
Recruitment and Employment


The recruitment and selection process for open staff positions is directed and monitored by the campus Human Resources office. Qualified internal candidates are given preference for open positions. All employment and starting salary offers are to be made by the campus Human Resources office.


This policy will attempt to achieve the cooperation of University departments and the campus Human Resources office in a coordinated effort designed to recruit and select the best qualified candidates available for open staff positions while conforming to all legal requirements.


This policy covers all recruitment and selection activity for approved full- and part-time staff (non-faculty) positions.


The campus Human Resources office initiates the recruitment effort for positions which have been approved through the University's requisition process.

  • A hiring department, in consultation with Campus Human Resources, may restrict initial recruitment efforts to qualified candidates internal to the department. All employees in a hiring department should be notified by posting or memo of the open position. Documentation of this notification should be forwarded to the campus Human Resources office.
  • If an internal departmental candidate is not selected, the campus Human Resources office will post the open position in the Job Opportunities Bulletin for distribution throughout the University and may simultaneously begin external recruitment. When feasible, fully qualified applicants from within the University will be referred to the hiring department for interview prior to external applicants. If applicable, the hiring department should communicate to the campus Human Resources office reasons why interviewed internal candidates are not suitable for the open position.
  • Human Resources directs and approves external recruitment efforts including the placement of all advertisements, including printed and electronic media. If the open position is identified, by the Campus Human Resource Office, as underutilized in the University's Affirmative Action Plan, additional recruitment efforts designed to attract qualified minorities may be employed. Search firms will be monitored by the campus Human Resource office and search committees will attempt to include a professional Human Resource representative as a member and/or resource to the committee.
  • Interviews may not be conducted by the hiring department without the approval and referral of the candidate by the campus Human Resource office.
  • All reference checks, notification of rejected candidates, and hiring/salary offers are the responsibility of the campus Human Resource office. As part of the employment offer, exempt employees will be quoted a weekly or bi-weekly salary; and non-exempt employees will be quoted both a weekly and an hourly rate.


  • Make the selection decision consistent with this policy.
  • Submit to the campus Human Resources office documentation citing the reasons for their selection decision(s) and/or the rejection of candidates. Hiring offers ordinarily will not be made by Human Resources without this required documentation.

Human Resources:

  • Manages and monitors each phase of the recruitment/selection and placement process.
  • Attempts to assure that all hiring decisions are consistent with the University's equal employment opportunity policy.
  • Preserves all documentation on all placements in underutilized positions.