
Resolution Format for Student Respondents

UPON A FINDING BY THE INVESTIGATOR that a student respondent is responsible for one or more policy violations, the matter is referred to the director of the Office of Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution (“OSCCR”), who serves as the Administrative Resolution Officer ("ARO") or delegates the matter to an alternative ARO, typically assigned from among the staff of the OSCCR. The administrative resolution phase for students substantially follows the principles for sanctions codified within the Community Standards and includes a thorough review of the investigative documentation and findings, including the Final Investigation Report and all associated evidence on which the investigative decision relied.

When the respondent is a student, parties may object to any assigned ARO for cause (e.g. conflict of interest or bias) in writing to the Executive Director of Equity & Compliance ("EDEC") as soon as possible. An ARO may be replaced or removed if the EDEC concludes that a bias or conflict of interest exists. Similarly, any ARO who cannot make an objective determination must recuse themselves from the process. If an ARO is unsure of whether a bias or conflict of interest exists, they must raise the concern to the EDEC as soon as possible.

UPON A FINDING BY THE INVESTIGATOR that a student respondent is responsible for one or more policy violations, the matter is referred to the director of the Office of Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution (“OSCCR”), who serves as the Administrative Resolution Officer ("ARO") or delegates the matter to an alternative ARO, typically assigned from among the staff of the OSCCR. The administrative resolution phase for students substantially follows the principles for sanctions codified within the Community Standards and includes a thorough review of the investigative documentation and findings, including the Final Investigation Report and all associated evidence on which the investigative decision relied.

When the respondent is a student, parties may object to any assigned ARO for cause (e.g. conflict of interest or bias) in writing to the Executive Director of Equity & Compliance ("EDEC") as soon as possible. An ARO may be replaced or removed if the EDEC concludes that a bias or conflict of interest exists. Similarly, any ARO who cannot make an objective determination must recuse themselves from the process. If an ARO is unsure of whether a bias or conflict of interest exists, they must raise the concern to the EDEC as soon as possible.