
Pregnant & Parenting Resources

LOYOLA IS FIRMLY COMMITTED to creating a welcoming, accessible, and inclusive environment for pregnant and parenting students and employees.

Discrimination against a student or employee based on pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions is a form of sex discrimination and is prohibited under Title IX.

At Loyola, pregnancy, childbirth, and related conditions include pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, lactation, medical conditions related to any of the above, and recovery from any of the above.

Lactation Spaces for Students & Employees

Students, faculty, and staff seeking a private space for breastfeeding or lactation can find a list of designated lactation spaces on campus below.

For employees

  • Each department is responsible for providing the necessary accommodation for any request made within their area, consistent with Illinois' Nursing Mothers in the Workplace Act.
  • Departments must make reasonable efforts to provide a room or other private location, in close proximity to the work area.
  • The room should be clean and provide a chair, table, electric outlets, and a door with a lock. A bathroom stall is not an acceptable private location.

For students

  • Students seeking to arrange access to lactation spaces should complete this request form.
  • Human Resources (Granada Center, Room 270 - 8:30AM - 5:00PM CST; preference is by appointment)
  • Sullivan Center (lower level; stop by the HUB front desk for the key).
  • Damen Student Center (3rd floor - 8:30AM - 5:00PM CST).

Anyone (employee or student) encountering obstacles to equitable use of the lactation spaces can submit a report to the Office for Equity & Compliance.

Lake Shore Campus


  • Human Resources (Granada Center, Room 270 - 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM CST; preference is by appointment)
  • Sullivan Center (lower level; stop by the HUB front desk for the key).
  • Damen Student Center (3rd floor - 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM CST).


Water Tower Campus

  • Human Resources (Lewis Towers, Room 827 - 8:30AM - 4:30PM CST; preference is by appointment) Please email lactationrm-WTCLT827@luc.edu to reserve a time via Outlook calendar and call 312-915-6175 to confirm.
  • Corboy Law School, 25 E. Pearson, Room 1085 (If possible, contact gsantibanez@luc.edu to arrange use of the room).
  • Schreiber Center, 16 E. Pearson, Room 315 (Personal Health Room).
  • Maguire Hall, 1 E. Pearson, Room 427 (If possible, contact agreenberg2@luc.edu to arrange use of the room). 

Health Sciences Campus

  • Cuneo 440C (Located behind a set of double-doors—specifically, near the service elevator in the southwest corner)
  • For additional consultation, contact your Human Resources Business partner or the Office of Human Resources at 312.915.6175.

Downers Grove Campus (ABSN)

Community Simulation Room 1020 W. 31st Street

Information for Students

Pregnant & parenting students may be eligible for reasonable assistance and/or modifications related to pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions. Accommodations for pregnancy-related disabilities may also be available.

For additional information regarding your rights as a pregnant and parenting student under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1872, please review Title IX Protects You From Discrimination At School and/or Discrimination Based on Pregnancy and Related Conditions Resource.

Requesting assistance for pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions

The University will not require a student to limit their studies due to pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions, and reasonable assistance and/or modifications will be provided for pregnant and parenting students on an individualized and voluntary basis where necessary to ensure equal educational access and freedom from discrimination.

Such assistance may include but is not limited to:

  • utilization of lactation spaces;
  • breaks during class or work to attend to health, breastfeeding, or lactation needs;
  • extension of time for coursework and rescheduling of tests and examinations; and
  • changes in physical equipment or supplies.

Any class absences due to pregnancy or related conditions must be excused, and students must be provided a reasonable opportunity to make up any missed assignments or coursework. Students wishing to take a leave of absence related to pregnancy may do so, after which they will be reinstated to their program in the same status as when the leave began.

Students seeking to request assistance related to pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions should submit the Pregnant & Parenting Student Assistance Request Form or contact any staff in either the Office of the Dean of Students or the Office for Equity & Compliance.

Am I required to tell anyone about my pregnancy or parenting status?

Students are not required to inform faculty, staff, or other employees of their pregnancy or parenting status, unless they are seeking related assistance. Loyola strives to create an environment that encourages voluntary sharing of this information, so that the University can provide relevant information and support for students as needed.

Students with pregnancy-related disabilities

Students with pregnancy-related disabilities (such as gestational diabetes) may also receive reasonable accommodations so they will not be disadvantaged in their course of study or research. To request such accommodations, qualifying students must first register with the Student Accessibility Center, wich will facilitate an individualized review of the request.

Information for Employees

Faculty and staff employees may also be eligible for reasonable assistance and/or modifications based on pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions, as well as reasonable accommodations for pregnancy-related disabilities. Employees seeking additional information or wishing to request such assistance should contact Human Resources at 773.508.3140 or hr-lsc@luc.edu.

Information for pregnant & parenting employees

Pregnant & Parenting employees may be eligible for pregnancy-related assistance or accommodations for pregnancy-related disabilities. Interested employees should contact Human Resources at 773.508.3140 or hr-lsc@luc.edu for more information.

What should an employee do if a student discloses they are pregnant or requests assistance/modifications based on pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions?

It is imperative that no student experience discrimination based on pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions. Pregnant and parenting students have specific rights under the law to ensure equal access to educational and workplace opportunities.

If a student discloses that they are pregnant or requests assistance or modifications to their academic or work requirements, faculty and staff employees should ask the student if they have met with the Office of the Dean of Students or the Office for Equity & Compliance to discuss their rights and options.

If the student has not already connected with either office, then please encourage them to do so, and provide the following contact information (both offices work together closely, and are equally equipped to support pregnant and parenting students):

Office of the Dean of Students (DOS)

Office for Equity & Compliance (OEC)

If a student is requesting assistance or modifications related to pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions, they may also be referred to the online Pregnant & Parenting Student Assistance Request Form, which will help expedite review of their request.

What to do if a student tells me they need to miss class due to pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions?

Under the law, faculty must excuse all medically necessary absences related to pregnancy, childbirth, and related conditions. This includes doctor appointments. In collaboration with the Office of the Dean of Students (DOS) or Office for Equity & Compliance (OEC), faculty members should excuse absences deemed medically necessary by an appropriate medical professional. Faculty and students should work with the DOS or OEC to ensure appropriate documentation of medical needs and to work through any unique challenges presented.

What does reasonable assistance for pregnant or parenting students look like?

Reasonable assistance or modifications could include allowing frequent bathroom breaks, arranging for a larger desk or different chair, excusing medically necessary absences, permitting a student to make up missed work, and/or allowing students reasonable time for nursing and access to private lactation spaces. The specific needs of each student will vary, and reasonable assistance will always be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Can I ask a student to prove they are pregnant or provide a doctor's note?

No. Faculty may not ask a student for medical documentation. Any documentation that is needed will be arranged through the Office of the Dean of Students or Office for Equity & Compliance.

LOYOLA IS FIRMLY COMMITTED to creating a welcoming, accessible, and inclusive environment for pregnant and parenting students and employees.

Discrimination against a student or employee based on pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions is a form of sex discrimination and is prohibited under Title IX.

At Loyola, pregnancy, childbirth, and related conditions include pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, lactation, medical conditions related to any of the above, and recovery from any of the above.

Lactation Spaces for Students & Employees

Students, faculty, and staff seeking a private space for breastfeeding or lactation can find a list of designated lactation spaces on campus below.

Information for Students

Pregnant & parenting students may be eligible for reasonable assistance and/or modifications related to pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions. Accommodations for pregnancy-related disabilities may also be available.

For additional information regarding your rights as a pregnant and parenting student under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1872, please review Title IX Protects You From Discrimination At School and/or Discrimination Based on Pregnancy and Related Conditions Resource.

Information for Employees

Faculty and staff employees may also be eligible for reasonable assistance and/or modifications based on pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions, as well as reasonable accommodations for pregnancy-related disabilities. Employees seeking additional information or wishing to request such assistance should contact Human Resources at 773.508.3140 or hr-lsc@luc.edu.