
Position Sourcing Ideas

Ad Placement

  • Place ad in places most likely to attract appropriate candidates
  • Place ad in minority media
  • Seek advice and assistance of HR department in placing ads


  • Local, regional, and national newspapers
  • Chronicle of Higher Education
  • Newspapers and journals of associations serving professionals in targeted field
  • Electronic sources : institution’s Web site, job banks (commercial sites for employers and applicants), listservs (free listing on professional associations’ electronic bulletin boards)

Position Announcements

  • Send to schools with programs in targeted field
  • Post on job boards of associations and other organizations serving professionals in targeted field
  • Post at conferences of professionals in targeted field
  • Post at career fairs

Other Activities

  • Seek names of directors, division chairs, deans, senior vice-presidents, and presidents as appropriate
  • Consult with recruit retirees, former employees, and consultants
  • Recruit people from competitors
  • Recruit people from minority organizations serving professionals in targeted field