
You're Invited: University Christmas Reception

November 15, 2022

Dear Faculty and Staff, 

We are delighted to invite you to the University Christmas Reception to be held on Tuesday, December 20 from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Damen Student Center on our Lake Shore Campus.
We hope you are available to gather in celebration of the season while mingling and connecting with fellow Loyolans, enjoying food & beverages, listening to music of the season, playing Christmas Bingo, and more!
Spirit Contest
University Staff Council will host its annual holiday spirit contest. The occasion provides space to illustrate your creativity. Contest details are available online. There will also be an opportunity to donate to the Loyola Employee Emergency Fund (LEEF).
Campus Parking & Inter-Campus Transportation
In partnership with Campus Transportation, complimentary parking will be available at Loyola’s Main Parking Structure. Alternatively, if you need a ride to the Lake Shore Campus from the Water Tower or Health Sciences Campuses, free round-trip shuttle service will be available. To help us plan accordingly, RSVP is requested as noted below:

  • Water Tower Campus—Shuttle service will leave at 1:30 p.m. from the Corboy Law Center, and depart at 4:15 p.m. from the Lake Shore Campus to return to the Water Tower Campus.
  • Health Sciences Campus—Shuttle service will leave at 12:30 p.m. from Fifth Avenue (outside of the School of Nursing building), and depart at 4:15 p.m. from the Lake Shore Campus to return to the Health Sciences Campus.

To RSVP for shuttle service transportation, please email hr-lsc@luc.edu no later than 12 p.m. on December 2. 

For general questions about the event, please contact Human Resources at hr-lsc@luc.edu or call 773-508-3140.
We look forward to you joining us and celebrating the holiday season.
Thomas M. Kelly                             
Senior Vice President of Administrative Services 

Margaret Faut Callahan, CRNA, PhD, FNAP, FAAN
Provost and Chief Academic Officer