leave benefits in a 12-month period for a birth, adoption, or foster placement of a child(ren).   

  • LUC will maintain all benefits for employees during the paid parental leave period just as if they were taking any other University paid leave such as paid vacation leave or paid sick leave.
  • If a University holiday occurs while the employee is on paid parental leave, such day will be charged as parental leave; however, such holiday pay will not extend the total paid parental leave entitlement.
  • An employee who takes paid parental leave that does not qualify for FMLA leave will be afforded the same level of job protection for the period of time that the employee is on paid parental leave as if the employee was on FMLA-qualifying leave.

Notification of Absence.



  • Staff Employee: Thirty (30) days in advance of the leave the employee must 1) notify their supervisor of the leave and 2) complete the required leave request process with the leave administrator. This includes providing all documentation as required to substantiate the request for leave 30 days prior to the proposed date of the leave (or as soon as possible when the leave was not foreseeable). Note: The required leave request with the leave administrator cannot be opened or filed more than 30 days in advance of the leave.
  • Department: Every supervisor is responsible for scheduling and documenting paid parental leave used by staff employees by authorizing the Payroll Department’s payment of paid parental leave in accordance with this policy.
  • Human Resources: An employee may keep their benefit elections while on a paid leave of absence. Sick and vacation time will not accrue while receiving Short-Term Disability and paid parental leave benefits. During a paid leave of absence, the University’s contribution to the Defined Contribution Retirement Plan (DCRP) will continue to be made for an employee on the basis of the compensation being paid by the University. In addition, any pay increases due an employee during an approved leave of absence will be delayed until the employee returns to work.


  • Faculty:A faculty member who wishes to take a paid leave of absence is required to consult with their chairperson and/or dean no later than three (3) months prior to the beginning of the planned leave to discuss the needs of both the faculty member and the department/school.
  • Provost:Faculty maternity and paid parental leaves will be confirmed by the Provost, who also retains authority to grant exceptions or variations. 

Posted: 12/20/18 | Revised: 1/7/20, 12/27/22, 01/02/24, 2/22/24