
Introducing the Enterprise Learning Hub to Manage University Training

October 28, 2020

Dear Colleagues, 

In alignment with Loyola University Chicago's commitment toward creating and fostering a safe and welcoming experience for all community members, Information Technology Services (ITS), Human Resources (HR), and the Office for Equity and Compliance (OEC) are launching online training modules today using a new platform. This training is required to enable our compliance with mandatory local, state, and federal regulations in these respective areas.

This year, we are excited to announce that required online compliance training modules are accessible through a new platform called the Enterprise Learning Hub. A key benefit to utilizing the Enterprise Learning Hub is that you can access all of your compliance training modules from one location and monitor your progress from a single, easy-to-use dashboard. Additionally, all communications regarding the status of your training will originate from a single, trusted source, LearningHub@LUC.edu

Fall 2020 Required Trainings

Please find below the required training for Fall 2020, which should be completed by Wednesday, November 18. Course completion demonstrates our collective commitment to maintaining a safe, inclusive, and respectful academic and workplace environment at Loyola.

Course invitations will arrive from LearningHub@LUC.edu, and you can access the training with your Loyola username and password.

  1. Information Security Awareness Training
    Facilitator: Information Technology Services | Audience: All faculty and staff | Invitation Source: LearningHub@LUC.edu

    In today’s world of ever-changing information security threats, awareness training is one of the most effective ways to protect your personal identity and the University’s information assets. Awareness training shows us ways to avoid costly errors, data breaches, and data loss, and how to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the academic and personal information of our students and fellow faculty and staff members. Additionally this training heightens awareness of Loyola’s security policies, procedures, and best practices; shares some of the pitfalls and actions you can take to handle and protect information properly; and reinforces the responsibility that everyone at Loyola has to protect University assets. This semester’s training will be focused on Privacy and PII, Social Engineering, and required annual updates for the European General Data Protection Regulation and Red Flag Identity Theft Prevention.

    2. NEW - Harassment Prevention for Illinois Employees – Office 2
    Facilitator: Human Resources | Audience: All faculty and staff | Invitation Source: LearningHub@LUC.edu

    Loyola maintains a zero-tolerance policy regarding all forms of harassment. Harassment is a violation of University policy and it is prohibited by law. In the spirit of upholding the University’s values, we encourage you to prepare to complete the upcoming mandatory annual harassment prevention training. This next phase of harassment prevention education represents consecutive training beyond the second phase, which was administered in 2018–2019, and supports Loyola’s commitment to building and preserving a welcoming, inclusive, and respectful campus community.

    3. Title IX for Higher Education
    Facilitator: Office for Equity and Compliance | Audience: All faculty and staff | Invitation Source: LearningHub@LUC.edu 

    To ensure a basic understanding of the legal implications and requirements of Title IX, an invitation to review and complete the “Title IX for Higher Education” training will be provided to all University employees. Under University policy, responsible campus partners are mandated to report suspected, witnessed, or disclosed sexual misconduct of any kind against any student or minor to the OEC within 24 hours. With limited exceptions, almost all faculty and staff are considered responsible campus partners. In addition, all faculty and staff should familiarize themselves with the University’s Comprehensive Policy and Equitable Resolution Procedures for Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct, and Retaliation

Once again, we are excited to bring this new functionality to the Loyola community to more effectively manage our training initiatives and enhance your user experience. We appreciate your participation and dedication toward completing this ongoing professional development. Your support impacts the entire University community.


Susan M. Malisch
Vice President and CIO, Information Technology Services

Winifred L. Williams, PhD
Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer
Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer