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Camera Requirements

All students enrolled in FNAR 115: Foundations of Photography are expected to use a DSLR camera with manual controls.  Students are encouraged to have regular access to a DSLR over the duration of the course; the department does not have digital cameras available for checkouts.

Recent APS-C format DSLRs, such as the Canon SL1 or Canon T5i, are affordable options that capture images in RAW format.  The camera must allow manual operation in order for students to learn the technical concepts previously demonstrated through a 35mm film camera (aperture, shutter speed, ISO, metering).

If a student is looking to purchase a new digital camera, Canon frequently offers a refurbished Rebel with a kit lens at a reasonable price.

A limited amount of Canon DSLRs are available for check out at the Digital Media Services located at Room 207 of the Information Commons, as well as Room 605 of Corboy Law Center on the Water Tower Campus.  The camera needs to be reserved ahead of time, and the maximum length of a loan is 5 days.

All students enrolled in FNAR 115: Foundations of Photography are expected to use a DSLR camera with manual controls.  Students are encouraged to have regular access to a DSLR over the duration of the course; the department does not have digital cameras available for checkouts.

Recent APS-C format DSLRs, such as the Canon SL1 or Canon T5i, are affordable options that capture images in RAW format.  The camera must allow manual operation in order for students to learn the technical concepts previously demonstrated through a 35mm film camera (aperture, shutter speed, ISO, metering).

If a student is looking to purchase a new digital camera, Canon frequently offers a refurbished Rebel with a kit lens at a reasonable price.

A limited amount of Canon DSLRs are available for check out at the Digital Media Services located at Room 207 of the Information Commons, as well as Room 605 of Corboy Law Center on the Water Tower Campus.  The camera needs to be reserved ahead of time, and the maximum length of a loan is 5 days.