
Reminder: Complete Your 2023 Open Enrollment

November 10, 2022 

Dear Faculty and Staff, 

As a reminder to our community, all Open Enrollment changes need to be completed in the Employee Self-Service portal by the end of Tuesday, November 15 in order to be effective January 1, 2023. Even if you decide not to make any changes to your benefits for 2023, you should complete the online Open Enrollment process in Employee Self-Service to avoid the Tobacco Premium, Spousal/LDA Premium and re-enroll in the Flexible Spending Account (FSA) for 2023. 

Detailed information summarizing benefit plans and monthly insurance premium rates are included in the 2023 Benefits Highlights Brochure, or you can learn more by consulting ALEX, an interactive online tool designed to serve as your personalized benefits counselor.  

If you were unable to join us for one of the three information sessions held, you can review the slide deck from the information session at LUC.edu/hr/openenrollment  

Save $600 on your medical premiums in 2023. Register and complete your biometric screening and Health Power Assessment by December 2. Register at empower.health (Client Code: loyolaehs).  

Below is a list of upcoming important dates:

  • November 10: On-campus Biometric Screening & Flu Shots at WTC
  • November 15: Open Enrollment via Employee Self-Service Ends
  • November 17: On-campus Biometric Screening & Flu Shots at HSC
  • December 2: All Biometric Screenings and Health Power Assessment are due
  • January 2023: Review your first paycheck to confirm correct elections and premium deductions

As a reminder, if you do nothing during Open Enrollment, you will automatically be re-enrolled in your benefits selections from the current year with two exceptions. Faculty and staff who wish to continue with flexible spending accounts (health care or dependent care) are required to re-enroll annually. In addition, if you do not complete the tobacco certification and the spousal/LDA questions (if applicable) presented in open enrollment, a higher medical premium will apply in 2023.  

If you have questions regarding this message or open enrollment, please visit LUC.edu/hr/openenrollment or contact Human Resources at benefits@luc.edu or 312-915-6175. 


Danielle Hanson
Associate Vice President
Human Resources 

Thomas M. Kelly
Senior Vice President for Administrative Services
Office of the President