Peer Groups
Your trusted network for support and solutions.
Being part of a family business can feel isolating. Peer groups offer a space for members to connect, share experiences, and tackle common challenges together.
Led by professional facilitators, these confidential groups often become a trusted personal board of advisors, providing support and peer-to-peer learning.
To join a peer group, fill out the form at the link below, and our staff will be in touch. Submissions are accepted year-round.
Special offer for Family Business Center members:
Sign up for two traditional peer groups and get the third one free! Contact us to learn more.
Types of Groups
Below is a list of the peer groups we currently offer.
Content includes relevant business speakers, member facility site visits, and personal check-ins. Each group is strictly confidential. Members of the same family business will never be placed together in the same group.
Group Size: 5-12
Participants: Family members at C-suite who run the day-to-day business
Meeting Frequency: Bimonthly, half-day meeting
Meeting Format: Hybrid or in-person groups available
One-on-one Coaching: Twice a year
Pricing: Center members only - $3,500/yr
Content includes relevant business speakers, member facility site visits, and personal check-ins. Each group is strictly confidential. Members of the same family business will never be placed together in the same group.
Group Size: 5-12
Participants: Family members not at C-suite level who are involved in the day-to-day business
Meeting Frequency: Bimonthly, half-day meeting
Meeting Format: Typically in-person
One-on-one Coaching: Twice a year
Pricing: Center members only - $3,500/yr
Chief Human Resource Officers
Our HR peer group provides a think tank opportunity for certified and experienced HR professionals in family businesses. Group members can safely discuss a variety of issues, including effective ways to manage ever-changing employment laws.
Group Size: 5-12
Participants: Chief Human Resource Officers (family and non-family)
Meeting Frequency: Bimonthly, half-day meeting
Meeting Format: Typically in-person
One-on-one Coaching: Twice a year
Pricing: Center members $3,500/yr | Non-Members $5,000/yr
Female Board Directors
Our Female Board Directors peer group provides a collaborative space to share insights, experiences, and best practices for navigating board governance and leadership challenges.
Group Size: 5-12
Participants: Women who are non-family board directors
Meeting Frequency: Bimonthly, half-day meeting
Meeting Format: TBD
One-on-one Coaching: Twice a year
Pricing: Center members $3,500/yr | Non-Members $5,000/yr
Shareholder Relations
Our Shareholder Relations peer group brings together professional staff and family who manage family office functions. Sample topics include family education and philanthropy.
Group Size: 3-8
Participants: Family and Non-Family
Meeting Frequency: Quarterly
Meeting Format: Primarily virtual (90 minutes), with one half-day, in-person gathering per year
One-on-one Coaching: Not available
Pricing: Members are free | Non-Members $1,500/yr
Family Council
Our Family Council peer group brings together family business members who run or participate in shareholder meetings, family meetings, and family councils.
Group Size: 5-12
Participants: Family members not involved in the day-to-day business
Meeting Frequency: Bimonthly, half-day meeting
Meeting Format: TBD
One-on-one Coaching: Twice a year
Pricing: Center members $3,500/yr | Non-Members $5,000/yr
CFO Roundtable
CFO Roundtables are intimate, sponsor-hosted luncheons led by a CFO who introduces a key topic or issue for discussion. Participants exchange experiences and solutions related to business, family, and governance challenges. Learn more.
Group Size: 5-12
Participants: Family and Non-Family CFOs and Controllers
Meeting Frequency: Up to quarterly, typically 2 hours
One-on-one Coaching: No
Pricing: Free
Peer group facilitators
- Provide feedback about your peer group meeting here.
- Would you like to be a peer group facilitator? Email Jill McCall to learn more.
To learn more about our peer groups, contact us at 312.915.6490 or
Your trusted network for support and solutions.
Being part of a family business can feel isolating. Peer groups offer a space for members to connect, share experiences, and tackle common challenges together.
Led by professional facilitators, these confidential groups often become a trusted personal board of advisors, providing support and peer-to-peer learning.
To join a peer group, fill out the form at the link below, and our staff will be in touch. Submissions are accepted year-round.
Special offer for Family Business Center members:
Sign up for two traditional peer groups and get the third one free! Contact us to learn more.
Peer group facilitators
- Provide feedback about your peer group meeting here.
- Would you like to be a peer group facilitator? Email Jill McCall to learn more.