
Employee Responsibility

Attendance and Punctuality

Job responsibilities require regular attendance and punctuality. Employees required to wear a uniform are allowed a reasonable period of time to change. If you will be absent or tardy, please contact your supervisor as early as possible so that staffing may be adjusted. Individual departments may have more specific requirements regarding notification for absences and tardiness. Three consecutive days of absence without notifying the supervisor constitutes a voluntary resignation.


An employee's personal appearance is important and reflects Loyola's image. Employees are expected to dress professionally and appropriately for their position and be clean and neat at all times. All uniforms should be properly maintained. Individual departments may have additional requirements.


Safety and Fire

Loyola's safety and accident prevention program is designed to protect employees, patients, faculty, students, and visitors. Each employee commits to a safe environment by:

  • Immediately reporting all accidents, injuries, and unsafe conditions to the supervisor.
  • Learning emergency phone numbers and the locations of fire alarms and extinguishers.
  • Becoming familiar with and demonstrating safe and healthy practices specific to the job and campus.
  • Learning and following procedures for proper treatment and disposal of hazardous materials.


Personal Business

The University has hired staff and faculty to conduct the business of the University with the expectation that their time and energy will be spent focused to that end. Loyola University Chicago has workstations, offices and auxiliary services such an the postal service in place to facilitate the nature of this business. The use of the University's mail system, phones, e-mail, fax machines, copying equipment, computers and associated hardware, internet connections, as well as all other University property are intended to conduct University business and not be abused by personal use.


Solicitation and Distribution

To minimize inconvenience to patients, students, faculty, employees, and visitors, solicitation and distribution of literature or goods is restricted. No solicitation or distribution of any kind is allowed during working time in work areas. Working time includes the working time of both the employee doing the solicitation or distribution and the employee to whom it is directed, but does not include break, lunch, or other duty-free periods. No solicitation or distribution of any kind is allowed at any time in any patient care area.

Personal Information/Release of Information

Employees must obtain the appropriate forms from Human Resources to record changes in name, address, telephone number, marital status or number of dependents. Any changes which may affect dependent coverage under insurance plans must be reported within 30 days; contact the Insurance Office of Human Resources for these forms. An employee may also change the amount withheld for income tax purposes through Human Resources. If an employee terminates, the correct address should be on file for mailing the W-2 tax form.

Loyola respects each employee's right to privacy and confidentiality. Consistent with this, Loyola does not release any employee's address, telephone number, or other confidential information to anyone outside Loyola without the written permission of the employee, unless required by law.


Employees at all campuses receive a photo identification card which should be displayed at the library, health service, or wherever identification is required.

Medical Center employees receive official identification badges which must be worn at all times while on duty.

Campus ID Card

The Campus ID Card is the university's official identification card and identifies Loyola students, faculty, and staff to all members of the Loyola community. Once a faculty/staff member begins employment, he/she are expected to obtain a campus card ID on their first day of employment. All Loyola employees-both faculty and staff are required to wear their campus ID card during the course of their work day.

The campus ID card automatically provides access to the shuttle bus, campus libraries and access into certain buildings and floors. Departments can also grant specific card holders access to computer labs and other campus buildings by notifying campus security. The Halas recreation center uses the Loyola ID as a membership card to gain access to its facility. The ID card may also be used as a pre-paid debt card, using Rambler Bucks, at on-campus dining facilities, Loyola Bookstores , Union Station, the Lake Shore Copy Center. It serves as a parking pass for staff and faculty who have signed up for monthly parking or can be used as a debit card to pay for occasional parking at several of the parking kiosks. Vending machines are transitioning to accept Rambler Bucks.

For further information see the website at http://www.luc.edu/campuscard/index.shtml.

Employment Records

Loyola permits and welcomes an employee to review his/her employment records. Interested employees should obtain a written request form from Human Resources.

Fitness for Duty

It is an employee's responsibility to report to work fit for duty and be able to perform job duties in a safe, appropriate, and effective manner free from the adverse effects of physical, mental, emotional and personal problems. Employees are encouraged to voluntarily seek assistance before job performance, work environment or interpersonal relationships or behavior are adversely affected, if they experience any of these problems.

When an employee's performance and/or behavior (including such evidence as the odor of alcohol or possible use of any illegal substance) appears to be unsafe, ineffective and/or inappropriate, the manager is responsible for removing the employee from the job and referring the employee for a Fitness for Duty exam. (For more specific information, consult the Human Resources Policy Manual.)

Progressive Disciplinary Procedure

Loyola's standards of conduct are meant to protect the health and safety of persons and property and to make the efficient delivery of educational and health care services possible. When problems occur, the decision to discipline may be based on a number of factors including the seriousness of the offense, risk of injury or loss and whether there is a pattern of misconduct by an employee. Violations of departmental work rules may also lead to discipline.

A disciplinary action remains in an employee's file for 12 months, as long as no further disciplines occur, after which it is removed and is no longer active. Violations of standards of conduct are cumulative; a second violation, even though it may be a different misconduct, is considered a second offense if it occurs within 12 months of the first violation.

Progressive discipline may consist of an oral warning, written warning, suspension, or termination. Depending upon the seriousness of the incident and extenuating circumstances, discipline may begin at any of these stages.

Employees at the Administrative Director level and above (job classes 01, 02, 03, 23) have special responsibilities and progressive discipline does not apply to them.


Loyola University and Loyola Medical Center encourage employees to work toward excellence and efficiency in job performance. Therefore, the University and Medical Center expects employees to meet the following responsibilities. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.

These guidelines are not meant to be exhaustive but are merely general requirements of a safe and efficient work place.

  1. Fulfill all responsibilities and service expectations of the job as contained in the job description and/or as further defined in work instructions given by the supervisor.
  2. Carry out reasonable requests and instructions of the supervisor.
  3. Observe all published health, safety, fire prevention, and security rules.
  4. Immediately report injuries or accidents.
  5. Maintain professional conduct by treating every person with respect and courtesy. Refrain from use of profane and abusive language, loud and disruptive behavior, and any action which may demean any individual.
  6. Report for work at the scheduled time. Absence for personal business is allowed only by prior arrangement. Chronic absenteeism or tardiness will result in disciplinary action and, if improvement does not occur, may lead to termination.
  7. Immediately report all absences to the Supervisor.
  8. All Medical Center and Loyola University Chicago employees are required to wear their employee identification badge/campus ID card while on the work premise.


Rules of Conduct

To provide a safe, equitable and pleasant working environment for all Loyola employees, rules for productive work and on the job behavior have been established. The examples listed in this handbook do not replace sound judgment, common courtesy, or common sense behavior.

Employees at the Administrative Director level and above (in job classes 01, 02, 03, 23) have special responsibilities that cannot be simplified into a list of rule violations. Consequently, Loyola may discipline or terminate these employees for any improprieties or deficiencies in the exercise of their responsibilities.

The following actions are clearly serious and any one of which may result in suspension or immediate termination for the first offense. This list is not exhaustive and other types of action may lead to suspension or termination.

  • Possess, use, copy, or read University and/or Medical Center records without authorization or divulge confidential information concerning any employee, patron, student, or patient.
  • Falsify employment applications, forms, timecards, or other University and/or Medical Center records.
  • Steal, intentionally damage, or misuse another person's or University and/or Medical Center property.
  • Commit or threaten to commit personal injury.
  • Insolence or insubordination.
  • Possess deadly weapons or explosives on University and/or Medical Center grounds.
  • Possess or use intoxicants, narcotics, cannabis, or controlled substances during employment or on University and/or Medical Center grounds, on an unlawful or unauthorized basis.
  • Violate University and/or Medical Center policy regarding racial, sexual or other forms of harassment.
  • Sleep, doze or be unresponsive while on duty.
  • Smoking is prohibited in all University owned buildings and no one may smoke within 15 feet of any entrance to a building designated as a non smoking building. (Revised 5/4/07)
  • Intentionally damage, waste, or misuse University and/or Medical Center equipment and supplies.
  • Interfere with the performance of another employee.
  • Violate the University and/or Medical Center's solicitation and distribution policy.
  • Violate established departmental and University and/or Medical Center policies and procedures.
  • Create, on any campus, a serious threat to the safety and health of employees, students, visitors or patients.
  • Commit fraud or bribery or be convicted of a felony.
  • Be chronically absent or tardy.
  • Not comply with the policies established for the security of Loyola University Chicago’s protected and sensitive data.
  • May not use access to University electronic resources in a way that implies that the University is actually or implicitly espousing a particular view, or endorsing any person, organization, product, service or belief; similarly, they may not use the name, logos, facilities or resources of the University for any personal, commercial or similar purposes, or to participate in or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office.  All University policies must be adhered to, with special attention to the Staff HandbookFaculty Handbook, and the ITS Acceptable Use Policy for Electronic University Resources.
  • Improper use of social media as outlined in the University Marketing and Communication Social Media Policy.


Updated 10/26/16, 2/13/17, 10/12/21


Complaint Procedure

A complaint is any concern that directly and substantially affects a person's employment at the University or Medical Center. For example, issues of working conditions, benefits, pay, promotions, transfers, or work-related problems with a supervisor or fellow employee may be subjects for a formal complaint. However, purely personal conflicts with fellow workers or questions about the standard operating procedures of various departments are not usually subject to the complaint procedure.

If a problem arises, an employee should usually try to resolve it with the supervisor and department director, and, if needed, gain the assistance of the Director of Human Resources or Human Resources Manager. On an informal basis, the Employee Assistance Program is also available. If these steps are unsuccessful, an employee may initiate the University/Medical Center Complaint Procedure by contacting the Director of Employee Relations at LUMC or the Director of Human Resources at the Lakeside campuses and presenting a written statement of the facts and issues involved. 

Note: For complaints specifically regarding discrimination and/or sexual misconduct, reporting may be filed online for the Office for Equity & Compliance to resolve alleged violations of Loyola University Chicago's Comprehensive Policy

Except in truly extraordinary circumstances, a formal complaint should be initiated no later than ten working days from the event giving rise to the complaint or from the date such event becomes known (or should have become known) to the employee. The responsibility for pursuing a complaint rests with the employee. An employee who does not meet the written filing requirements of the Complaint Procedure is considered to be satisfied. 

Depending upon the complexity of the complaint, a written decision is sent to the employee by Human Resources as soon as possible. After receiving this decision, an employee who remains dissatisfied has ten working days to file a written appeal to the appropriate Vice President of Human Resources. A final decision, in writing, will be sent to the employee from the appropriate Vice President of Human Resources as soon as practicable.