
RSVP: Feast Day of Saint Ignatius Mass and Picnic

July 15, 2022

Dear Faculty, Staff, and Retirees,  

As a reminder, the Feast Day of Saint Ignatius Mass and Picnic will be held on Friday, July 29 at the Lake Shore Campus on the West Quad. Mass will begin at 11:00 a.m. at Madonna della Strada Chapel. The Picnic will immediately follow Mass.  

To RSVP for the Picnic, please sign-up online, and indicate whether you need transportation from the Water Tower or Health Sciences campuses no later than July 19. Your RSVP will enable us to make appropriate arrangements for lunch and all additional activities for attendees. 

Are you interested in volunteering during the Picnic to help us deliver a wonderful event for Faculty, Staff, and Retirees between 12:00PM – 2:00PM CST? Volunteers will have an opportunity to assist during a 30-minute shift, and receive a cool t-shirt!  

We hope you will consider volunteering. If you are available, please email hr-lsc@luc.edu by July 15 and include your t-shirt size. 

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you at the picnic! 


Winifred L. Williams, PhD
Vice President, Human Resources
Chief Human Resources Officer