Loyola University Chicago logo Loyola University Chicago Housed in the Loyola Business Leadership Hub Family Business Center


We are a community of family owned businesses.


Membership is open to the whole family and non-family executives. Member companies are multi-generational, middle market sized, and family owned. They are committed to a common goal of generational ownership and succession and they collaborate and support one another.

Members participate in confidential, experiential peer groups; institute cohorts; and ad hoc teams. They get to know one another over time and commit to helping other members through knowledge transfer and shared experiences. Average membership is 10 years. Former members sometimes reactivate membership; this usually happens during periods of succession from one generation to the next.

Coaches and Facilitators

Subject matter experts and executive coaches provide additional resources and support to our staff. They lead small groups and educational institutes, and advise on current best processes and programs. Each has experience and training in business complemented by a second area of expertise such as social work, human capital, psychotherapy, finance, or law. They are committed to family business success and Loyola's values.

Corporate Partners

While membership is only available to family businesses, we have strong and trusted relationships with organizations that have supported the Center for the last 30 years. These partners provide subject matter expertise and financial capital to help underwrite programming and operational needs. Corporate partners do not attend our family-only conferences, member socials, or small group meetings.

We are a community of family owned businesses.


Membership is open to the whole family and non-family executives. Member companies are multi-generational, middle market sized, and family owned. They are committed to a common goal of generational ownership and succession and they collaborate and support one another.

Members participate in confidential, experiential peer groups; institute cohorts; and ad hoc teams. They get to know one another over time and commit to helping other members through knowledge transfer and shared experiences. Average membership is 10 years. Former members sometimes reactivate membership; this usually happens during periods of succession from one generation to the next.

Coaches and Facilitators

Subject matter experts and executive coaches provide additional resources and support to our staff. They lead small groups and educational institutes, and advise on current best processes and programs. Each has experience and training in business complemented by a second area of expertise such as social work, human capital, psychotherapy, finance, or law. They are committed to family business success and Loyola's values.

Corporate Partners

While membership is only available to family businesses, we have strong and trusted relationships with organizations that have supported the Center for the last 30 years. These partners provide subject matter expertise and financial capital to help underwrite programming and operational needs. Corporate partners do not attend our family-only conferences, member socials, or small group meetings.