
Security of Property

Loyola University Chicago makes every effort to provide a safe and secure environment in which our students and faculty can pursue knowledge and in which our staff may make productive contributions to the mission of the University. While the University provides a department of Campus Safety, it is the responsibility of all students, faculty and staff to cooperate with the department of Campus Safety and promote a secure environment by immediately reporting to the department of Campus Safety crimes already committed and suspicious persons or circumstances that may reasonably lead to crimes. On the Lake Shore Campus, call 8-6039, and on the Water Tower Campus, call 5-6476 to report crimes or suspicious circumstances. Further, it is the responsibility of all employees to comply with policies and procedures to protect University property that they use in the course of their work. Finally, while the University makes every effort to prevent crime, the University Is not responsible for the theft of personal property that employees choose to bring to work.


  1. Portable equipment, such as laptops, should be locked in a desk drawer or file cabinet when not in use, particularly overnight; a locked office door is not sufficient protection for these highly portable valuable pieces of equipment.
  2. A secured area will be identified within each department for the storage of general department equipment. Only the department head and one department designate will be given access to that area. The designate will then be responsible for monitoring the inventory of that equipment using serial numbers.
  3. All University hardware will be identified with electronically engraved numbers. Also, all equipment will be stenciled "LUC" to allow Campus Safety personnel to immediately identify University property.
  4. Any theft must be reported to Campus Safety immediately. No "internal investigations" may be conducted.
  5. Individual University departments are responsible for the resources the University provides to employees to accomplish their work. If departments do not enforce these policies or do not comply with them, the cost to replace stolen resources will be charged to the department.