
Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect

Under the Illinois Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act, all personnel of institutions of higher education are classified as "mandated reporters" who must report to the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) if the reporter has reasonable cause to believe that a minor under 18 years of age known to the reporter in his or her official or professional capacity may be abused (physically or sexually) or neglected.
  • Reports must be made immediately by phone to the DCFS hotline (1.800.25.ABUSE) or in person at a DCFS office, with a follow-up written report to be submitted within 48 hours of the verbal report (http://www.state.il.us/dcfs/child/index.shtml).
In addition to the DCFS report, Loyola staff or faculty must also notify Campus Safety that a report to DCFS has been (or will be) made by calling the Campus Safety Dispatch Center (staffed 24 hours per day and seven days per week) at 773.508.6039.
  • The staff or faculty member who identifies the suspected abuse or neglect must personally make the report to DCFS -- this responsibility cannot be delegated.
DCFS offers an online training course to help Illinois mandated reporters understand their critical role in recognizing and reporting child abuse. Mandated reporters can print a Certificate of Completion upon successful completion of the training.