
Hours of Work and Pay

Employee Classification

All employees covered by this handbook are classified in one of the following ways: 

  • Full-time: Regular work schedule is 37.5 hours per workweek, depending on the position. Loyola considers employees working at least 80% of full time as eligible for full-time benefits and pro-rated paid time off.
  • Part-time: Regular work schedule is less than full-time. If you are hired for regular employment of at least 20 hours per workweek, you will be eligible for certain benefits on a pro-rated basis.
  • Grant-Funded Positions: Unless otherwise stated, employees hired to work in grant-funded positions are subject to Loyola's policies, procedures and benefits applicable to all other regular full- or part-time employees. Grants are generally time limited. On-going employment in grant-funded positions is contingent upon, among other things, continuation of funding. Persons employed in grant funded positions are not eligible for Workforce Reduction Benefits.
  • Exempt/Non-Exempt: Loyola positions are classified, based on job requirements defined under the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, as exempt or non-exempt. Employees classified as non-exempt by Loyola are paid by the hour and receive overtime pay for hours worked over 40 in each workweek. Exempt employees, as defined by the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, are salaried and are not paid overtime.


Hours of Work

The work schedule for full and part-time employees is subject to the operational needs of the department. Each department will determine the overall working hours for the department and individuals' scheduled work hours within that framework.

The typical workweek at the University is 37.5 hours with each workday consisting of 7.5 working hours and a one hour unpaid lunch. There are some areas that have a 40 hour workweek with a 1/2 hour unpaid lunch.

Scheduled Shifts

While the most common work hours at the University are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., with a one hour unpaid lunch, Loyola University Chicago authorizes individual departments to implement flexible work schedules. The reason for any adjustments to scheduled hours is to meet the business needs of the department. Within that context, personal needs of staff may also be considered with special attention paid to preserving the amount of hours worked as defined by the position's FTE (full-time equivalency) and maintaining quality service.

The procedure for implementing a flexible work schedule is defined in the Flexible Work Schedule Policy: www.luc.edu/hr/policies.shtml. The policy on Reduced Work Schedule is also at this website.

A change in schedule may be requested by an employee or designated by a department. If there is no change in total hours worked, flex-time will not effect pay or benefit levels. For non-exempt staff, total scheduled hours in any one-week period must remain under forty (40).


Few Loyola departments regiment break periods. It is the expectation that staff can monitor their own personal needs and take reasonable time away from their duties when necessary. Departments are encouraged to allow for short, informal breaks.

If an employee takes excessive time way from his or her duties the supervisor is obliged to counsel the employee and institute progressive discipline.

Time Collection

Loyola uses a web-based Kronos time card system to track time worked for most staff paid bi-weekly. Easy access to the Kronos is through Loyola Software/ Administrative Applications/ Kronos Card. Kronos instructions are found here. The current year pay calendar is available on the web at here designating Kronos due dates and pay dates. The Kronos system interfaces with payroll to allow for accurate pay.

Non-Exempt Staff: Federal law requires that Loyola keep accurate records of hours worked. Work time submitted through Kronos should be an accurate reflection of time spent on the job, time taken as unpaid meal time and paid time off. The Kronos allows up to three different work "shifts" or "IN" and "OUT" times to be recorded within any workday. Kronos will calculate total hours worked from times entered each day. Any fraction of an hour will be automatically rounded to the nearest quarter hour according to Fair Labor Standards Act/Wage and Hour requirements. Kronos is accessible to supervisors and must have supervisor's approval before pay is authorized.

Exempt Staff are paid salary; therefore tracking hours worked is not necessary. Exempt staff are expected to work a minimum of 37.5 hours each week and, if necessary, whatever more is needed to get their job done. Kronos should be used to record use of accrued time off designations only. If any portion of the day is worked, an exempt staff is paid for the entire day. Time off may be taken in full day increments only. Kronos are accessible to supervisors and must have supervisor's approval before pay is authorized.

Regardless of exempt or non-Exempt status, employees should be encouraged to schedule medical and/or personal appointments in a way to minimize inconvenience to the department and avoid unduly interfering with assignments during the business day (i.e., first thing in the morning, or end of the day).

New Hires or Staff Transferring Positions will need to complete a paper timecard prior to the Kronos activation or re-activation in the new position. Paper timecards are available either through the Payroll Department or through Human Resources. It is important that the paper timecard contain all necessary information across the top of the timecard including the "Period End" date, the department number, the employee's name clearly printed with last name first, and social security number. For non-exempt staff all "IN" and "OUT" times will need to be added. Calculation of total hours for each day and for the pay period must be included. Exempt staff only record exceptions to being at work in full day increments. For both non-exempt and exempt staff, the card needs to be signed by the supervisor before it is submitted. The completed card should be taken to the campus mailroom and placed in the HAND DELIVER inter-office mail bag directed to PAYROLL, WTC, no later than 10 a.m. on the Monday following the end of the pay period.


Depending on the nature, the amount of work, and the staffing needs of the department, employees may be required to work overtime. Hours worked beyond the regular scheduled workday by employees classified as non-exempt may be worked only with the prior approval of the supervisor or department director.

Employees classified as non-exempt will be paid their regular hourly wage for every hour worked up to the first 40 hours worked in a week and at time-and-one-half for all hours worked over 40 in a workweek.

Compensatory Time-off

Compensatory time off, or Comp Time, is time-off to compensate for extra hours worked.

Non-Exempt Staff: While not to be used as a regular business practice, taking Comp Time may be required of a non-exempt staff person by his or her supervisor when the non-exempt employee has worked more than the normal hours for their position for the day or within the workweek. Comp Time taken should not exceed the additional hours worked. Comp time does not absolve the University from paying time and one-half wages if the person has been at work for more than forty hours in the workweek. Comp Time should be taken within the same pay period and never be 'banked' for more than 2 pay periods. All hours worked, including extra time, must be recorded on the employee's time card in the day/time slots that the time was actually worked.

Exempt Staff: Exempt staff are paid weekly and expected to work at least 37.5 hours in each week or 75 hours in the pay period or, if needed, whatever more it takes to "get the job done." Comp time does not generally exist for Exempt staff. However, there may be times of extraordinary effort where significant additional time has been rendered over a long period. Recognition of the dedication to task would be appropriate with the use of limited compensatory time off.



Pay Periods/ Pay Dates: Loyola has an established pay schedule (see the Pay Calendar). Each pay period covers two calendar weeks, from 12:01 a.m. Sunday to midnight Saturday fourteen days later. Paydays are designated as the Friday following the end of a pay period. If a payday falls on a holiday, paychecks will be direct deposited on the last regular workday before the holiday.

Direct Deposit: Loyola University Chicago uses a mandatory Direct Deposit payroll system. It is the 'no hassle' way to collect your pay. Employees must have a checking or savings account with a financial institution to comply with this policy.

  • To establish the direct deposit an Authorization Form must be completed with a voided check to validate the ABA or Transit number of the bank attached.
  • The signed form and voided check is sent to: Human Resources, 820 LT, WTC either through inter-campus mail or the special Hand Delivery service found in the mailroom.
  • It generally takes two pay periods before the procedure is in place. Until that time, a manual paycheck will be processed and made available for through the employee's department. Each department has an authorized staff member assigned to collect payroll checks from the campus Student Business Office (SBO). SBO hours for check pick up are 9:30–11 a.m., M–F. Authorization and a valid ID will be required to pick up any check at SBO.

Once the Direct Deposit is established, Loyola will electronically transfer pay to the financial institution of the employee's choice when paychecks are processed.

Pay Check or Direct Deposit Problems: If questions arise concerning your pay they should be directed to your supervisor. If necessary, the supervisor will consult the Payroll Department or Human Resources. 

  • Emergency Advance Pay may be requested by employees experiencing financial emergencies.
  • An emergency payroll advance for one week salary may be requested once in a 12-month period.
  • Written support from your supervisor and approval of Human Resources are required.

Financial emergencies are often accompanied by stress. An employee experiencing financial problems may want to access consultation from Loyola's Employee Assistance Program.

Pay Rates

Broadband ranges are established by Human Resources for purposes of administering Loyola's compensation plan. Loyola strives to be a median market-paying employer. This is accomplished, in part, by comparing the compensation for selected Loyola positions against benchmark positions published in salary surveys.

An individual's salary level may be a function of the prevailing market value of the position as well as a function of the individual's years in a position and overall job performance. It is not intended that the potential salary for any one position to necessarily be at or near the band's maximum. Broadband salary ranges are posted on the HR website here.

Rates of pay for individual positions are budgeted within the hiring department and must meet the minimum range for the established band. All positions at Loyola must meet or exceed the federal minimum wage requirement.