
July 2019 Human Resources Updates

Dear Faculty and Staff,

Human Resources is pleased to provide updates and announce new programs and services for our Loyola University Chicago community. Please review the information below to learn more about the University Assisted Housing Program, how you can join us in celebrating the Feast Day of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, how to take advantage of Blue365 health and wellness discounts, and how to sign up to attend a Form I-9 training session in preparation for the fall semester student-worker hiring season.

Reminder—Learn More on July 16 about the University Assisted Housing Program
There is space available at the University Assisted Housing seminar scheduled at the Health Sciences Campus on July 16 at 12 p.m. Benefits-eligible faculty and staff members who attend will learn more about buying and owning property near the lakeside and/or Health Sciences campuses. Learn more about the benefit online, including how you can sign up to attend the session. 

Celebrate the Feast Day of Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Human Resources and University Staff Council are excited to invite faculty members, staff members, and retirees to the annual Saint Ignatius Mass and picnic at the Lake Shore Campus. Mass will begin at 11 a.m., with social festivities following at 12 p.m. on the East Quad. In addition, registration is now open for Ignatian Service Days scheduled to take place near the Chicagoland campuses on July 26 and August 3. Please visit the Feast Day website for more details, including how to contribute to a donation drive as part of our collective commitment to supporting our local communities.

Review and Update Your Beneficiary Designations 
When is the last time you updated your beneficiary designations on your retirement accounts or life insurance policy? Beneficiary designations should be reviewed and updated any time there is a family birth, death, marriage, or divorce. For your Loyola 403(b) plan retirement accounts, each beneficiary selection you make is unique to each retirement account you have; you can review and change beneficiaries online through each retirement carrier. You can review and update your Loyola life insurance beneficiary selection online via Employee Self-Service

Access Discounts through Blue365 
Staff and faculty members enrolled in Loyola’s medical plan have access to a variety of discounts through the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois Blue365 program. Discounts include fitness apparel, gym memberships, nutrition options, eyeglasses, hearing aids, and more. Explore deals available just for you. 

Attend an Upcoming Form I-9 Training Webinar 
If you are a manager or supervisor engaged in hiring and onboarding student workers, we want you to be trained appropriately to complete the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Form I-9. Form I-9 is complex, and to help you complete it properly and ensure regulatory compliance as you sign this government document, subject-matter experts in Form I-9 completion and in the hiring of international students will conduct three webinars via ZOOM. Please enroll in one of these training opportunities via the EMERGE website:

  • Thursday, July 25: 10-11 a.m.
  • Thursday, August 1: 1-2 p.m.
  • Wednesday, August 7: 2:30-3:30 p.m.

Thank you in advance for your attendance. Please contact Human Resources with questions at hr-payroll-processing@LUC.edu.

Complete Business Skills Training via Skillsoft
As we rest and reflect over the summer in preparation for the upcoming academic year, faculty and staff members are encouraged to review free online professional development courses through Skillsoft. Approximately 200 on-demand courses help refresh and expand business skills and knowledge. During July, we are highlighting the Cross-Cultural Communication course bundle, which provides communication strategies and conflict prevention steps to bridge cultural divides. Download the Skillsoft app via Apple's App Store or the Google Play store and use your Loyola username and password to access training materials on your mobile device throughout the year. 

If you have questions regarding any of these updates, please visit LUC.edu/hr.


Winifred L. Williams, PhD
Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer
Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer