
Correction: Holiday Gratitude for Faculty and Staff

UPDATE/CORRECTION: Please note that the communication below was intended to offer Wednesday, December 22, as the additional day off, rather than Thursday, December 23. The updated message is below. Again, thank you for all you do with and for Loyola.  

December 8, 2021 

Dear Faculty and Staff, 

As we enjoy the holiday season and look forward to the end of the fall semester, we want to share sincere gratitude for the many ways you have worked to care for each other and the wider Loyola University Chicago community throughout this year. Working together, you have navigated a full return to campus life and helped to ensure the health and safety of all members of our community. We have been able to achieve this with the expertise, hard work, and compassion of every member of our community. 

We have met new challenges with commitment and a spirit of grace towards each other. We continue to make adjustments to modes of work, instruction, and celebrations. We remain vigilant and mindful of COVID-19 health protocols, travel restrictions, and the importance of regular testing and staying current on vaccinations.   

In recognition of all of this, we are pleased to add an additional day to the paid time off around the Christmas holidays on Wednesday, December 22. This will extend our existing holiday break from Thursday, December 23 through Sunday, January 2, 2022 to now include Wednesday, December 22. The Human Resources team will share more details about how employees should code their time cards for the additional time off. 

Please know how grateful we are for all of the “extras” you have provided throughout the semester to care for our students and one another as we advance our Jesuit, Catholic mission of education, research, and service. 

Yours in Loyola, 

Jo Ann Rooney, JD, LLM, EdD

Winifred L. Williams, PhD
Vice President, Human Resources
Chief Human Resources Officer